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gzip compression-only CC-flavoured of LibDeflate
LibDeflate 1.0.0-release <br>
Pure Lua compressor and decompressor with high compression ratio using
DEFLATE/zlib format.
@file LibDeflate.lua
@author Haoqian He (Github: SafeteeWoW; World of Warcraft: Safetyy-Illidan(US))
@copyright LibDeflate <2018> Haoqian He
@license GNU General Public License Version 3 or later
This library is implemented according to the following specifications. <br>
Report a bug if LibDeflate is not fully compliant with those specs. <br>
Both compressors and decompressors have been implemented in the library.<br>
1. RFC1950: DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3 <br> <br>
2. RFC1951: ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3 <br> <br>
This library requires Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3 interpreter or LuaJIT v2.0+. <br>
This library does not have any dependencies. <br>
This file "LibDeflate.lua" is the only source file of
the library. <br>
Submit suggestions or report bugs to
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
1. zlib, by Jean-loup Gailly (compression) and Mark Adler (decompression).
Licensed under zlib License.
For the compression algorithm.
2. puff, by Mark Adler.
Licensed under zlib License.
For the decompression algorithm.
3. LibCompress, by jjsheets and Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde)
Licensed under GPLv2.
For the code to create customized codec.
4. WeakAuras2,
Licensed under GPLv2.
For the 6bit encoding and decoding.
Curseforge auto-packaging replacements:
Project Date: @project-date-iso@
Project Hash: @project-hash@
Project Version: @project-version@
local LibDeflate = {}
-- localize Lua api for faster access.
local assert = assert
local error = error
local pairs = pairs
local string_byte = string.byte
local string_char = string.char
local string_find = string.find
local string_gsub = string.gsub
local string_sub = string.sub
local table_concat = table.concat
local table_sort = table.sort
local tostring = tostring
local type = type
-- Converts i to 2^i, (0<=i<=32)
-- This is used to implement bit left shift and bit right shift.
-- "x >> y" in C: "(x-x%_pow2[y])/_pow2[y]" in Lua
-- "x << y" in C: "x*_pow2[y]" in Lua
local _pow2 = {}
-- Converts any byte to a character, (0<=byte<=255)
local _byte_to_char = {}
-- _reverseBitsTbl[len][val] stores the bit reverse of
-- the number with bit length "len" and value "val"
-- For example, decimal number 6 with bits length 5 is binary 00110
-- It's reverse is binary 01100,
-- which is decimal 12 and 12 == _reverseBitsTbl[5][6]
-- 1<=len<=9, 0<=val<=2^len-1
-- The reason for 1<=len<=9 is that the max of min bitlen of huffman code
-- of a huffman alphabet is 9?
local _reverse_bits_tbl = {}
-- Convert a LZ77 length (3<=len<=258) to
-- a deflate literal/LZ77_length code (257<=code<=285)
local _length_to_deflate_code = {}
-- convert a LZ77 length (3<=len<=258) to
-- a deflate literal/LZ77_length code extra bits.
local _length_to_deflate_extra_bits = {}
-- Convert a LZ77 length (3<=len<=258) to
-- a deflate literal/LZ77_length code extra bit length.
local _length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen = {}
-- Convert a small LZ77 distance (1<=dist<=256) to a deflate code.
local _dist256_to_deflate_code = {}
-- Convert a small LZ77 distance (1<=dist<=256) to
-- a deflate distance code extra bits.
local _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bits = {}
-- Convert a small LZ77 distance (1<=dist<=256) to
-- a deflate distance code extra bit length.
local _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen = {}
-- Convert a literal/LZ77_length deflate code to LZ77 base length
-- The key of the table is (code - 256), 257<=code<=285
local _literal_deflate_code_to_base_len = {
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258,
-- Convert a literal/LZ77_length deflate code to base LZ77 length extra bits
-- The key of the table is (code - 256), 257<=code<=285
local _literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0,
-- Convert a distance deflate code to base LZ77 distance. (0<=code<=29)
local _dist_deflate_code_to_base_dist = {
[0] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
8193, 12289, 16385, 24577,
-- Convert a distance deflate code to LZ77 bits length. (0<=code<=29)
local _dist_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen = {
[0] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
-- The code order of the first huffman header in the dynamic deflate block.
-- See the page 12 of RFC1951
local _rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order = {16, 17, 18,
0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,
-- The following tables are used by fixed deflate block.
-- The value of these tables are assigned at the bottom of the source.
-- The huffman code of the literal/LZ77_length deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_literal_huffman_code
-- Convert huffman code of the literal/LZ77_length to deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_literal_huffman_to_deflate_code
-- The bit length of the huffman code of literal/LZ77_length deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen
-- The count of each bit length of the literal/LZ77_length deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen_count
-- The huffman code of the distance deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_dist_huffman_code
-- Convert huffman code of the distance to deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_dist_huffman_to_deflate_code
-- The bit length of the huffman code of the distance deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen
-- The count of each bit length of the huffman code of
-- the distance deflate codes,
-- in fixed deflate block.
local _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen_count
for i = 0, 255 do
_byte_to_char[i] = string_char(i)
local pow = 1
for i = 0, 32 do
_pow2[i] = pow
pow = pow * 2
for i = 1, 9 do
_reverse_bits_tbl[i] = {}
for j=0, _pow2[i+1]-1 do
local reverse = 0
local value = j
for _ = 1, i do
-- The following line is equivalent to "res | (code %2)" in C.
reverse = reverse - reverse%2
+ (((reverse%2==1) or (value % 2) == 1) and 1 or 0)
value = (value-value%2)/2
reverse = reverse * 2
_reverse_bits_tbl[i][j] = (reverse-reverse%2)/2
-- The source code is written according to the pattern in the numbers
-- in RFC1951 Page10.
local a = 18
local b = 16
local c = 265
local bitlen = 1
for len = 3, 258 do
if len <= 10 then
_length_to_deflate_code[len] = len + 254
_length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[len] = 0
elseif len == 258 then
_length_to_deflate_code[len] = 285
_length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[len] = 0
if len > a then
a = a + b
b = b * 2
c = c + 4
bitlen = bitlen + 1
local t = len-a-1+b/2
_length_to_deflate_code[len] = (t-(t%(b/8)))/(b/8) + c
_length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[len] = bitlen
_length_to_deflate_extra_bits[len] = t % (b/8)
-- The source code is written according to the pattern in the numbers
-- in RFC1951 Page11.
