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Created April 3, 2018 07:29
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Experimental cooperative implementation of map-using-IMap
* Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package processor;
import com.hazelcast.core.ICompletableFuture;
import com.hazelcast.jet.IMapJet;
import com.hazelcast.jet.Traverser;
import com.hazelcast.jet.core.AbstractProcessor;
import com.hazelcast.jet.core.Processor;
import com.hazelcast.jet.core.ResettableSingletonTraverser;
import com.hazelcast.jet.function.DistributedBiFunction;
import com.hazelcast.jet.function.DistributedFunction;
import com.hazelcast.jet.function.DistributedSupplier;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.Traversers.empty;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.sneakyThrow;
public class ImapTransformP<T, K, V, R> extends AbstractProcessor {
// parallel operations limit is per vertex. Better would be per member and target cluster, but we
// don't have enough information.
private static final int MAX_OPS = 1000;
private final String iMapName;
private final DistributedFunction<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn;
private final DistributedBiFunction<? super T, ? super V, ? extends Traverser<? extends R>> mapFn;
private int maxOps;
private ArrayDeque<T> items;
private ArrayDeque<ICompletableFuture<V>> futures;
private IMapJet<K, V> map;
private Traverser<? extends R> traverser = empty();
private ImapTransformP(
String iMapName,
DistributedFunction<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn,
DistributedBiFunction<? super T, ? super V, ? extends Traverser<? extends R>> mapFn
) {
this.iMapName = iMapName;
this.extractKeyFn = extractKeyFn;
this.mapFn = mapFn;
protected void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
map = context.jetInstance().getMap(iMapName);
maxOps = MAX_OPS / context.localParallelism();
items = new ArrayDeque<>(maxOps);
futures = new ArrayDeque<>(maxOps);
protected boolean tryProcess(int ordinal, @Nonnull Object item) {
if (futures.size() == maxOps) {
// if queue is full, apply backpressure
return false;
K key = extractKeyFn.apply((T) item);
if (key == null) {
return true;
items.add((T) item);
return true;
public boolean tryProcess() {
// finish the traverser first
if (!emitFromTraverser(traverser)) {
// we return true - we can accept more items even while emitting this item
return true;
// we check the futures in submission order. While this might increase latency if some
// later-submitted item will get the result earlier, on the other hand we don't have to
// do many volatile reads to check the futures in each call.
for (ICompletableFuture<V> f; (f = futures.peek()) != null; ) {
if (!f.isDone()) {
return true;
f = futures.remove();
V value;
try {
value = f.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw sneakyThrow(e);
traverser = mapFn.apply(items.remove(), value);
return true;
public boolean saveToSnapshot() {
// TODO we need to save queued items - we consumed them but did not yet
// produce output for them
return true;
protected void restoreFromSnapshot(@Nonnull Object key, @Nonnull Object value) {
public static <T, K, V, R> DistributedSupplier<Processor> flatMapUsingImap(
String iMapName,
DistributedFunction<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn,
DistributedBiFunction<? super T, ? super V, ? extends Traverser<? extends R>> mapFn
) {
return () -> new ImapTransformP<>(iMapName, extractKeyFn, mapFn);
* Map using the stream items using a value stored in an IMap.
* @param iMapName the name if the IMap
* @param extractKeyFn function to extract the key from stream item
* @param mapFn function that takes the stream item and value read from
* the imap and produces a result (the result can be null to filter
* the item out)
public static <T, K, V, R> DistributedSupplier<Processor> mapUsingImap(
String iMapName,
DistributedFunction<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn,
DistributedBiFunction<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn
) {
return () -> {
ResettableSingletonTraverser<R> traverser = new ResettableSingletonTraverser<>();
DistributedBiFunction<T, V, Traverser<R>> mapFn2 = (t1, t2) -> {
R mapped = mapFn.apply(t1, t2);
return traverser;
return new ImapTransformP<>(iMapName, extractKeyFn, mapFn2);
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