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Created September 7, 2019 10:54
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S3 HTTP Cache for Scrapy
# my_sls_scraper/extensions/
import boto3
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from botocore.stub import Stubber
from time import time
from datetime import datetime
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
from scrapy.exceptions import NotConfigured
from scrapy.http import Headers
from scrapy.responsetypes import responsetypes
from scrapy.utils.request import request_fingerprint
from w3lib.http import headers_raw_to_dict, headers_dict_to_raw
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import sys
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class S3CacheStorage(object):
def __init__(self, settings):
urifmt = settings.get('S3CACHE_URI', '')
if not urifmt:
raise NotConfigured('S3CACHE_URI must be specified')
# Parse URI
u = urlparse(urifmt)
self.keypath_fmt = u.path[1:]
if not self.keypath_fmt:
raise NotConfigured('Could not get key path from S3CACHE_URI')
self.bucket_name = u.hostname
if self.bucket_name is None:
raise NotConfigured('Could not get bucket name from S3CACHE_URI')
self.use_gzip = settings.getbool('HTTPCACHE_GZIP')
self.dont_retrieve = settings.getbool('S3CACHE_DONT_RETRIEVE')
self._client = None
self._spider = None
self._keypath = None
self.cached_requests = []
def _client_stubber(self):
return Stubber(self.client)
def client(self):
""" Connect to S3 and return the connection """
if self._client is None:
self._client = boto3.client('s3')
return self._client
def keypath(self):
""" Get the keypath as specified in S3CACHE_URI """
def get_uri_params(obj):
"""Convert an object to a dict"""
params = {}
for k in dir(obj):
params[k] = getattr(obj, k)
params['day'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
params['time'] = datetime.utcnow().replace(
microsecond=0).isoformat().replace(':', '-')
return params
if not self._keypath:
self._keypath = self.keypath_fmt % get_uri_params(self.spider)
return self._keypath
def spider(self):
if not self._spider:
raise NotConfigured('Could not get spider! Aborting...')
return self._spider
def put_object_to_key(self, obj, bucket, key):
obj = gzip.compress(obj) if self.use_gzip else obj
self.client.put_object(Body=obj, Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
except ClientError as e:
'Failed to store cache on key {key}: {e}'.format(key=key, e=e))
response_code = e.response.get('Error', {}).get('Code')
if response_code == 'AccessDenied' or response_code == 'InvalidAccessKeyId':
logger.exception("Access denied to http cache bucket")
def get_object_from_key(self, bucket, key):
response = self.client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
obj = response['Body'].read()
return gzip.decompress(obj) if self.use_gzip else obj
except ClientError as e:
'Failed to retrieve cache on key {key}: {e}'.format(key=key, e=e))
response_code = e.response.get('Error', {}).get('Code')
if response_code == 'AccessDenied' or response_code == 'InvalidAccessKeyId':
logger.exception("Access denied to http cache bucket")
def open_spider(self, spider):
logger.debug('Using s3 cache storage in %(bucket_name)s' % {'bucket_name': self.bucket_name},
extra={'spider': spider})
# Update spider reference
self._spider = spider
def close_spider(self, spider):
'Cache on s3 bucket {bucket} on key path {keypath}'.format(
bucket=self.bucket_name, keypath=self.keypath),
extra={'spider': spider}
def retrieve_response(self, spider, request):
"""Return response if present in cache, or None otherwise."""
if self.dont_retrieve:
keyname = self._get_request_path(request)
keydata = self.get_object_from_key(self.bucket_name, keyname)
if not keydata:
return # not cached
keydata = pickle.loads(keydata)
metadata = keydata['meta']
body = keydata['response_body']
rawheaders = keydata['response_headers']
url = metadata.get('response_url')
status = metadata['status']
headers = Headers(headers_raw_to_dict(rawheaders))
respcls = responsetypes.from_args(headers=headers, url=url)
response = respcls(url=url, headers=headers, status=status, body=body)
return response
def store_response(self, spider, request, response):
# TODO: Use a buffer instead of sending the cache files one by one
"""Store the given response in the cache."""
keyname = self._get_request_path(request)
metadata = {
'url': request.url,
'method': request.method,
'status': response.status,
'response_url': response.url,
'timestamp': time(),
keydata = {
'meta': metadata,
'response_headers': headers_dict_to_raw(response.headers),
'response_body': response.body,
'request_headers': headers_dict_to_raw(request.headers),
'request_body': request.body
keydata), self.bucket_name, keyname)
def _get_request_path(self, request):
key = request_fingerprint(request)
return '{keypath}/{key}'.format(keypath=self.keypath, key=key)
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