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Created May 21, 2020 17:37
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  • Save vihardesu/9694460234f38e808916f7af6e5e05cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Returns the color's meaning of a folder structure in an ubuntu terminal.
eval $(echo "no:global default;fi:normal file;di:directory;ln:symbolic link;pi:named pipe;so:socket;do:door;bd:block device;cd:character device;or:orphan symlink;mi:missing file;su:set uid;sg:set gid;tw:sticky other writable;ow:other writable;st:sticky;ex:executable;"|sed -e 's/:/="/g; s/\;/"\n/g')
for i in $LS_COLORS
echo -e "\e[${i#*=}m$( x=${i%=*}; [ "${!x}" ] && echo "${!x}" || echo "$x" )\e[m"
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