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Created January 10, 2019 03:29
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VSL wasm heap allocator
private func memoryGrow(memIndex: UInt32, by size: UInt32) -> Int32 external("llvm.wasm.memory.grow.i32");
private func memorySize(memIndex: UInt32) -> UInt32 external("llvm.wasm.memory.size.i32");
// VSL WASM heap allocation implementation
// This uses a first fit technique by designing the heap
// as a linked list. This rather aggressively merges blocks
// and is kind of similar to dlalloc
// WASM Page size as designated in spec (64 Ki)
// WebAssembly Core Specification § 4.2.8
private const WASM_PAGE_SIZE: UInt64 = 64 << 10
// Default block size (a given memory 'item').
private const initialBlockSize: UInt64 = 1 << 8
// Minimum extra size required before a given block will be split
private const splitPressure: UInt64 = 1 << 4
// Cannot be larger than a signed 64 bit integer
private const MAXIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE: UInt64 = UInt64::Int64.maxValue
// Safe memory grow
private func safeMemoryGrow(by size: UInt32) {
const oldSize = memoryGrow(memIndex: 0, by: size)
assert(oldSize != -1, "VSL: out of memory")
// Abstractly represents a block, this is overlayed on top of memory. Can't
// actually construct this because that would mean dynamic memory.
private class WASMBlock {
// The size of the current block
let size: UInt64 = 0
// Next block pointer
let nextBlock: WASMBlock = WASMBlock::0
// Previous block pointer
let previousBlock: WASMBlock = WASMBlock::0
// Specifies if the block is free. LLVM will align(4) but using UInt32 will
// explicitly indicate 4-width alignment.
let isFree: UInt32 = 0
// Start of block data
let data: Pointer<UInt8> {
return Pointer<UInt8>::(Pointer<WASMBlock>::self).offset(by: 1)
// Gets the would-be pointer of the adjacent block
let nextAdjacentBlock: WASMBlock {
return Int64::self.size)
private const heapBase: UInt64 external(__heap_base);
// Amount of bytes to avoid splitting. Average VSL object is around 8-16 bytes
// but given the 16 bytes required for a block header.
// Reference to the base block
private const baseBlock: WASMBlock = WASMBlock::0
// Splits memory if appropriate.
private func splitBlock(block: WASMBlock, withSize size: UInt64) {
const originalSize = block.size
// See if enough space in block to create a new block (with size) and
// overcome pressure.
if block.size < size + Pointer<WASMBlock>.sizeof() + splitPressure {
// If block is not big enough don't split
// Set the block size
block.size = size
// Get the next block
let newBlock = block.nextAdjacentBlock
// [Header 1][Data 1][Header 2][Data 2]
// [ Data 0 ]
// So the sizeof [Data 1] is size plus the header subtracted from the sizeof
// [Data 0]
let newBlockSize = originalSize - (size + Pointer<WASMBlock>.sizeof())
newBlock.nextBlock = block.nextBlock
newBlock.previousBlock = block
newBlock.size = newBlockSize
newBlock.isFree = 1
block.nextBlock = newBlock
// Finds the next free block
private func findBlock(withSize size: UInt64) -> WASMBlock {
// Start at the base block
let block: WASMBlock = baseBlock
while !(Pointer<WASMBlock>::block).isNullPtr() {
// Check if block is big enough
if block.isFree != 0 && block.size >= size {
return block
block = block.nextBlock
// Current heap size
const currentMemorySize: UInt64 = UInt64::memorySize(memIndex: 0)
// See if the previous block is free, in that case we can just extend it
if block.isFree != 0 {
// See if there is enough memory
const expectedBlockEndPtr: UInt64 = Int64::size)
if expectedBlockEndPtr > currentMemorySize {
// See how much we need to grow memory by
const memoryNeeded = expectedBlockEndPtr - currentMemorySize
const pagesNeeded = memoryNeeded \ WASM_PAGE_SIZE + 1
memoryGrow(memIndex: 0, by: UInt32::pagesNeeded)
// Now that we've extended the block we can update the size
const newMemorySize: UInt64 = UInt64::memorySize(memIndex: 0)
const newSize: UInt64 = newMemorySize -
block.size = newSize
return block
} else {
// If we couldn't find one we'll need to grow memory or create a new block.
