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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Setting up two way authentication (PubKey + Google Authentication)

Instruction for setting up two way authentication (PubKey + Google Authenticator)


Installing pam for google-authenticator

sudo yum install make gcc pam-devel

TOTP (timebased one-time-password) security tokens are time sensitive. Hence, make sure that your system has ntpd running, and is configured to start the service at boot:

sudo yum install ntp
sudo service ntpd start

Install google authenticator

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install google-authenticator
sh #script is present on

You will get url of QR-code open up scan the url from google-authenticator application and Verification code

Configuration changes required in sshd_config and pam.d/sshd

  • In /etc/pam.d/sshd add following line on top
  • auth sufficient accessfile=/etc/security/access-local.conf
  • auth required
  • #Comment it auth include password-auth
  • In /etc/ssh/sshd_config change following onfiguration
  • UsePAM yes
  • PubkeyAuthentication yes
  • RequiredAuthentications2 publickey,keyboard-interactive
  • ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

Bypass group of users from two-factor authentication

  • Append following configuration at bottom of sshd_conf
Match Group deploy
  RequiredAuthentications2 publickey

Restart sshd

sudo service sshd restart

To use the same authenticator verification code for another user on same machine or different machine

  • Copy .google_authenticator from user1 home directory to home directory of user2 (user2 will use the same verification code as of user1)
  • Change owner of .google_authenticator in home directory of user2
  • Use chown -R user2:user2 .google_authenticator
  • Change permission of .google_authenticator for user2 readonly with chmod 400 .google_authenitcator
  • Now you can login with user2 using same QR code authentication code generator used by user1
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