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  • Save vikasbajaj/f1a8dfb1caf90a846d18ef65b07095b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vikasbajaj/f1a8dfb1caf90a846d18ef65b07095b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
0. Make sure you have your Cloud9 environment up and running from the previous lab
1. Create ES domain
- Development type = Development and Testing
- Elasticsearch Version = 7.10
- ES Domain name = <Name>
- Auto Tune = Disable
- Data Nodes
Instance Type = t3.small.elasticsearch
Number of nodes = 1
- Dedicated Master nodes = No
- Network configuration = Public Access
- Enable fine-grained access control = Uncheck
- Access Policy = Custom Access Policy
- IPv4 Address = mention your laptop/local machine IP address (find your ip address
OR you can provide Cloud 9 Public IP address
- Do not change remaining settings
- Confirm
From your Cloud 9 Terminal
2. Create DDB Table
aws dynamodb create-table \
--table-name Movies \
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=director,AttributeType=S AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=director,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=id,KeyType=RANGE \
--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
--stream-specification StreamEnabled=true,StreamViewType=NEW_IMAGE
3. Create a Lambda Execution role
- Create a file named trust-relationship.json with the following contents.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
- Create DDBStreamESLambdarole role
aws iam create-role --role-name DDBStreamESLambdarole \
--path "/service-role/" \
--assume-role-policy-document file://trust-relationship.json
- Create a file named new-role-policy.json with the following contents.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
4. Enter the following command to attach the policy to DDBStreamESLambdarole.
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name DDBStreamESLambdarole \
--policy-name DDBStreamESLambdarolePolicy \
--policy-document file://new-role-policy.json
5. Create directory
$ mkdir ddb-to-es
6. Install required packages
$ cd ddb-to-es
$ pip install requests -t .
$ pip install requests_aws4auth -t .
7. Create lambda function file in directory ddb-to-es
Replace region with ap-southeast-2 and host with your ElasticSearch domain endpoint)
import boto3
import requests
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
region = 'ap-southeast-2'
service = 'es'
credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials()
awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, service, session_token=credentials.token)
host = '****YOUR ELASTIC SEARCH DOMAIN ENDPOINT*****' # the Amazon ES domain, with https://
url = host + '/movies/_doc/'
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
def handler(event, context):
count = 0
for record in event['Records']:
# Get the primary key for use as the Elasticsearch ID
id = record['dynamodb']['Keys']['id']['S']
if record['eventName'] == 'REMOVE':
r = requests.delete(url + id, auth=awsauth)
document = record['dynamodb']['NewImage']
r = requests.put(url + id, auth=awsauth, json=document, headers=headers)
count += 1
return str(count) + ' records processed.'
8. Package the application code and dependencies:
$ zip -r *
9. Get IAM Role ARN of DDBStreamESLambdarole role that you created earlier in this lab
aws iam get-role --role-name DDBStreamESLambdarole
10. Enter the following command to create the Lambda function
Replace roleARN with the ARN of DDBStreamESLambdarole role
aws lambda create-function \
--region ap-southeast-2 \
--function-name dds-to-es-function \
--zip-file fileb:// \
--role <roleARN> \
--handler sample.handler \
--timeout 5 \
--runtime python3.8
11. Create a test event, create a file movies_payload.json with the following content
(replace region ap-southeast-2 and accountID)
"Records": [
"eventID": "7de3041dd709b024af6f29e4fa13d34c",
"eventName": "INSERT",
"eventVersion": "1.1",
"eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",
"awsRegion": "<region>",
"dynamodb": {
"ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1479499740,
"Keys": {
"id": {
"S": "101"
"director": {
"S": "John Doe"
"NewImage": {
"Timestamp": {
"S": "2016-11-18:12:09:36"
"Message": {
"S": "This is a bark from the Woofer social network"
"director": {
"S": "John Doe"
"SequenceNumber": "13021600000000001596893679",
"SizeBytes": 112,
"StreamViewType": "NEW_IMAGE"
"eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:ap-southeast-2:<****accountID****>:table/Movies/stream/2021-08-30T14:53:27.617"
12. Test the Lambda function dds-to-es-function
aws lambda invoke --function-name dds-to-es-function --payload file://movies_payload.json output.txt
- Check output.txt file for response
13. Create a DynamoDB Trigger
Find the StreamARN by running the following command
aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name Movies
Run the following command to create a trigger. Replace streamARN with Movies StreamARN
aws lambda create-event-source-mapping \
--region ap-southeast-2 \
--function-name dds-to-es-function \
--event-source *****StreamARN***** \
--batch-size 1 \
--starting-position TRIM_HORIZON
14. Test the trigger. Enter the following command to add an item to Movies.
aws dynamodb put-item --table-name Movies --item '{"director": {"S": "Jake Kasdan"},"id": {"S": "00001"},"title": {"S": "Jumanji"}}' --region ap-southeast-2
//From your local machine try to access
curl -XGET
aws dynamodb put-item --table-name Movies --item '{"director": {"S": "Peter Jackson"},"id": {"S": "00002"},"title": {"S": "King Kong"}}' --region ap-southeast-2
//From your local machine try to access
curl -XGET
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