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Last active December 10, 2015 14:38
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Save viliampucik/4448698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Taken from "There are too many ways to do it" presentation
# The problem
# <sniperd> looking to write a regex that strips out all periods, except for
# the last one. ie, i have a string named and I just
# want perlisthebest.txt
# - Freenode's #perl.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark 'cmpthese';
sub test {
sub via_split {
my $s = shift;
my @components = split /\./, $s, -1;
return $s if @components == 1;
my $last = pop @components;
return join( '', @components ) . '.' . $last;
sub sexeger {
my $s = shift;
$s = reverse $s;
my $c = 0;
$s =~ s!\.!($c++)?'':'.'!ge;
return reverse $s;
sub two_parts {
my $s = shift;
if ( $s =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.]*)$/ ) {
my ( $l, $r ) = ( $1, $2 );
$l =~ tr/.//d;
return "$l.$r";
else {
return $s;
sub look_ahead {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\.(?=.*\.)//g;
return $s;
sub count_and_replace {
my $s = shift;
my $count = ( my @a = ($s =~ /\./g) );
$s =~ s/\./(--$count)?'':'.'/ge;
return $s;
sub elim_last {
my $s = shift;
my $non_occur = "\x{1}" . ( "\0" x length $s ) . "\x{1}";
$s =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$/$non_occur$1/;
$s =~ tr/.//d;
$s =~ s!$non_occur!.!;
return $s;
sub rindex01 {
my $s = shift;
substr( $s, 0, rindex( $s, '.' ) ) =~ tr/.//d;
return $s;
sub recursive_perl {
my @chars = split //, shift;
my $recurse;
$recurse = sub {
return '', 0 unless scalar @_;
my $head = shift @_;
my ( $processed_string, $was_period_found ) = $recurse->( @_ );
if ( $was_period_found ) {
return ( $head eq '.' ? '' : $head ) . $processed_string, 1;
else {
return $head . $processed_string, $head eq '.';
return ( $recurse->( @chars ) )[0];
sub delpoint1 {
local $_ = shift;
my $old = $_;
while ( /\./ ) {
$old = $_;
return $old;
sub delpoint2 {
local $_ = shift;
while ( s/\.(.*\.)/$1/ ) {}
return $_;
sub delpoint8 {
local $_ = shift;
my @parts = split /(\.)/;
my %hash;
for my $i ( 0..$#parts ) {
push @{ $hash{$parts[$i]} }, $i;
if ( exists $hash{'.'} ) {
$hash{'.'} = [ @{ $hash{'.'} }[-1] ];
my %sort;
for my $key ( %hash ) {
for my $number ( @{$hash{$key}} ) {
$sort{$number} = $key;
$_ = '';
for my $number ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %sort ) {
$_ .= $sort{$number};
return $_;
sub pack01 {
my @c = unpack 'c*', $_[0];
my @p = grep( $c[$_] == 46, 0..$#c );
pop @p;
while ( defined ( my $c = pop @p ) ) {
splice @c, $c, 1;
return pack 'c*', @c;
cmpthese( 1000000, {
'via_split' => sub { test( \&via_split ) },
'sexeger' => sub { test( \&sexeger ) },
'two_parts' => sub { test( \&two_parts ) },
'look_ahead' => sub { test( \&look_ahead ) },
'count_and_replace' => sub { test( \&count_and_replace ) },
'elim_last' => sub { test( \&elim_last ) },
'rindex01' => sub { test( \&rindex01 ) },
# Recursive would eat all the memory and would be the slowest one anyway.
# Trust me on this ;)
#'recursive_perl' => sub { test( \&recursive_perl ) },
'delpoint1' => sub { test( \&delpoint1 ) },
'delpoint2' => sub { test( \&delpoint2 ) },
'delpoint8' => sub { test( \&delpoint8 ) },
'pack01' => sub { test( \&pack01 ) },
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