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Last active July 13, 2021 01:38
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Lab-2: Cluster Expansion
1. Go to Cloud9 console and open your environment IDE
2. In a Cloud 9 terminal use the following command to ssh into Kafka EC2 instance
Note: change the IP address with Kafka EC2 instance private IP address running in your AWS account
ssh -i msk-workshop-pem.pem ec2-user@
--------run all the steps in Kafka EC2 Instance terminal/shell---------------
3. set the following environment variables
Note: change the Cluster ARN with your MSK cluster ARN
export CLUSTER_ARN=<your msk cluster arn>
export BS=$(aws kafka get-bootstrap-brokers --cluster-arn $CLUSTER_ARN --output text)
export ZK=$(aws kafka describe-cluster --cluster-arn $CLUSTER_ARN --output json | jq ".ClusterInfo.ZookeeperConnectString" | tr -d \")
4. Create a new topic with 10 partitions and replication factor of 3
cd kafka
(From kafka directory i.e. /home/ec2-user/kafka)
./bin/ --create --bootstrap-server $BS \
--topic test10 \
--partitions 10 \
--replication-factor 3
5. Add additional brokers to your cluster, go to MSK console, select your MSK cluster
Under "Broker details", click "Edit Number of Brokers"
Number of brokers per Zone = 2
"Save changes"
Note: Cluster resize takes time.
6. Get current partition allocation
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--describe --topic test10
7. Create our list of topics to move
change directory to user home directory i.e. /home/ec2-user
create a file "topics-to-move.json" in the user home directory i.e. /home/ec2-user with the following content and save
{ "topics": [ { "topic" : "test10"}], "version":1}
8. Generate repartition plan
cd kafka
(curent directory = /home/ec2-user/kafka)
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--topics-to-move-json-file ../topics-to-move.json \
--broker-list "1,2,3,4,5,6" \
9. save the output that's under "Current partition replica assignment" (only JSON text) to a
new file "current-assignment.json" in the user home directory i.e. /home/ec2-user
10. save the output that's under "Proposed partition reassignment configuration" (only JSON text) to a
new file "new-assignment.json" in the user home directory i.e. /home/ec2-user
11. Run partition reassignment
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--reassignment-json-file ../new-assignment.json \
12. Monitor the progress
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--reassignment-json-file ../new-assignment.json \
13. Verify partition reassignment
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--topic test10 \
14. Rollback to the previous assignment. Use current-assignment.json
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--reassignment-json-file ../current-assignment.json \
15. Monitor partition rollback
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--reassignment-json-file ../current-assignment.json \
16. Verify partition reassignment rollback
./bin/ --bootstrap-server $BS \
--topic test10 \
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