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Created August 4, 2014 07:33
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Bundling plugins to Wordpress Theme
if (is_admin() && isset($_GET['activated'] ) && $pagenow == "themes.php" ) {
$theme_url = get_bloginfo('template_url');
$theme_url_split = explode("/", $theme_url);
$theme_url_split_length = count($theme_url_split);
$theme_name = $theme_url_split[$theme_url_split_length-1];
$plugin_source = "../wp-content/themes/".$theme_name."/bundled_plugins/plugin_name";
$plugin_target = "../wp-content/plugins/plugin_name";
function full_copy( $source, $target ) {
if ( is_dir( $source ) ) {
@mkdir( $target );
$d = dir( $source );
while ( FALSE !== ( $entry = $d->read() ) ) {
if ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' ) {
$Entry = $source . '/' . $entry;
if ( is_dir( $Entry ) ) {
full_copy( $Entry, $target . '/' . $entry );
copy( $Entry, $target . '/' . $entry );
$plugin_path = 'plugin_name/index.php';
$active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
if (!isset($active_plugins[$plugin_path])) run_activate_plugin( 'plugin_name/index.php' );
function run_activate_plugin( $plugin ) {
$current = get_option( 'active_plugins' );
$plugin = plugin_basename( trim( $plugin ) );
if ( !in_array( $plugin, $current ) ) {
$current[] = $plugin;
sort( $current );
do_action( 'activate_plugin', trim( $plugin ) );
update_option( 'active_plugins', $current );
do_action( 'activate_' . trim( $plugin ) );
do_action( 'activated_plugin', trim( $plugin) );
return null;
full_copy($plugin_source, $plugin_target);
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