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Last active September 17, 2015 19:35
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Bridging the Gap Between Actual and Reported Behavior in User Research

UX researchers often encounter a gap between the preferences people express and their behavior—inconsistencies that occur depending on context, frame of mind etc. Why does this gap exist?

  1. Social Desirability & Conformity-We're likely to respond with a societally correct answer, known as "social desirability bias." This bias can be minimized by asking questions in a neutral tone, framing them to be as open as possible where there are no clear socially "better" answers. The herd effect can also be reduced with one-on-one interviews.

  2. Wishful Thinking-We tend to overvalue our abilities and see what we'd like to be true vs what is true. We see ourselves optimisitcally whereas in reality, we overlook our shortcomings and are less self aware than we think. It's hard to combat this as users honestly believe in their optimism, try to focus on what users actually do vs what they would do.

  3. Differing Contexts & Mindsets-We respond differently in different contexts, both internal and external contexts. We respond differently based on our emotional state and the scenario. In "Thinking, Fast and Slow," Kahnman explains how we use system two to rationally weigh options, and system one to actually make a decision. By recreating real world environments, researchers can understand the difference between fast and slow mindsets.

Bridging the gap

  • Observe users, what participants do is more indicative than what they say
  • Test in the same context as usage to reduce the difference between testing and reality
  • Ask about specifics, like when and how
  • Ask about past experiences as our memory and predictions are distorted
  • Make all answers equally acceptable
  • Frame questions objectively vs leading to a correct behavior
  • Be aware of cognitive biases and irrational behaviors

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