_dist256_to_deflate_code[1] = 0
_dist256_to_deflate_code[2] = 1
_dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[1] = 0
_dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[2] = 0
local a = 3
local b = 4
local code = 2
local bitlen = 0
for dist = 3, 256 do
if dist > b then
a = a * 2
b = b * 2
code = code + 2
bitlen = bitlen + 1
_dist256_to_deflate_code[dist] = (dist <= a) and code or (code+1)
_dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[dist] = (bitlen < 0) and 0 or bitlen
if b >= 8 then
_dist256_to_deflate_extra_bits[dist] = (dist-b/2-1) % (b/4)
-- CRC-16/CRC-32 computation
local band, bnot, xor, lshift, rshift
if bit ~= nil then
band =
bnot = bit.bnot
xor = bit.bxor
lshift = bit.blshift
rshift = bit.blogic_rshift
elseif bit32 ~= nil then
band =
bnot = bit32.bnot
xor = bit32.bxor
lshift = bit32.lshift
rshift = bit32.rshift
xor = function(a, b)
local calc = 0
for i = 32, 0, -1 do
local val = 2 ^ i
local aa = false
local bb = false
if a == 0 then
calc = calc + b
if b == 0 then
calc = calc + a
if a >= val then
aa = true
a = a - val
if b >= val then
bb = true
b = b - val
if not (aa and bb) and (aa or bb) then
calc = calc + val
return calc
lshift = function(num, left)
local res = num * (2 ^ left)
return res % (2 ^ 32)
rshift = function(num, right)
local res = num / (2 ^ right)
return math.floor(res)
band = function(a, b)
local p,c=1,0
while a>0 and b>0 do
local ra,rb=a%2,b%2
if ra+rb>1 then c=c+p end
return c
bnot = function(x)
return bxor(x, (2^(bits or floor(log(x, 2))))-1)
-- CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 (V.42)
local POLY = 0xEDB88320
-- Memoize function pattern (like ).
local function memoize(f)
local mt = {}
local t = setmetatable({}, mt)
function mt:__index(k)
local v = f(k); t[k] = v
return v
return t
-- CRC table.
local crc_table = memoize(function(i)
local crc = i
for _=1,8 do
local b = band(crc, 1)
crc = rshift(crc, 1)
if b == 1 then crc = xor(crc, POLY) end
return crc
local function crc32_byte(byte, crc)
crc = bnot(crc or 0)
local v1 = rshift(crc, 8)
local v2 = crc_table[xor(crc % 256, byte)]
return bnot(xor(v1, v2))
local function crc32_string(s, crc)
crc = crc or 0
for i=1,#s do
crc = crc32_byte(string_byte(s, i), crc)
if i % 4096 == 0 then
return crc
--- Calculate the CRC-32 checksum of the string.
-- @param s [string] the input string to calculate its CRC-32 checksum.
-- @return [integer] The CRC-32 checksum, which is greater or equal to 0,
-- and less than 2^32 (4294967296).
function LibDeflate:CRC32(s, crc)
if type(s) == 'string' then
return crc32_string(s, crc)
return crc32_byte(s, crc)
--- Calculate the Adler-32 checksum of the string. <br>
-- See RFC1950 Page 9 for the
-- definition of Adler-32 checksum.
-- @param str [string] the input string to calcuate its Adler-32 checksum.
-- @return [integer] The Adler-32 checksum, which is greater or equal to 0,
-- and less than 2^32 (4294967296).
function LibDeflate:Adler32(str)
-- This function is loop unrolled by better performance.
-- Here is the minimum code:
-- local a = 1
-- local b = 0
-- for i=1, #str do
-- local s = string.byte(str, i, i)
-- a = (a+s)%65521
-- b = (b+a)%65521
-- end
-- return b*65536+a
if type(str) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:Adler32(str):"
.." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
local strlen = #str
local i = 1
local a = 1
local b = 0
while i <= strlen - 15 do
local x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8,
x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16 = string_byte(str, i, i+15)
b = (b+16*a+16*x1+15*x2+14*x3+13*x4+12*x5+11*x6+10*x7+9*x8+8*x9
a = (a+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10+x11+x12+x13+x14+x15+x16)%65521
i = i + 16
while (i <= strlen) do
local x = string_byte(str, i, i)
a = (a + x) % 65521
b = (b + a) % 65521
i = i + 1
return (b*65536+a) % 4294967296
-- Compare adler32 checksum.
-- adler32 should be compared with a mod to avoid sign problem
-- 4072834167 (unsigned) is the same adler32 as -222133129
local function IsEqualAdler32(actual, expected)
return (actual % 4294967296) == (expected % 4294967296)
--- Create a preset dictionary.
-- This function is not fast, and the memory consumption of the produced
-- dictionary is about 50 times of the input string. Therefore, it is suggestted
-- to run this function only once in your program.
-- It is very important to know that if you do use a preset dictionary,
-- compressors and decompressors MUST USE THE SAME dictionary. That is,
-- dictionary must be created using the same string. If you update your program
-- with a new dictionary, people with the old version won't be able to transmit
-- data with people with the new version. Therefore, changing the dictionary
-- must be very careful.
-- The parameters "strlen" and "adler32" add a layer of verification to ensure
-- the parameter "str" is not modified unintentionally during the program
-- development.
-- @usage local dict_str = "1234567890"
-- -- print(dict_str:len(), LibDeflate:Adler32(dict_str))
-- -- Hardcode the print result below to verify it to avoid acciently
-- -- modification of 'str' during the program development.
-- -- string length: 10, Adler-32: 187433486,
-- -- Don't calculate string length and its Adler-32 at run-time.
-- local dict = LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(dict_str, 10, 187433486)
-- @param str [string] The string used as the preset dictionary. <br>
-- You should put stuffs that frequently appears in the dictionary
-- string and preferablely put more frequently appeared stuffs toward the end
-- of the string. <br>
-- Empty string and string longer than 32768 bytes are not allowed.
-- @param strlen [integer] The length of 'str'. Please pass in this parameter
-- as a hardcoded constant, in order to verify the content of 'str'. The value
-- of this parameter should be known before your program runs.
-- @param adler32 [integer] The Adler-32 checksum of 'str'. Please pass in this
-- parameter as a hardcoded constant, in order to verify the content of 'str'.
-- The value of this parameter should be known before your program runs.
-- @return [table] The dictionary used for preset dictionary compression and
-- decompression.
-- @raise error if 'strlen' does not match the length of 'str',
-- or if 'adler32' does not match the Adler-32 checksum of 'str'.
function LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32)
if type(str) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
if type(strlen) ~= "number" then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'strlen' - number expected got '%s'."):format(
type(strlen)), 2)
if type(adler32) ~= "number" then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'adler32' - number expected got '%s'."):format(
type(adler32)), 2)
if strlen ~= #str then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'strlen' does not match the actual length of 'str'."
.." 'strlen': %u, '#str': %u ."
.." Please check if 'str' is modified unintentionally.")
:format(strlen, #str))
if strlen == 0 then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'str' - Empty string is not allowed."), 2)
if strlen > 32768 then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'str' - string longer than 32768 bytes is not allowed."
.." Got %d bytes."):format(strlen), 2)
local actual_adler32 = self:Adler32(str)
if not IsEqualAdler32(adler32, actual_adler32) then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
.." 'adler32' does not match the actual adler32 of 'str'."
.." 'adler32': %u, 'Adler32(str)': %u ."
.." Please check if 'str' is modified unintentionally.")