// also at this point `block` will point to the last block
const blockSpaceNeeded: UInt64 = Pointer<WASMBlock>.sizeof() + size
// Get the end pointer of the new block
const lastBlockEndPtr: UInt64 = Int64::block.size)
const expectedBlockEndPtr: UInt64 = lastBlockEndPtr + blockSpaceNeeded
// see if enough space
if expectedBlockEndPtr > currentMemorySize {
// See how much we need to grow memory by
const memoryNeeded = expectedBlockEndPtr - currentMemorySize
const pagesNeeded = memoryNeeded \ WASM_PAGE_SIZE + 1
memoryGrow(memIndex: 0, by: UInt32::pagesNeeded)
// Calculate new size
const newMemorySize: UInt64 = UInt64::memorySize(memIndex: 0)
const newSize = newMemorySize - (lastBlockEndPtr + Pointer<WASMBlock>.sizeof())
// Now set the new block
const newBlock = WASMBlock::lastBlockEndPtr
block.nextBlock = newBlock
newBlock.nextBlock = WASMBlock::0
newBlock.previousBlock = block
newBlock.isFree = 1
newBlock.size = newSize
return newBlock
// Allocations for WebAssembly
private func alloc(size: UInt64) -> OpaquePointer {
assert(size <= MAXIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE, "VSL: cannot allocate more than 8 EiB")
// We'll need to init the heap it is the first allocation
if (Pointer<WASMBlock>::baseBlock).isNullPtr() {
// Ensure first block is big enough
// This is the pointer to the first byte of data that would be returned
// by this
const baseBlockDataOffset: UInt64 = heapBase + Pointer<WASMBlock>.sizeof()
let currentMemorySize: UInt64 = UInt64::memorySize(memIndex: 0)
// Check if we need more heap
if baseBlockDataOffset + size < currentMemorySize {
// See how much space is needed
const blockSpaceNeeded: UInt64 = (baseBlockDataOffset + size) - currentMemorySize
// See how many pages needed to allocate block space needed. Add one
// because int division rounds down
const pagesNeeded: UInt64 = blockSpaceNeeded \ WASM_PAGE_SIZE + 1
// Create enough space for the block
memoryGrow(memIndex: 0, by: UInt32::pagesNeeded)
// At this point we know the heap is big enough for at least the first
// block so we'll do that.
// Get the new memory size and we'll see how much space we have for
// data. It'll be essentially be one giant block
currentMemorySize = UInt64::memorySize(memIndex: 0)
const newDataSize: UInt64 = currentMemorySize - baseBlockDataOffset
baseBlock = WASMBlock::heapBase
baseBlock.size = newDataSize
baseBlock.nextBlock = WASMBlock::0
baseBlock.previousBlock = WASMBlock::0
// Base block is not free because that's what we will return
baseBlock.isFree = 0
// Now we'll need to split this block so it's only as big as it needs
// to be
splitBlock(baseBlock, withSize: size)
return OpaquePointer::baseBlock
} else {
// Otherwise we'll need to try to find a block we can use
const freeBlock = findBlock(withSize: size)
freeBlock.isFree = 0
// Determine if we need to split it
splitBlock(freeBlock, withSize: size)
return OpaquePointer::baseBlock
// Stupid realloc which literally just free()s and malloc()s again UNLESS the
// sum of
private func realloc(source: OpaquePointer, newSize: UInt64) -> OpaquePointer {
return alloc(newSize)
private func free(pointer: OpaquePointer) -> Void {
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