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Created September 26, 2018 16:47
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This is a proposal for WITCH in a beta release of tildemush. It's based on the experience so far with our current WITCH PoC and what I know I can accomplish with Hy+asteval. I'd love feedback on 1) is it intuitive? 2) what could be simplified? 3) what's missing? 4) what's exciting?
(incantation by vilmibm
"This script defines a silly, kind of evil book. It is intended to
illustrate every feature that WITCH offers."
(has {"name" "the necronomicon"
"description" "a book bound in flesh seething with undead energy."
"pronouns" ["it" "it" "its"]
"souls" []
"log" []})
(allows {"read" "world"
"write" "world"
"carry" "world"
"execute" "world"})
(every 24 hours
(unless (empty? (get-data "souls"))
(does "exhales souls into the air around it")
(set-data "souls" [])))
(every 12 hours
(unless (empty? (get-data "log"))
(room-says "you hear a ghostly echo from the dead past..." (pick-random (get-data "log")))
(set-data "log" [])))
(if (< 5 (random-number 10))
(does "glows odiously")))
(hears "*" (append-data "log" heard))
(hears "fire" (does "seems to clench its pages more tightly"))
(provides "fear" (room-says "the aura about the necronomicon seems more vibrant"))
(provides "read $this"
(room-says (sender-data "name") "opens the" (get-data "name") "and begins to read!")
(says "i now have" (+ (sender-data "name") "'s") "soul.")
(does "laughs wickedly")
(append-data "souls" sender-name)
(says "i shall now predict the present~")
(says (calls "/home/vilmibm/bin/get_random_headline")))
(provides "touch $this"
(tell-sender "you stroke the" (+ (get-data "name") "'s") "covers.")
(tell-sender "the souls of" (join-and (get-data "souls")) "all call out to you from the void."))
(provides "lick $this"
(tell-sender "you lick the cover of the necronomicon. it is bittersweet.")
(teleport-sender "vilmibm/void"))
(provides "punch $this"
(room-says (sender-data "name") "punches" (get-data "name"))
(room-says "the necronomicon punches back, sending" (sender-data "name") "flying!")
(move-sender (random-direction)))
(provides "kiss $this"
(room-says (sender-data "name") "kisses" (get-data "name"))
(does "blushes violently")
(if (carried?)
(tell-sender "the book squirms and tries to throw itself at the floor")))
(provides "throw $this at $object"
(target (args 1))
(room-says "the necronomicon flaps like a bird, dives at"
(target-data "name")
"and flaps noisily around"
(get (target-data "pronouns") 2)
(provides "rip $this"
(creates {"name" "yellowed page"
"description" "a page, seemingly quite ancient, ripped from" (get-data "name")})))
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Looks simple and descriptive! thumbs up!

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