:format(adler32, actual_adler32))
local dictionary = {}
dictionary.adler32 = adler32
dictionary.hash_tables = {}
dictionary.string_table = {}
dictionary.strlen = strlen
local string_table = dictionary.string_table
local hash_tables = dictionary.hash_tables
string_table[1] = string_byte(str, 1, 1)
string_table[2] = string_byte(str, 2, 2)
if strlen >= 3 then
local i = 1
local hash = string_table[1]*256+string_table[2]
while i <= strlen - 2 - 3 do
local x1, x2, x3, x4 = string_byte(str, i+2, i+5)
string_table[i+2] = x1
string_table[i+3] = x2
string_table[i+4] = x3
string_table[i+5] = x4
hash = (hash*256+x1)%16777216
local t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = i-strlen
i = i + 1
hash = (hash*256+x2)%16777216
t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = i-strlen
i = i + 1
hash = (hash*256+x3)%16777216
t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = i-strlen
i = i + 1
hash = (hash*256+x4)%16777216
t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = i-strlen
i = i + 1
while i <= strlen - 2 do
local x = string_byte(str, i+2)
string_table[i+2] = x
hash = (hash*256+x)%16777216
local t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = i-strlen
i = i + 1
return dictionary
-- Check if the dictionary is valid.
-- @param dictionary The preset dictionary for compression and decompression.
-- @return true if valid, false if not valid.
-- @return if not valid, the error message.
local function IsValidDictionary(dictionary)
if type(dictionary) ~= "table" then
return false, ("'dictionary' - table expected got '%s'.")
if type(dictionary.adler32) ~= "number"
or type(dictionary.string_table) ~= "table"
or type(dictionary.strlen) ~= "number"
or dictionary.strlen <= 0
or dictionary.strlen > 32768
or dictionary.strlen ~= #dictionary.string_table
or type(dictionary.hash_tables) ~= "table"
return false, ("'dictionary' - corrupted dictionary.")
return true, ""
key of the configuration table is the compression level,
and its value stores the compression setting.
These numbers come from zlib source code.
Higher compression level usually means better compression.
(Because LibDeflate uses a simplified version of zlib algorithm,
there is no guarantee that higher compression level does not create
bigger file than lower level, but I can say it's 99% likely)
Be careful with the high compression level. This is a pure lua
implementation compressor/decompressor, which is significant slower than
a C/C++ equivalant compressor/decompressor. Very high compression level
costs significant more CPU time, and usually compression size won't be
significant smaller when you increase compression level by 1, when the
level is already very high. Benchmark yourself if you can afford it.
See also, for more information.
The meaning of each field:
@field 1 use_lazy_evaluation:
true/false. Whether the program uses lazy evaluation.
See what is "lazy evaluation" in the link above.
lazy_evaluation improves ratio, but relatively slow.
@field 2 good_prev_length:
Only effective if lazy is set, Only use 1/4 of max_chain,
if prev length of lazy match is above this.
@field 3 max_insert_length/max_lazy_match:
If not using lazy evaluation,
insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not
greater than this length.
If using lazy evaluation, only continue lazy evaluation,
if previous match length is strictly smaller than this value.
@field 4 nice_length:
Number. Don't continue to go down the hash chain,
if match length is above this.
@field 5 max_chain:
Number. The maximum number of hash chains we look.
local _compression_level_configs = {
[0] = {false, nil, 0, 0, 0}, -- level 0, no compression
[1] = {false, nil, 4, 8, 4}, -- level 1, similar to zlib level 1
[2] = {false, nil, 5, 18, 8}, -- level 2, similar to zlib level 2
[3] = {false, nil, 6, 32, 32}, -- level 3, similar to zlib level 3
[4] = {true, 4, 4, 16, 16}, -- level 4, similar to zlib level 4
[5] = {true, 8, 16, 32, 32}, -- level 5, similar to zlib level 5
[6] = {true, 8, 16, 128, 128}, -- level 6, similar to zlib level 6
[7] = {true, 8, 32, 128, 256}, -- (SLOW) level 7, similar to zlib level 7
[8] = {true, 32, 128, 258, 1024} , --(SLOW) level 8,similar to zlib level 8
[9] = {true, 32, 258, 258, 4096},
-- (VERY SLOW) level 9, similar to zlib level 9
-- Check if the compression/decompression arguments is valid
-- @param str The input string.
-- @param check_dictionary if true, check if dictionary is valid.
-- @param dictionary The preset dictionary for compression and decompression.
-- @param check_configs if true, check if config is valid.
-- @param configs The compression configuration table
-- @return true if valid, false if not valid.
-- @return if not valid, the error message.
local function IsValidArguments(str,
check_dictionary, dictionary,
check_configs, configs)
if type(str) ~= "string" then
return false,
("'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str))
if check_dictionary then
local dict_valid, dict_err = IsValidDictionary(dictionary)
if not dict_valid then
return false, dict_err
if check_configs then
local type_configs = type(configs)
if type_configs ~= "nil" and type_configs ~= "table" then
return false,
("'configs' - nil or table expected got '%s'.")
if type_configs == "table" then
for k, v in pairs(configs) do
if k ~= "level" and k ~= "strategy" then
return false,
("'configs' - unsupported table key in the configs: '%s'.")
elseif k == "level" and not _compression_level_configs[v] then
return false,
("'configs' - unsupported 'level': %s."):format(tostring(v))
elseif k == "strategy" and v ~= "fixed" and v ~= "huffman_only"
and v ~= "dynamic" then
-- random_block_type is for testing purpose
return false, ("'configs' - unsupported 'strategy': '%s'.")
return true, ""
--[[ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compress code
--]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- partial flush to save memory
-- full flush with partial bytes
-- write bytes to get to byte boundary
-- no flush, just get num of bits written so far
Create an empty writer to easily write stuffs as the unit of bits.
Return values:
1. WriteBits(code, bitlen):
2. WriteString(str):
3. Flush(mode):
local function CreateWriter()
local buffer_size = 0
local cache = 0
local cache_bitlen = 0
local total_bitlen = 0
local buffer = {}
-- When buffer is big enough, flush into result_buffer to save memory.
local result_buffer = {}
-- Write bits with value "value" and bit length of "bitlen" into writer.
-- @param value: The value being written
-- @param bitlen: The bit length of "value"
-- @return nil
local function WriteBits(value, bitlen)
cache = cache + value * _pow2[cache_bitlen]
cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen + bitlen
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + bitlen
-- Only bulk to buffer every 4 bytes. This is quicker.
if cache_bitlen >= 32 then
buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
buffer[buffer_size] =
_byte_to_char[cache % 256]
.._byte_to_char[((cache-cache%256)/256 % 256)]
.._byte_to_char[((cache-cache%65536)/65536 % 256)]
.._byte_to_char[((cache-cache%16777216)/16777216 % 256)]
local rshift_mask = _pow2[32 - cache_bitlen + bitlen]
cache = (value - value%rshift_mask)/rshift_mask
cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - 32
-- Write the entire string into the writer.
-- @param str The string being written
-- @return nil
local function WriteString(str)
for _ = 1, cache_bitlen, 8 do
buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
buffer[buffer_size] = string_char(cache % 256)
cache = (cache-cache%256)/256
cache_bitlen = 0
buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
buffer[buffer_size] = str
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + #str*8
-- Flush current stuffs in the writer and return it.
-- This operation will free most of the memory.
-- @param mode See the descrtion of the constant and the source code.
-- @return The total number of bits stored in the writer right now.
-- for byte boundary mode, it includes the padding bits.
-- for output mode, it does not include padding bits.
