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Asynchronous retry for Future in Scala
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.pattern.after
* Given an operation that produces a T, returns a Future containing the result of T, unless an exception is thrown,
* in which case the operation will be retried after _delay_ time, if there are more possible retries, which is configured through
* the _retries_ parameter. If the operation does not succeed and there is no retries left, the resulting Future will contain the last failure.
def retry[T](op: => T, delay: FiniteDuration, retries: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] =
Future(op) recoverWith { case _ if retries > 0 => after(delay, s)(retry(op, delay, retries - 1)) }
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123avi commented Oct 6, 2016

@chadselph thanks !

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@chadselph @viktorklang can you license these snippets explicitly? MIT would be nice.

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@graingert Apologies, sadly Github doesn't notify when there are comments to Gists.
I don't think my snippet is complex enough to give a license at all.

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nikolovivan commented Mar 30, 2018

I might be a bit late to this party, but I felt like it will be a useful contribution.

First of all, a very useful snippet and a nice bunch of follow-ups. However, if it is defined the following way:

def retry[T](f: => Future[T], delays: Seq[FiniteDuration])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
  f recoverWith { case _ if delays.nonEmpty => after(delays.head, s)(retry(f, delays.tail) }

The f parameter, which is passed by-name, will get evaluated when you call f recoverWith. After this point, if the future indeed fails, you will just end up passing the same failed future as many times as you have delays. So it won't really retry - it will just waste some time.

The following is a potential work-around:

def retry[T](f: () => Future[T], delays: Seq[FiniteDuration])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
  f() recoverWith { case _ if delays.nonEmpty => after(delays.head, s)(retry(f, delays.tail) 

Of course, you'll have to modify the way you call the method accordingly.

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Looking at example at - isn't the by-name parameter evaluated each time when accessed? The condition: => Boolean would ne er evaluate to false when it was true initally. Or am I missing something?

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hrieke commented Jan 17, 2019

Allow me to agree with Graingert that a license would be great to have.
May I suggest the Beerware license?
"BeerWare: If you have the time and money, send me a bottle of your favourite beer. If not, just send me a mail or something. Copy and use as you wish; just leave the author's name where you find it."

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@nikolovivan - As @tadej-mali points out, the call-by-name parameter is evaluated each time it is referenced; it is not a thunk.

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xxyyz commented Oct 27, 2020

Note that the operation parameter (originally op, then f in the comments) should not have any side effects (e.g. logging), since they might be done several times. In some special situations this might not be a problem though.

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