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Last active January 25, 2021 17:20
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Micro frontends: Break up your Monolith with Ember Engines


Everyone wants their apps to be easy to maintain and grow fast. Micro Frontends is about split your app into several smaller apps that are owned by independent teams that are focused on a distinct area of business.  In this talk, we will dig into the Ember Engines and how it provides an antidote to large monolithic applications by allowing for distributed development, testing, and packaging pieces of an application. Why we should use Engines? How do we should use Engines? Which problems do Engines propose to solve? We will also discuss the future of Ember Engines.


We always had a big confusion around Ember Engines and its purpose, for many years people considered Ember Engines as a tool of code splitting and lazy loading for being the only way to get it on the Ember community. And they considered it a bad tool. But that's not true, Ember Engines is about decoupling/code isolation, and Embroider is the true package to handle lazy loading and code splitting. After 3 years of contributing to Ember engines improving documentation and the codebase, we have Engines more stable and ready to leading its real purpose.


  • Not just lazy loading: Here I will go through common misunderstandings about engines and highlight why they are more than lazy loading

  • How to introduce it to an existing project: Here I will show how to incrementally introduce engines to existing projects

  • Future: Here I will show the future of Ember Engines on Ember ecosystem working side by side with Embroider to offer the best solution to scale and mantain complex applications.


Hi, I'm Michael and I am a software engineer and I love to build digital services that improve people's lives. I help develop and manage a number of open source initiatives like Ember Engines. When I’m not doing any of that, I’m usually hanging out with my family, preaching the good news about Jesus Christ, running, or making a great barbecue.

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