-- @return Return the outputs if mode is output.
local function FlushWriter(mode)
if mode == _FLUSH_MODE_NO_FLUSH then
return total_bitlen
-- Full flush, also output cache.
-- Need to pad some bits if cache_bitlen is not multiple of 8.
local padding_bitlen = (8 - cache_bitlen % 8) % 8
if cache_bitlen > 0 then
-- padding with all 1 bits, mainly because "\000" is not
-- good to be tranmitted. I do this so "\000" is a little bit
-- less frequent.
cache = cache - _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ _pow2[cache_bitlen+padding_bitlen]
for _ = 1, cache_bitlen, 8 do
buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
buffer[buffer_size] = _byte_to_char[cache % 256]
cache = (cache-cache%256)/256
cache = 0
cache_bitlen = 0
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + padding_bitlen
return total_bitlen
local flushed = table_concat(buffer)
buffer = {}
buffer_size = 0
result_buffer[#result_buffer+1] = flushed
return total_bitlen
return total_bitlen, table_concat(result_buffer)
return WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter
-- Push an element into a max heap
-- @param heap A max heap whose max element is at index 1.
-- @param e The element to be pushed. Assume element "e" is a table
-- and comparison is done via its first entry e[1]
-- @param heap_size current number of elements in the heap.
-- NOTE: There may be some garbage stored in
-- heap[heap_size+1], heap[heap_size+2], etc..
-- @return nil
local function MinHeapPush(heap, e, heap_size)
heap_size = heap_size + 1
heap[heap_size] = e
local value = e[1]
local pos = heap_size
local parent_pos = (pos-pos%2)/2
while (parent_pos >= 1 and heap[parent_pos][1] > value) do
local t = heap[parent_pos]
heap[parent_pos] = e
heap[pos] = t
pos = parent_pos
parent_pos = (parent_pos-parent_pos%2)/2
-- Pop an element from a max heap
-- @param heap A max heap whose max element is at index 1.
-- @param heap_size current number of elements in the heap.
-- @return the poped element
-- Note: This function does not change table size of "heap" to save CPU time.
local function MinHeapPop(heap, heap_size)
local top = heap[1]
local e = heap[heap_size]
local value = e[1]
heap[1] = e
heap[heap_size] = top
heap_size = heap_size - 1
local pos = 1
local left_child_pos = pos * 2
local right_child_pos = left_child_pos + 1
while (left_child_pos <= heap_size) do
local left_child = heap[left_child_pos]
if (right_child_pos <= heap_size
and heap[right_child_pos][1] < left_child[1]) then
local right_child = heap[right_child_pos]
if right_child[1] < value then
heap[right_child_pos] = e
heap[pos] = right_child
pos = right_child_pos
left_child_pos = pos * 2
right_child_pos = left_child_pos + 1
if left_child[1] < value then
heap[left_child_pos] = e
heap[pos] = left_child
pos = left_child_pos
left_child_pos = pos * 2
right_child_pos = left_child_pos + 1
return top
-- Deflate defines a special huffman tree, which is unique once the bit length
-- of huffman code of all symbols are known.
-- @param bitlen_count Number of symbols with a specific bitlen
-- @param symbol_bitlen The bit length of a symbol
-- @param max_symbol The max symbol among all symbols,
-- which is (number of symbols - 1)
-- @param max_bitlen The max huffman bit length among all symbols.
-- @return The huffman code of all symbols.
local function GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(bitlen_counts, symbol_bitlens
, max_symbol, max_bitlen)
local huffman_code = 0
local next_codes = {}
local symbol_huffman_codes = {}
for bitlen = 1, max_bitlen do
huffman_code = (huffman_code+(bitlen_counts[bitlen-1] or 0))*2
next_codes[bitlen] = huffman_code
for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
local bitlen = symbol_bitlens[symbol]
if bitlen then
huffman_code = next_codes[bitlen]
next_codes[bitlen] = huffman_code + 1
-- Reverse the bits of huffman code,
-- because most signifant bits of huffman code
-- is stored first into the compressed data.
-- @see RFC1951 Page5 Section 3.1.1
if bitlen <= 9 then -- Have cached reverse for small bitlen.
symbol_huffman_codes[symbol] =
local reverse = 0
for _ = 1, bitlen do
reverse = reverse - reverse%2
+ (((reverse%2==1)
or (huffman_code % 2) == 1) and 1 or 0)
huffman_code = (huffman_code-huffman_code%2)/2
reverse = reverse*2
symbol_huffman_codes[symbol] = (reverse-reverse%2)/2
return symbol_huffman_codes
-- A helper function to sort heap elements
-- a[1], b[1] is the huffman frequency
-- a[2], b[2] is the symbol value.
local function SortByFirstThenSecond(a, b)
return a[1] < b[1] or
(a[1] == b[1] and a[2] < b[2])
-- Calculate the huffman bit length and huffman code.
-- @param symbol_count: A table whose table key is the symbol, and table value
-- is the symbol frenquency (nil means 0 frequency).
-- @param max_bitlen: See description of return value.
-- @param max_symbol: The maximum symbol
-- @return a table whose key is the symbol, and the value is the huffman bit
-- bit length. We guarantee that all bit length <= max_bitlen.
-- For 0<=symbol<=max_symbol, table value could be nil if the frequency
-- of the symbol is 0 or nil.
-- @return a table whose key is the symbol, and the value is the huffman code.
-- @return a number indicating the maximum symbol whose bitlen is not 0.
local function GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(symbol_counts, max_bitlen, max_symbol)
local heap_size
local max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol = -1
local leafs = {}
local heap = {}
local symbol_bitlens = {}
local symbol_codes = {}
local bitlen_counts = {}
tree[1]: weight, temporarily used as parent and bitLengths
tree[2]: symbol
tree[3]: left child
tree[4]: right child
local number_unique_symbols = 0
for symbol, count in pairs(symbol_counts) do
number_unique_symbols = number_unique_symbols + 1
leafs[number_unique_symbols] = {count, symbol}
if (number_unique_symbols == 0) then
-- no code.
return {}, {}, -1
elseif (number_unique_symbols == 1) then
-- Only one code. In this case, its huffman code
-- needs to be assigned as 0, and bit length is 1.
