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Last active September 24, 2020 19:29
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  • Save viktorfa/972a4ea019fdd1f0861059a9299df544 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save viktorfa/972a4ea019fdd1f0861059a9299df544 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to remove heavy frontend stuff from Strapi node_modules.
# scripts/
echo ""
du -hs node_modules/
node-prune #
find $PWD/node_modules -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "*react*" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type d -name "locale-data" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type d -name "*webpack*" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type d -name "*proptypes*" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type d -name "*jquery*" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type d -name "*bootstrap*" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type f -name "*.css" -exec rm -rf {} +
find $PWD/node_modules -type f -name "*.jsx" -exec rm -rf {} +
rm -rf $PWD/node_modules/font-awesome/ $PWD/node_modules/styled-components/ $PWD/node_modules/rxjs/ $PWD/node_modules/@formatjs/ $PWD/node_modules/codemirror/ $PWD/node_modules/core-js/ $PWD/node_modules/draft-js/ $PWD/node_modules/popper.js/
rm -rf $PWD/node_modules/@sentry/ $PWD/node_modules/bootstrap/ $PWD/node_modules/@buffetjs/ $PWD/node_modules/highlight.js/ $PWD/node_modules/@fortawesome/
rm -rf $PWD/node_modules/aws-sdk
du -hs node_modules/
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