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Last active January 12, 2016 01:06
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Interview Questions


  • So, why are you here interviewing with us?
  • Why the career switch into development?
  • Talk about your experience of working in a team.
  • How do you manage conflicts when working in a group?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What is your goal for the next 5 years?
  • Why did you decide to study web development?
  • What is your favorite programming language? Why?
  • What piece of code are you most proud of?
  • What did you learn yesterday?
  • What UI, security, performance, SEO, maintainability or technology considerations do you make while building a web application or site?
  • If you could master one technology this year, what would it be?
  • What industry sites and blogs do you read regularly?
  • If you were hiring for a junior web developer position, what qualities would you look for?
  • Describe how you would build an elevator. (from Yesware)

#Non-coding Technical


  • How can you improve page loading? (can be actual loading time or perceived loading time to the user)
  • What are some differences between a linked list and an array?
  • What is a race condition?
  • Why use source control?
  • What does Big O mean?
  • What is TDD and what are its benefits?


  • Describe the process from the time you type in a website’s URL to it finishing loading on your screen.
  • What are the different kinds of HTTP requests that you can make?
  • What is the difference between GET and POST?


  • What is a class?
  • What is an object?
  • What is a module?
  • What is ||= ?
  • What is self?
  • When would you use a module versus a class?
  • What is the difference between an array and a hash and when would you use one over the other?
  • What is your favorite Ruby gem?


  • What is the difference between == and === ?


  • Describe what a ‘reset’ CSS file does and how it’s useful.
  • What does * { box-sizing: border-box; } do?
  • What existing CSS frameworks have you used? How would you improve them?
  • What is the difference between SASS and CSS?


  • What is the MVC pattern?
  • What design patterns do you know of?


  • Walk me through the flow of an HTTP request in a Rails app.
  • Explain mass-assignment vulnerability.
  • What are the downsides of ActiveRecord?


  • What is the difference between unit and integration testing?


  • What is the use of an index in a database?
  • What is a foreign key?
  • A query to a table in my database is slow, so i decided to speed it up by adding an index to every column on that table. Why is this not such a good idea?
  • What is lazy loading?
  • What is eager loading?
  • What is the difference between an outer join and an inner join?



  • Improve this code snippet:
if (month == 12)
  • Write a method that reverses the order of words in the following string:
dwarves = “bashful doc dopey grumpy happy sleepy sneezy”
  • Starting with x == 1 and y == 2 write code so that x == 2 and y == 1 without using a temporary variable.
  • FizzBuzz
  • Given a string of words, write a word count method. It should be case insensitive, and ignore all punctuation.
  • Given a sorted array, implement a binary search
  • Write a method that multiplies two numbers only using arithmetic.
  • Write a method modulo that acts like a % b which returns the remainder of a divided by b without using Ruby's built in % method.
  • We have a list containing the numbers 1 - 100 (in no particular order). One number is randomly removed. Find the missing number.
  • Reverse a string without using .reverse.
  • Write your own implementation of .include


  • Write a function that reverses the order of words in the following string:
var dwarves = “bashful doc dopey grumpy happy sleepy sneezy”
  • FizzBuzz

  • Consider the following markup:

<div>div 1</div>
<div>div 2</div>
<div>div 3</div>
<div>div 4</div>
<div>div 5</div>

Using plain javascript, add a 1px border to each of those divs without using a for loop


  • Build Battleship
  • Build Chess
  • Build Checkers
  • Build an Elevator System


  • Design a schema for a bookstore that has customers, books and orders given 100 customers and 50 records with a left outer join on customers what’s the max amount of rows and the minimum amount of rows?

#Brain teasers (sorry) - with answers


A bear walks one mile south, turns and walks one mile east, turns again and walks one mile north, finishing at the same place it started.What color is the bear?

####Answer White. It’s a polar bear. This walk can only be accomplished in the North pole or in the South pole.


In a box you have 13 white marbles and 15 black marbles. You also have 28 black marbles outside the box. Remove two marbles, randomly, from the box. If they are of different colors, put the white one back in the box. If they are the same color, take them out and put a black marble back in the box. Continue this until only one marble remains in the box. What color is the last marble?


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