-- This is the only case that the return result
-- represents an imcomplete huffman tree.
local symbol = leafs[1][2]
symbol_bitlens[symbol] = 1
symbol_codes[symbol] = 0
return symbol_bitlens, symbol_codes, symbol
table_sort(leafs, SortByFirstThenSecond)
heap_size = number_unique_symbols
for i = 1, heap_size do
heap[i] = leafs[i]
while (heap_size > 1) do
-- Note: pop does not change table size of heap
local leftChild = MinHeapPop(heap, heap_size)
heap_size = heap_size - 1
local rightChild = MinHeapPop(heap, heap_size)
heap_size = heap_size - 1
local newNode =
{leftChild[1]+rightChild[1], -1, leftChild, rightChild}
MinHeapPush(heap, newNode, heap_size)
heap_size = heap_size + 1
-- Number of leafs whose bit length is greater than max_len.
local number_bitlen_overflow = 0
-- Calculate bit length of all nodes
local fifo = {heap[1], 0, 0, 0} -- preallocate some spaces.
local fifo_size = 1
local index = 1
heap[1][1] = 0
while (index <= fifo_size) do -- Breath first search
local e = fifo[index]
local bitlen = e[1]
local symbol = e[2]
local left_child = e[3]
local right_child = e[4]
if left_child then
fifo_size = fifo_size + 1
fifo[fifo_size] = left_child
left_child[1] = bitlen + 1
if right_child then
fifo_size = fifo_size + 1
fifo[fifo_size] = right_child
right_child[1] = bitlen + 1
index = index + 1
if (bitlen > max_bitlen) then
number_bitlen_overflow = number_bitlen_overflow + 1
bitlen = max_bitlen
if symbol >= 0 then
symbol_bitlens[symbol] = bitlen
max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol =
(symbol > max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol)
and symbol or max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol
bitlen_counts[bitlen] = (bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0) + 1
-- Resolve bit length overflow
-- @see ZLib/trees.c:gen_bitlen(s, desc), for reference
if (number_bitlen_overflow > 0) then
local bitlen = max_bitlen - 1
while ((bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0) == 0) do
bitlen = bitlen - 1
-- move one leaf down the tree
bitlen_counts[bitlen] = bitlen_counts[bitlen] - 1
-- move one overflow item as its brother
bitlen_counts[bitlen+1] = (bitlen_counts[bitlen+1] or 0) + 2
bitlen_counts[max_bitlen] = bitlen_counts[max_bitlen] - 1
number_bitlen_overflow = number_bitlen_overflow - 2
until (number_bitlen_overflow <= 0)
index = 1
for bitlen = max_bitlen, 1, -1 do
local n = bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0
while (n > 0) do
local symbol = leafs[index][2]
symbol_bitlens[symbol] = bitlen
n = n - 1
index = index + 1
symbol_codes = GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(bitlen_counts, symbol_bitlens,
max_symbol, max_bitlen)
return symbol_bitlens, symbol_codes, max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol
-- Calculate the first huffman header in the dynamic huffman block
-- @see RFC1951 Page 12
-- @param lcode_bitlen: The huffman bit length of literal/LZ77_length.
-- @param max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode: The maximum literal/LZ77_length symbol
-- whose huffman bit length is not zero.
-- @param dcode_bitlen: The huffman bit length of LZ77 distance.
-- @param max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode: The maximum LZ77 distance symbol
-- whose huffman bit length is not zero.
-- @return The run length encoded codes.
-- @return The extra bits. One entry for each rle code that needs extra bits.
-- (code == 16 or 17 or 18).
-- @return The count of appearance of each rle codes.
local function RunLengthEncodeHuffmanBitlen(
local rle_code_tblsize = 0
local rle_codes = {}
local rle_code_counts = {}
local rle_extra_bits_tblsize = 0
local rle_extra_bits = {}
local prev = nil
local count = 0
-- If there is no distance code, assume one distance code of bit length 0.
-- RFC1951: One distance code of zero bits means that
-- there are no distance codes used at all (the data is all literals).
max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode = (max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode < 0)
and 0 or max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode
local max_code = max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode+max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode+1
for code = 0, max_code+1 do
local len = (code <= max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode)
and (lcode_bitlens[code] or 0)
or ((code <= max_code)
and (dcode_bitlens[code-max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode-1] or 0) or nil)
if len == prev then
count = count + 1
if len ~= 0 and count == 6 then
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = 16
rle_extra_bits_tblsize = rle_extra_bits_tblsize + 1
rle_extra_bits[rle_extra_bits_tblsize] = 3
rle_code_counts[16] = (rle_code_counts[16] or 0) + 1
count = 0
elseif len == 0 and count == 138 then
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = 18
rle_extra_bits_tblsize = rle_extra_bits_tblsize + 1
rle_extra_bits[rle_extra_bits_tblsize] = 127
rle_code_counts[18] = (rle_code_counts[18] or 0) + 1
count = 0
if count == 1 then
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = prev
rle_code_counts[prev] = (rle_code_counts[prev] or 0) + 1
elseif count == 2 then
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = prev
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = prev
rle_code_counts[prev] = (rle_code_counts[prev] or 0) + 2
elseif count >= 3 then
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
local rleCode = (prev ~= 0) and 16 or (count <= 10 and 17 or 18)
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = rleCode
rle_code_counts[rleCode] = (rle_code_counts[rleCode] or 0) + 1
rle_extra_bits_tblsize = rle_extra_bits_tblsize + 1
rle_extra_bits[rle_extra_bits_tblsize] =
(count <= 10) and (count - 3) or (count - 11)
prev = len
if len and len ~= 0 then
rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = len
rle_code_counts[len] = (rle_code_counts[len] or 0) + 1
count = 0
count = 1
return rle_codes, rle_extra_bits, rle_code_counts
-- Load the string into a table, in order to speed up LZ77.
-- Loop unrolled 16 times to speed this function up.
-- @param str The string to be loaded.
-- @param t The load destination
-- @param start str[index] will be the first character to be loaded.
-- @param end str[index] will be the last character to be loaded
-- @param offset str[index] will be loaded into t[index-offset]
-- @return t
local function LoadStringToTable(str, t, start, stop, offset)
local i = start - offset
while i <= stop - 15 - offset do
t[i], t[i+1], t[i+2], t[i+3], t[i+4], t[i+5], t[i+6], t[i+7], t[i+8],
t[i+9], t[i+10], t[i+11], t[i+12], t[i+13], t[i+14], t[i+15] =
string_byte(str, i + offset, i + 15 + offset)
i = i + 16
while (i <= stop - offset) do
t[i] = string_byte(str, i + offset, i + offset)
i = i + 1
return t
-- Do LZ77 process. This function uses the majority of the CPU time.
-- @see zlib/deflate.c:deflate_fast(), zlib/deflate.c:deflate_slow()
-- @see
-- This function uses the algorithms used above. You should read the
-- algorithm.txt above to understand what is the hash function and the
-- lazy evaluation.
-- The special optimization used here is hash functions used here.
-- The hash function is just the multiplication of the three consective
-- characters. So if the hash matches, it guarantees 3 characters are matched.
-- This optimization can be implemented because Lua table is a hash table.
-- @param level integer that describes compression level.
-- @param string_table table that stores the value of string to be compressed.
-- The index of this table starts from 1.
-- The caller needs to make sure all values needed by this function
-- are loaded.
-- Assume "str" is the origin input string into the compressor
-- str[block_start]..str[block_end+3] needs to be loaded into
-- string_table[block_start-offset]..string_table[block_end-offset]
-- If dictionary is presented, the last 258 bytes of the dictionary
-- needs to be loaded into sing_table[-257..0]
-- (See more in the description of offset.)
-- @param hash_tables. The table key is the hash value (0<=hash<=16777216=256^3)
-- The table value is an array0 that stores the indexes of the
-- input data string to be compressed, such that
-- hash == str[index]*str[index+1]*str[index+2]
-- Indexes are ordered in this array.
-- @param block_start The indexes of the input data string to be compressed.
-- that starts the LZ77 block.
-- @param block_end The indexes of the input data string to be compressed.
-- that stores the LZ77 block.
