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Last active December 16, 2015 02:29
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  • Save vihanb/d2cf4e892cea3134ab98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vihanb/d2cf4e892cea3134ab98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A bot which learns english through conversation
// The Chatbot run on
// @Upgoat (StackExchange)
// This Chatbot is designed for learning how to have a conversation
// It does this by having conversations with you, taking alternating parts
// Bascically through enough supervised learning it should be able to talk
function Speak(out,m) {document.getElementById("input").value=(m?":""-")[1]+" ":"")+out;document.getElementById("sayit-button").click()}
Array.prototype.random = function() { return this.length ? this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)] : "<broken goat/no items>" };
//console.log = (function(old){return function(){Speak.apply(this, arguments);old.apply(console, arguments)}}(console.log));
// Config
var delay = 500; // 2000 might possible work better
var latestart = "";
var NAME = "Chatgoat"; // Chatbot name, modifiable
var TAG = `<${NAME}> `;
var START= latestart || TAG+`My name is ${NAME}, Talk to me and I'll try to have a meaningful conversation with you`
if (!latestart) Speak(START);
var called = [];
// VERY important
var DATA = {
"conv": { // Conversations
"Downgoat": { // User
"cs": [ // User Conversations
id: 0, // Conversation last ID
ct: 0, // Conversation items
speak: [], // Test
gen: [], // Generated responses
user: true
learned: [ // All the learned phrases
words: { // Word frequency list
"hello": 1
"punc": [".!\u0003"],
var conv_temp = { id: 0, ct: 0, speak: [], gen: [], user: true };
window.commands = {};
function Bare(words){return words.toLowerCase().match(/[A-Za-z]+/g) || []}
function GetFrequency() {
DATA.words = [].concat.apply([], DATA.learned).reduce(function(obj, item) {
if (obj[item]) obj[item] = 1;
else obj[item]++;
}, {});
return DATA.words;
function GenerateSentence(conv) {
var CV = DATA.learned[conv.ct];
return CV || "<Error / Could not generate response>";
var play = function play() {
var help = {
"/done": "Kills chatgoat retuning a conversation data dump",
"/start": "Starts a new conversation",
"/end": "Returns a dump of the conversation"
var alive = true;
window.commands = $.extend(window.commands, {
"help": function () { return Object.keys(help).map(function(item) { return TAG+item + ": " + help[item] }).join("\n") },
"done": function () { return Speak(JSON.stringify(DATA, null, 2)) },
"start":function (t,u,i) {
if (DATA.conv[u]) { // User exists
DATA.conv[u].cs.unshift(conv_temp); return "Done"
DATA.conv[u].cs[0].user = !DATA.conv[u].cs[1].user;
} else { // Make user
DATA.conv[u] = { cs: [conv_temp] };
if (!DATA.conv[u].cs[0].user) {
var CV = DATA.conv[u].cs,
IT = CV[0];
Speak( GenerateSentence(IT) );
Speak("Started, when talking, let Chatgoat respond before you post another message");
"end": function(t,u) { Speak(JSON.stringify(DATA.conv[u].cs[DATA.conv[u].cs.length - 1])) }
var messages = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".message")).filter(function (message, i, all) {
var id = message.getAttribute("id").split("-")[1];
if (~called.indexOf(id)) return false;
else called.push(id);
return i > (q) { return q.textContent.trim() }).lastIndexOf(START) &&
message.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".username").textContent.trim() !== "Upgoat";
messages.forEach(function (message) {
var text = $(message.querySelector(".content")).text().trim();
var user = message.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".username").textContent.trim();
var ID = message.getAttribute("id").split("-")[1];
var link = ":" + ID + " ";
if (/^\/[a-z]+$/.test(text)) {
window.commands[text.slice(1)](text, user, ID);
// Speak("Done");
} else {
if (DATA.conv[user]) {
DATA.conv[user].cs[0].speak.push(text); // Add conversation response
DATA.conv[user].cs[0].id = ID; // Set ID
var count = DATA.conv[user].cs[0].ct++;
Bare(text).map(function(item) { !~DATA.learned[count].indexOf(item) && DATA.learned[count].push(item) });
} else {
Speak(link + "You haven't started a conversation yet. Start one with /start. Conversations are needed so I can know who I'm talking to.");
Object.keys(DATA.conv).map(function(username) {
return DATA.conv[username].cs[0]
}).filter(function (conversation) {
return !conversation.user;
setTimeout("", 2100);
if (alive) setTimeout(play, delay); // Avoids zombie Chatgoat
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