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Last active January 20, 2022 07:06
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Proposed file to replace test/AD_compatibility.jl in Surrogates.jl (
using Surrogates
using LinearAlgebra
using Flux
using Flux: @epochs
using Zygote
using PolyChaos
using Test
#using Zygote: @nograd
###### 1D ######
lb = 0.0
ub = 10.0
n = 5
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> x^2
y = f.(x)
my_rad = RadialBasis(x,y,lb,ub,x->norm(x),2)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(my_rad,x)
p = 1.5
my_krig = Kriging(x,y,p)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(my_krig,x)
#Linear Surrogate
my_linear = LinearSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(my_linear,x)
#Inverse distance
p = 1.4
my_inverse = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x,y,p,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(my_inverse,x)
n = 4
α = 2.4
my_loba = LobachevskySurrogate(x,y,α,n,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(my_loba,x)
#Second order polynomial
my_second = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(my_second,x)
###### ND ######
lb = [0.0,0.0]
ub = [10.0,10.0]
n = 5
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> x[1]*x[2]
y = f.(x)
my_rad = RadialBasis(x,y,[lb,ub],z->norm(z),2)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(my_rad,x)
theta = [2.0,2.0]
p = [1.9,1.9]
my_krig = Kriging(x,y,p,theta)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(my_krig,x)
#Linear Surrogate
my_linear = LinearSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(my_linear,x)
#Inverse Distance
p = 1.4
my_inverse = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x,y,p,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(my_inverse,x)
alpha = [1.4,1.4]
n = 4
my_loba_ND = LobachevskySurrogate(x,y,alpha,n,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(my_loba_ND,x)
#Second order polynomial
my_second = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(my_second,x)
### ZYGOTE ###
#### 1D ####
lb = 0.0
ub = 10.0
n = 5
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> x^2
y = f.(x)
my_rad = RadialBasis(x,y,lb,ub,rad = linearRadial)
g = x -> my_rad'(x)
my_p = 1.5
my_krig = Kriging(x,y,lb,ub,p=my_p)
g = x -> my_krig'(x)
@test_broken g(5.0) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
#Linear Surrogate
my_linear = LinearSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> my_linear'(x)
#Inverse distance
my_p = 1.4
my_inverse = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,p=my_p)
g = x -> my_inverse'(x)
@test_broken g(5.0) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
#Second order polynomial
my_second = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> my_second'(x)
n = 4
α = 2.4
my_loba = LobachevskySurrogate(x,y,lb,ub, alpha = α, n = 4)
g = x -> my_loba'(x)
@test_broken g(0.0) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
my_model = Chain(Dense(1,1), first)
my_loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(my_model(x), y)
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,model=my_model,loss=my_loss,opt=my_opt,n_echos=1)
g = x->my_neural'(x)
my_wend = Wendland(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> my_wend'(x)
@test_broken g(3.0) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
#MOE and VariableFidelity for free because they are Linear combinations
#of differentiable surrogates
n = 50
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
y = f.(x)
my_poli = PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> my_poli'(x)
@test_broken g(3.0) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
n = 10
lb = 0.0
ub = 5.0
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x-> x^2
y1 = f.(x)
der = x->2*x
y2 = der.(x)
y = vcat(y1,y2)
my_gek = GEK(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x-> my_gek'(x)
@test_broken g(3.0) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
###### ND ######
lb = [0.0,0.0]
ub = [10.0,10.0]
n = 5
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> x[1]*x[2]
y = f.(x)
my_rad = RadialBasis(x,y,lb,ub,rad = linearRadial, scale_factor = 2.1)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_rad,x)
@test_broken g((2.0,5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
my_theta = [2.0,2.0]
my_p = [1.9,1.9]
my_krig = Kriging(x,y,lb,ub,p=my_p,theta=my_theta)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_krig,x)
@test_broken g((2.0,5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
# #Linear Surrogate
my_linear = LinearSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_linear,x)
#Inverse Distance
my_p = 1.4
my_inverse = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,p=my_p)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_inverse,x)
@test_broken g((2.0,5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
#Lobachevsky not working yet weird issue with Zygote @nograd
alpha = [1.4,1.4]
n = 4
my_loba_ND = LobachevskySurrogate(x,y,alpha,n,lb,ub)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_loba_ND,x)
#Second order polynomial mutating arrays
my_second = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_second,x)
my_model = Chain(Dense(2,1), first)
my_loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(my_model(x), y)
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,model=my_model,loss=my_loss,opt=my_opt,n_echos=1)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_neural, x)
my_wend_ND = Wendland(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_wend_ND,x)
@test_broken g((2.0,5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
#MOE and VariableFidelity for free because they are Linear combinations
#of differentiable surrogates
n = 50
lb = [0.0,0.0]
ub = [10.0,10.0]
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> x[1]*x[2]
y = f.(x)
my_poli_ND = PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_poli_ND,x)
@test_broken g((1.0,1.0)) #will work on Zygote0.5 when I will be able to update
n = 10
d = 2
lb = [0.0,0.0]
ub = [5.0,5.0]
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> x[1]^2 + x[2]^2
y1 = f.(x)
grad1 = x -> 2*x[1]
grad2 = x -> 2*x[2]
function create_grads(n,d,grad1,grad2,y)
c = 0
y2 = zeros(eltype(y[1]),n*d)
for i = 1:n
y2[i+c] = grad1(x[i])
y2[i+c+1] = grad2(x[i])
c = c+1
return y2
y2 = create_grads(n,d,grad1,grad2,y)
y = vcat(y1,y2)
my_gek_ND = GEK(x,y,lb,ub)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_gek_ND,x)
@test_broken g((2.0,5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
###### ND -> ND ######
lb = [0.0, 0.0]
ub = [10.0, 2.0]
n = 5
x = sample(n,lb,ub,SobolSample())
f = x -> [x[1]^2, x[2]]
y = f.(x)
# #NN
my_model = Chain(Dense(2,2))
my_loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(my_model(x), y)
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,model=my_model,loss=my_loss,opt=my_opt,n_echos=1)
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(my_neural(x)), (2.0, 5.0))
my_rad = RadialBasis(x,y,lb,ub,rad = linearRadial)
@test_broken Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(my_rad(x)), (2.0, 5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
my_p = 1.4
my_inverse = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,p=my_p)
my_inverse((2.0, 5.0))
@test_broken Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(my_inverse(x)), (2.0, 5.0)) #LoadError: type DataType has no field mutable
my_second = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub)
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(my_second(x)), (2.0, 5.0))
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