-- @param offset str[index] is stored in string_table[index-offset],
-- This offset is mainly an optimization to limit the index
-- of string_table, so lua can access this table quicker.
-- @param dictionary See LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
-- @return literal/LZ77_length deflate codes.
-- @return the extra bits of literal/LZ77_length deflate codes.
-- @return the count of each literal/LZ77 deflate code.
-- @return LZ77 distance deflate codes.
-- @return the extra bits of LZ77 distance deflate codes.
-- @return the count of each LZ77 distance deflate code.
local function GetBlockLZ77Result(level, string_table, hash_tables, block_start,
block_end, offset, dictionary)
local config = _compression_level_configs[level]
local config_use_lazy
, config_good_prev_length
, config_max_lazy_match
, config_nice_length
, config_max_hash_chain =
config[1], config[2], config[3], config[4], config[5]
local config_max_insert_length = (not config_use_lazy)
and config_max_lazy_match or 2147483646
local config_good_hash_chain =
local hash
local dict_hash_tables
local dict_string_table
local dict_string_len = 0
if dictionary then
dict_hash_tables = dictionary.hash_tables
dict_string_table = dictionary.string_table
dict_string_len = dictionary.strlen
assert(block_start == 1)
if block_end >= block_start and dict_string_len >= 2 then
hash = dict_string_table[dict_string_len-1]*65536
+ dict_string_table[dict_string_len]*256 + string_table[1]
local t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = -1
if block_end >= block_start+1 and dict_string_len >= 1 then
hash = dict_string_table[dict_string_len]*65536
+ string_table[1]*256 + string_table[2]
local t = hash_tables[hash]
if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
t[#t+1] = 0
hash = (string_table[block_start-offset] or 0)*256
+ (string_table[block_start+1-offset] or 0)
local lcodes = {}
local lcode_tblsize = 0
local lcodes_counts = {}
local dcodes = {}
local dcodes_tblsize = 0
local dcodes_counts = {}
local lextra_bits = {}
local lextra_bits_tblsize = 0
local dextra_bits = {}
local dextra_bits_tblsize = 0
local match_available = false
local prev_len
local prev_dist
local cur_len = 0
local cur_dist = 0
local index = block_start
local index_end = block_end + (config_use_lazy and 1 or 0)
-- the zlib source code writes separate code for lazy evaluation and
-- not lazy evaluation, which is easier to understand.
-- I put them together, so it is a bit harder to understand.
-- because I think this is easier for me to maintain it.
while (index <= index_end) do
local string_table_index = index - offset
prev_len = cur_len
prev_dist = cur_dist
cur_len = 0
hash = (hash*256+(string_table[string_table_index+2] or 0))%16777216
local chain_index
local cur_chain
local hash_chain = hash_tables[hash]
local chain_old_size
if not hash_chain then
chain_old_size = 0
hash_chain = {}
hash_tables[hash] = hash_chain
if dict_hash_tables then
cur_chain = dict_hash_tables[hash]
chain_index = cur_chain and #cur_chain or 0
chain_index = 0
chain_old_size = #hash_chain
cur_chain = hash_chain
chain_index = chain_old_size
if index <= block_end then
hash_chain[chain_old_size+1] = index
if (chain_index > 0 and index + 2 <= block_end
and (not config_use_lazy or prev_len < config_max_lazy_match)) then
local depth =
(config_use_lazy and prev_len >= config_good_prev_length)
and config_good_hash_chain or config_max_hash_chain
while chain_index >= 1 and depth > 0 do
local prev = cur_chain[chain_index]
if index - prev > 32768 then
if prev < index then
local j = 3
if prev >= -257 then
local prev_table_index = prev-offset
-- NOTE for author:
-- j < 258 and index + j <= block_end
-- This is the right condition
while (j < 258 and index + j <= block_end) do
if (string_table[prev_table_index+j]
== string_table[string_table_index+j]) then
j = j + 1
local prev_table_index = dict_string_len+prev
-- NOTE for author:
-- j < 258 and index + j <= block_end
-- This is the right condition
while (j < 258 and index + j <= block_end) do
if (dict_string_table[prev_table_index+j]
== string_table[string_table_index+j]) then
j = j + 1
if j > cur_len then
cur_len = j
cur_dist = index - prev
if cur_len >= config_nice_length then
chain_index = chain_index - 1
depth = depth - 1
if chain_index == 0 and prev > 0 and dict_hash_tables then
cur_chain = dict_hash_tables[hash]
chain_index = cur_chain and #cur_chain or 0
if not config_use_lazy then
prev_len, prev_dist = cur_len, cur_dist
if ((not config_use_lazy or match_available)
and (prev_len > 3 or (prev_len == 3 and prev_dist < 4096))
and cur_len <= prev_len )then
local code = _length_to_deflate_code[prev_len]
local length_extra_bits_bitlen =
local dist_code, dist_extra_bits_bitlen, dist_extra_bits
if prev_dist <= 256 then -- have cached code for small distance.
dist_code = _dist256_to_deflate_code[prev_dist]
dist_extra_bits = _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bits[prev_dist]
dist_extra_bits_bitlen =
dist_code = 16
dist_extra_bits_bitlen = 7
local a = 384
local b = 512
while true do
if prev_dist <= a then
dist_extra_bits = (prev_dist-(b/2)-1) % (b/4)
elseif prev_dist <= b then
dist_extra_bits = (prev_dist-(b/2)-1) % (b/4)
dist_code = dist_code + 1
dist_code = dist_code + 2
dist_extra_bits_bitlen = dist_extra_bits_bitlen + 1
a = a*2
b = b*2
lcode_tblsize = lcode_tblsize + 1
lcodes[lcode_tblsize] = code
lcodes_counts[code] = (lcodes_counts[code] or 0) + 1
dcodes_tblsize = dcodes_tblsize + 1
dcodes[dcodes_tblsize] = dist_code
dcodes_counts[dist_code] = (dcodes_counts[dist_code] or 0) + 1
if length_extra_bits_bitlen > 0 then
local lenExtraBits = _length_to_deflate_extra_bits[prev_len]
lextra_bits_tblsize = lextra_bits_tblsize + 1
lextra_bits[lextra_bits_tblsize] = lenExtraBits
if dist_extra_bits_bitlen > 0 then
dextra_bits_tblsize = dextra_bits_tblsize + 1
dextra_bits[dextra_bits_tblsize] = dist_extra_bits
for i=index+1, index+prev_len-(config_use_lazy and 2 or 1) do
hash = (hash*256+(string_table[i-offset+2] or 0))%16777216
if prev_len <= config_max_insert_length then
hash_chain = hash_tables[hash]
if not hash_chain then
hash_chain = {}
hash_tables[hash] = hash_chain
hash_chain[#hash_chain+1] = i
index = index + prev_len - (config_use_lazy and 1 or 0)
match_available = false
elseif (not config_use_lazy) or match_available then
local code = string_table[config_use_lazy
and (string_table_index-1) or string_table_index]
lcode_tblsize = lcode_tblsize + 1
lcodes[lcode_tblsize] = code
lcodes_counts[code] = (lcodes_counts[code] or 0) + 1
index = index + 1
match_available = true
index = index + 1
-- Write "end of block" symbol
lcode_tblsize = lcode_tblsize + 1
lcodes[lcode_tblsize] = 256
lcodes_counts[256] = (lcodes_counts[256] or 0) + 1
return lcodes, lextra_bits, lcodes_counts, dcodes, dextra_bits
, dcodes_counts
-- Get the header data of dynamic block.
