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if (el.attributes.src.value.indexOf("status0") !== -1) = 'none';
vijaydev / gist:713678
Created November 24, 2010 13:53
Use ssh-copy-id to install your public key in a remote machine's authorized_keys. Also takes care of the permissions of the remote user's .ssh and .ssh/authorized_keys.
ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host. Enables to connect to a host unreachable from current network but reachable from reachable_host's network.
To navigate to a directory, run a command and get back: (cd /to/dir && cmd_to_run)
To rip audio out of a video file: mplayer -ao pcm -vo null -vc dummy -dumpaudio -dumpfile <out_file> <in_file>
Rsync: rsync --recursive -avz -e "ssh -p 2020" user@machine:/path dest
vijaydev / gist:755496
Created December 26, 2010 16:18 — forked from lifo/gist:31208
An Example Rails 3 Application Template
run "rm public/index.html"
generate(:scaffold, "item name:string")
route "root :to => 'items#index'"
rake("db:migrate", "production")
gem 'ruby-openid'
gem 'will-paginate', :git => 'git://'
add_source ""
gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6'
"ensure" makes sure code is run regardless of begin-rescue outcome. (equivalent of Java finally)
Pass a number parameter to Array#first and Array#last to get the first n or the last n values.
rvm use ree-1.8.7-2010.02@global
rvm gemset create rails2310
gem install rails -v=2.3.10
Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vendor', 'gems', 'hoptoad_notifier-*')].each do |vendored_notifier|
$: << File.join(vendored_notifier, 'lib')
SubdomainFu.configure do |config|
config.tld_size = 1
config.mirrors = %w( support blog www billing help api )
config.preferred_mirror = 'www'
vijaydev / Vim Tricks
Created April 27, 2011 12:51
Vim Tricks
.s@\(\d\+\)@\=(submatch(1) + 17)@
Search for numbers and replace them with results of expressions involving them. submatch(1) is \1 (groups in regexes)
#@data = { |h,k| h[k] = { |h1,k1| h1[k1] = {0} } } #Interesting
allotments = []
params[:roles_divisions].map do |rd|
rd[2].each do |d|
allotments << Allotment.create(:user_id =>, :division_id => d.to_i, :role_name => rd[0])
@user.allotments = allotments