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Created September 6, 2010 08:27
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package my.concurrent.multimap
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentSkipListSet, ConcurrentHashMap}
import java.util.{Set => JSet}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import annotation.tailrec
class Index[K <: AnyRef,V <: AnyRef : Manifest] {
private val Naught = Array[V]() //Nil for Arrays
private val container = new ConcurrentHashMap[K, JSet[V]]
def put(key: K, value: V) {
//Returns whether it needs to be retried or not
def tryPut(set: JSet[V], v: V): Boolean = {
set.synchronized { //Synchronize on the set to avoid clashes with remove
if (!set.isEmpty) { //Set will be empty here if there's a pending remove (delete)
set add v
} else true
@tailrec def syncPut(k: K, v: V): Boolean = {
var retry = false
val set = container get k
if (set ne null) retry = tryPut(set,v)
else {
val newSet = new ConcurrentSkipListSet[V]
newSet add v
// Parry for two simultaneous putIfAbsent(id,newSet)
val oldSet = container.putIfAbsent(k,newSet)
if (oldSet ne null)
retry = tryPut(oldSet,v)
if (retry) syncPut(k,v)
else true
def values(key: K) = {
val set: JSet[V] = container get key
if (set ne null) set toArray Naught
else Naught
def foreach(key: K)(fun: (V) => Unit) {
val set = container get key
if (set ne null)
set foreach fun
def foreach(fun: (K,V) => Unit) {
container.entrySet foreach {
(e) => e.getValue.foreach(fun(e.getKey,_))
def remove(key: K, value: V) {
val set = container get key
if (set ne null) {
set.synchronized { //Synchronize on set to avoid to confict with put
set remove value
if (set.isEmpty)
container remove key
def clear = container.clear
class Index[K <: AnyRef,V <: AnyRef : Manifest] {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
private val Naught = Array[V]() //Nil for Arrays
private val container = new ConcurrentHashMap[K, JSet[V]]
private val emptySet = new ConcurrentSkipListSet[V]
@tailrec protected final def spinPut(key: K, value: V, set: JSet[V]) {
set add value //Add the value to the set
val oldSet = container.putIfAbsent(key,set) //Add the set to the container (cancels out any removes)
if((oldSet ne null) && (oldSet ne set)) //If clash with other new add, first commit wins and the other tries again
def put(key: K, value: V) {
val set = container get key
spinPut(key,value, if (set ne null) set else new ConcurrentSkipListSet[V])
def values(key: K) = {
val set: JSet[V] = container get key
if (set ne null) set toArray Naught
else Naught
def foreach(key: K)(fun: (V) => Unit) {
val set = container get key
if (set ne null)
set foreach fun
def foreach(fun: (K,V) => Unit) {
container.entrySet foreach {
(e) => e.getValue.foreach(fun(e.getKey,_))
def remove(key: K, value: V) {
val set = container get key
if ((set ne null) && (set remove value))
def clear = container.clear
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daggerrz commented Sep 8, 2010

Yes, between the last two lines. At Jonas' talk at Javazone right now, so I'm a little distracted and typing constrained.

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