-- @param lcodes_count The count of each literal/LZ77_length codes.
-- @param dcodes_count The count of each Lz77 distance codes.
-- @return a lots of stuffs.
-- @see RFC1951 Page 12
local function GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader(lcodes_counts, dcodes_counts)
local lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
, max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode =
GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(lcodes_counts, 15, 285)
local dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes
, max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode =
GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(dcodes_counts, 15, 29)
local rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits, rle_codes_counts =
,max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode, dcodes_huffman_bitlens
, max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode)
local rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_codes_huffman_codes =
GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(rle_codes_counts, 7, 18)
local HCLEN = 0
for i = 1, 19 do
local symbol = _rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order[i]
local length = rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
if length ~= 0 then
local HLIT = max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode + 1 - 257
local HDIST = max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode + 1 - 1
if HDIST < 0 then HDIST = 0 end
return HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
, rle_codes_huffman_codes, rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits
, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
, dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes
-- Get the size of dynamic block without writing any bits into the writer.
-- @param ... Read the source code of GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader()
-- @return the bit length of the dynamic block
local function GetDynamicHuffmanBlockSize(lcodes, dcodes, HCLEN
, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_deflate_codes
, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_bitlens)
local block_bitlen = 17 -- 1+2+5+5+4
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + (HCLEN+4)*3
for i = 1, #rle_deflate_codes do
local code = rle_deflate_codes[i]
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[code]
if code >= 16 then
block_bitlen = block_bitlen +
((code == 16) and 2 or (code == 17 and 3 or 7))
local length_code_count = 0
for i = 1, #lcodes do
local code = lcodes[i]
local huffman_bitlen = lcodes_huffman_bitlens[code]
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + huffman_bitlen
if code > 256 then -- Length code
length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
if code > 264 and code < 285 then -- Length code with extra bits
local extra_bits_bitlen =
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + extra_bits_bitlen
local dist_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
local dist_huffman_bitlen = dcodes_huffman_bitlens[dist_code]
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + dist_huffman_bitlen
if dist_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
local dist_extra_bits_bitlen = (dist_code-dist_code%2)/2 - 1
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + dist_extra_bits_bitlen
return block_bitlen
-- Write dynamic block.
-- @param ... Read the source code of GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader()
local function CompressDynamicHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block
, lcodes, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits, HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN
, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_codes_huffman_codes
, rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits
, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
, dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes)
WriteBits(is_last_block and 1 or 0, 1) -- Last block identifier
WriteBits(2, 2) -- Dynamic Huffman block identifier
WriteBits(HLIT, 5)
WriteBits(HDIST, 5)
WriteBits(HCLEN, 4)
for i = 1, HCLEN+4 do
local symbol = _rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order[i]
local length = rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
WriteBits(length, 3)
local rleExtraBitsIndex = 1
for i=1, #rle_deflate_codes do
local code = rle_deflate_codes[i]
, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[code])
if code >= 16 then
local extraBits = rle_extra_bits[rleExtraBitsIndex]
WriteBits(extraBits, (code == 16) and 2 or (code == 17 and 3 or 7))
rleExtraBitsIndex = rleExtraBitsIndex + 1
local length_code_count = 0
local length_code_with_extra_count = 0
local dist_code_with_extra_count = 0
for i=1, #lcodes do
local deflate_codee = lcodes[i]
local huffman_code = lcodes_huffman_codes[deflate_codee]
local huffman_bitlen = lcodes_huffman_bitlens[deflate_codee]
WriteBits(huffman_code, huffman_bitlen)
if deflate_codee > 256 then -- Length code
length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
if deflate_codee > 264 and deflate_codee < 285 then
-- Length code with extra bits
length_code_with_extra_count = length_code_with_extra_count + 1
local extra_bits = lextra_bits[length_code_with_extra_count]
local extra_bits_bitlen =
WriteBits(extra_bits, extra_bits_bitlen)
-- Write distance code
local dist_deflate_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
local dist_huffman_code = dcodes_huffman_codes[dist_deflate_code]
local dist_huffman_bitlen =
WriteBits(dist_huffman_code, dist_huffman_bitlen)
if dist_deflate_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
dist_code_with_extra_count = dist_code_with_extra_count + 1
local dist_extra_bits = dextra_bits[dist_code_with_extra_count]
local dist_extra_bits_bitlen =
(dist_deflate_code-dist_deflate_code%2)/2 - 1
WriteBits(dist_extra_bits, dist_extra_bits_bitlen)
-- Get the size of fixed block without writing any bits into the writer.
-- @param lcodes literal/LZ77_length deflate codes
-- @param decodes LZ77 distance deflate codes
-- @return the bit length of the fixed block
local function GetFixedHuffmanBlockSize(lcodes, dcodes)
local block_bitlen = 3
local length_code_count = 0
for i=1, #lcodes do
local code = lcodes[i]
local huffman_bitlen = _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[code]
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + huffman_bitlen
if code > 256 then -- Length code
length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
if code > 264 and code < 285 then -- Length code with extra bits
local extra_bits_bitlen =
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + extra_bits_bitlen
local dist_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + 5
if dist_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
local dist_extra_bits_bitlen =
(dist_code-dist_code%2)/2 - 1
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + dist_extra_bits_bitlen
return block_bitlen
-- Write fixed block.
-- @param lcodes literal/LZ77_length deflate codes
-- @param decodes LZ77 distance deflate codes
local function CompressFixedHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block,
lcodes, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits)
WriteBits(is_last_block and 1 or 0, 1) -- Last block identifier
WriteBits(1, 2) -- Fixed Huffman block identifier
local length_code_count = 0
local length_code_with_extra_count = 0
local dist_code_with_extra_count = 0
for i=1, #lcodes do
local deflate_code = lcodes[i]
local huffman_code = _fix_block_literal_huffman_code[deflate_code]
local huffman_bitlen = _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[deflate_code]
WriteBits(huffman_code, huffman_bitlen)
if deflate_code > 256 then -- Length code
length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
if deflate_code > 264 and deflate_code < 285 then
-- Length code with extra bits
length_code_with_extra_count = length_code_with_extra_count + 1
local extra_bits = lextra_bits[length_code_with_extra_count]
local extra_bits_bitlen =
WriteBits(extra_bits, extra_bits_bitlen)
-- Write distance code
local dist_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
local dist_huffman_code = _fix_block_dist_huffman_code[dist_code]
WriteBits(dist_huffman_code, 5)
if dist_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
dist_code_with_extra_count = dist_code_with_extra_count + 1
local dist_extra_bits = dextra_bits[dist_code_with_extra_count]
local dist_extra_bits_bitlen = (dist_code-dist_code%2)/2 - 1
WriteBits(dist_extra_bits, dist_extra_bits_bitlen)
-- Get the size of store block without writing any bits into the writer.
-- @param block_start The start index of the origin input string
-- @param block_end The end index of the origin input string
-- @param Total bit lens had been written into the compressed result before,
-- because store block needs to shift to byte boundary.
