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URL: http://localdocker:8080/workflow/run?id=f2db41e1fa331b3e
File '/galaxy/galaxy-python/eggs/WebError-0.8a-py2.7.egg/weberror/evalexception/', line 364 in respond
app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
File '/galaxy/galaxy-python/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/debug/', line 98 in __call__
File '/galaxy/galaxy-python/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/', line 539 in intercept_output
app_iter = application(environ, replacement_start_response)
File '/galaxy/galaxy-python/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/', line 80 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/galaxy/galaxy-python/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/', line 632 in __call__
docker run -d --name db -v /external/pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name galaxy --link db:db_1 -v /external/tool_deps:/galaxy/compiled_tool_dependencies -v /external/galaxy_database:/galaxy/galaxy-python/database -v /external/shed_tools:/galaxy/shed_tools vilterp/galaxy-es-postgres
# the dream
build: .
- db
- /external/galaxy_data:/galaxy/galaxy-python/database
- /external/compiled_tool_dependencies:/galaxy/compiled_tool_dependencies
- /external/tools:/galaxy/shed_tools
vilterp / Vagrantfile
Created September 3, 2014 18:32
vagrantfile for galaxy-es
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# All Vagrant configuration is done here. The most common configuration
# options are documented and commented below. For a complete reference,
# please see the online documentation at
import netCDF4 as nc
def ncdump(path):
ds = nc.Dataset(path)
def dim_repr(dim):
return ['\t{0} = {1} ; {2}'.format(dim._name, 'UNLIMITED' if dim.isunlimited() else len(dim),
'// {0} currently'.format(len(dim)) if dim.isunlimited() else '')]
def var_repr(var):
header = '\t{0} {1}({2}) ;'.format(var.dtype, var._name, ', '.join(var.dimensions))
attrs = ['\t\t{0}:{1} = "{2}" ;'.format(var._name, attr, var.getncattr(attr)) for attr in var.ncattrs()]
module Sierpinski where
import Diagrams.Core exposing (..)
import Diagrams.Align exposing (..)
import Diagrams.FillStroke exposing (..)
import Diagrams.FullWindow exposing (..)
import Color
sierpinski n sl = case n of
0 -> eqTriangle sl (justSolidFill
[2015-02-23 22:22:57] INFO lt-chitcpd chitcpd running. UNIX socket: /tmp/chitcpd.socket.vilterp. TCP socket: 8745
[2015-02-23 22:22:57] DEBUG lt-chitcpd Waiting for chiTCP daemon to stop.
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] TRACE handler-0 Received request (code=SOCKET)
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] TRACE handler-1 Received request (code=SOCKET)
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] TRACE handler-0 >>> Entering handler for CHITCPD_MSG_CODE__SOCKET
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] TRACE handler-1 >>> Entering handler for CHITCPD_MSG_CODE__SOCKET
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] DEBUG handler-0 Assigned socket 0
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] DEBUG handler-1 Assigned socket 1
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] TRACE handler-0 <<< Exiting handler for CHITCPD_MSG_CODE__SOCKET
[2015-02-23 22:22:59] TRACE handler-1 <<< Exiting handler for CHITCPD_MSG_CODE__SOCKET
vilterp /
Created June 23, 2015 02:13
Plan for moving Reactor logic to Elm

Converting the Reactor frontend to Elm

As summarized in the reactor issue "WIP: convert JS to Elm", moving as much of the frontend of elm-reactor from JS to Elm as possible would have significant code quality benefits.

Step 1: Move View Code to Elm

As listed in the issue:

  • Use sliders from elm-html, not a custom native library
  • Move logic for toggling the sidebar and event blocker into Elm

To get this, $ elm-make frontend/Debugger.elm in this code tree.

The type annotation for `start` does not match its definition.

92|>        App model error action
93|>     -> Signal action
94|>     -> (Signal Html, Signal (T.Task error ()))

Could not unify user provided type variable `error`. The most likely cases are:
vilterp /
Last active May 11, 2016 08:27
Html layout as a taskful API

A problem that comes up periodically is that people want to know the position of Html elements on the page after they've been laid out, for example so they can:

  1. Absolutely position an element based on the position of one or more relatively-positioned elements. E.g:
    1. make a popup seem to "come out of" a certain element (this could be done by adding a child of the div which is positioned relative to it, but is easier if you can just get the laid-out coordinates of the div and position the popup relative to that)
    2. draw a circle around an element, to highlight it (e.g. for a first-time app walkthrough tutorial). Again, maybe possible to do with purely relative layout, but much easier if you can get element position.
    3. draw a line between two page elements
  2. know whether an element is visible, given the current scroll window
  3. get mouse events on an element which are relative to that element's top-left origin (e.g. for a mouse-interactive Graphics.Collage embedded in HTML)

Elm-html cannot t