-- @return the bit length of the fixed block
local function GetStoreBlockSize(block_start, block_end, total_bitlen)
assert(block_end-block_start+1 <= 65535)
local block_bitlen = 3
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + 3
local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + padding_bitlen
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + 32
block_bitlen = block_bitlen + (block_end - block_start + 1) * 8
return block_bitlen
-- Write the store block.
-- @param ... lots of stuffs
-- @return nil
local function CompressStoreBlock(WriteBits, WriteString, is_last_block, str
, block_start, block_end, total_bitlen)
assert(block_end-block_start+1 <= 65535)
WriteBits(is_last_block and 1 or 0, 1) -- Last block identifer.
WriteBits(0, 2) -- Store block identifier.
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + 3
local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
if padding_bitlen > 0 then
WriteBits(_pow2[padding_bitlen]-1, padding_bitlen)
local size = block_end - block_start + 1
WriteBits(size, 16)
-- Write size's one's complement
local comp = (255 - size % 256) + (255 - (size-size%256)/256)*256
WriteBits(comp, 16)
WriteString(str:sub(block_start, block_end))
-- Do the deflate
-- Currently using a simple way to determine the block size
-- (This is why the compression ratio is little bit worse than zlib when
-- the input size is very large
-- The first block is 64KB, the following block is 32KB.
-- After each block, there is a memory cleanup operation.
-- This is not a fast operation, but it is needed to save memory usage, so
-- the memory usage does not grow unboundly. If the data size is less than
-- 64KB, then memory cleanup won't happen.
-- This function determines whether to use store/fixed/dynamic blocks by
-- calculating the block size of each block type and chooses the smallest one.
local function Deflate(configs, WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter, str
, dictionary)
local string_table = {}
local hash_tables = {}
local is_last_block = nil
local block_start
local block_end
local bitlen_written
local total_bitlen = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_NO_FLUSH)
local strlen = #str
local offset
local level
local strategy
if configs then
if configs.level then
level = configs.level
if configs.strategy then
strategy = configs.strategy
if not level then
if strlen < 2048 then
level = 7
elseif strlen > 65536 then
level = 3
level = 5
while not is_last_block do
if not block_start then
block_start = 1
block_end = 64*1024 - 1
offset = 0
block_start = block_end + 1
block_end = block_end + 32*1024
offset = block_start - 32*1024 - 1
if block_end >= strlen then
block_end = strlen
is_last_block = true
is_last_block = false
local lcodes, lextra_bits, lcodes_counts, dcodes, dextra_bits
, dcodes_counts
local HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
, rle_codes_huffman_codes, rle_deflate_codes
, rle_extra_bits, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
, dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes
local dynamic_block_bitlen
local fixed_block_bitlen
local store_block_bitlen
if level ~= 0 then
-- GetBlockLZ77 needs block_start to block_end+3 to be loaded.
LoadStringToTable(str, string_table, block_start, block_end + 3
, offset)
if block_start == 1 and dictionary then
local dict_string_table = dictionary.string_table
local dict_strlen = dictionary.strlen
for i=0, (-dict_strlen+1)<-257
and -257 or (-dict_strlen+1), -1 do
string_table[i] = dict_string_table[dict_strlen+i]
if strategy == "huffman_only" then
lcodes = {}
LoadStringToTable(str, lcodes, block_start, block_end
, block_start-1)
lextra_bits = {}
lcodes_counts = {}
lcodes[block_end - block_start+2] = 256 -- end of block
for i=1, block_end - block_start+2 do
local code = lcodes[i]
lcodes_counts[code] = (lcodes_counts[code] or 0) + 1
dcodes = {}
dextra_bits = {}
dcodes_counts = {}
lcodes, lextra_bits, lcodes_counts, dcodes, dextra_bits
, dcodes_counts = GetBlockLZ77Result(level, string_table
, hash_tables, block_start, block_end, offset, dictionary
HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
, rle_codes_huffman_codes, rle_deflate_codes
, rle_extra_bits, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
, dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes =
GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader(lcodes_counts, dcodes_counts)
dynamic_block_bitlen = GetDynamicHuffmanBlockSize(
lcodes, dcodes, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
, rle_deflate_codes, lcodes_huffman_bitlens
, dcodes_huffman_bitlens)
fixed_block_bitlen = GetFixedHuffmanBlockSize(lcodes, dcodes)
store_block_bitlen = GetStoreBlockSize(block_start, block_end
, total_bitlen)
local min_bitlen = store_block_bitlen
min_bitlen = (fixed_block_bitlen and fixed_block_bitlen < min_bitlen)
and fixed_block_bitlen or min_bitlen
min_bitlen = (dynamic_block_bitlen
and dynamic_block_bitlen < min_bitlen)
and dynamic_block_bitlen or min_bitlen
if level == 0 or (strategy ~= "fixed" and strategy ~= "dynamic" and
store_block_bitlen == min_bitlen) then
CompressStoreBlock(WriteBits, WriteString, is_last_block
, str, block_start, block_end, total_bitlen)
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + store_block_bitlen
elseif strategy ~= "dynamic" and (
strategy == "fixed" or fixed_block_bitlen == min_bitlen) then
CompressFixedHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block,
lcodes, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits)
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + fixed_block_bitlen
elseif strategy == "dynamic" or dynamic_block_bitlen == min_bitlen then
CompressDynamicHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block, lcodes
, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits, HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN
, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_codes_huffman_codes
, rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits
, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
, dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes)
total_bitlen = total_bitlen + dynamic_block_bitlen
if is_last_block then
bitlen_written = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_NO_FLUSH)
bitlen_written = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_MEMORY_CLEANUP)
assert(bitlen_written == total_bitlen)
-- Memory clean up, so memory consumption does not always grow linearly
-- , even if input string is > 64K.
-- Not a very efficient operation, but this operation won't happen
-- when the input data size is less than 64K.
if not is_last_block then
local j
if dictionary and block_start == 1 then
j = 0
while (string_table[j]) do
string_table[j] = nil
j = j - 1
dictionary = nil
j = 1
for i = block_end-32767, block_end do
string_table[j] = string_table[i-offset]
j = j + 1
for k, t in pairs(hash_tables) do
local tSize = #t
if tSize > 0 and block_end+1 - t[1] > 32768 then
if tSize == 1 then
--hash_tables[k] = nil -- seems to be causing problems
local new = {}
local newSize = 0
for i = 2, tSize do
j = t[i]
if block_end+1 - j <= 32768 then
newSize = newSize + 1
new[newSize] = j
hash_tables[k] = new
if os and os.pullEvent then -- ComputerCraft requires this for long-running processes
--- The description to compression configuration table. <br>
-- Any field can be nil to use its default. <br>
-- Table with keys other than those below is an invalid table.
-- @class table
-- @name compression_configs
-- @field level The compression level ranged from 0 to 9. 0 is no compression.
-- 9 is the slowest but best compression. Use nil for default level.
-- @field strategy The compression strategy. "fixed" to only use fixed deflate
-- compression block. "dynamic" to only use dynamic block. "huffman_only" to
-- do no LZ77 compression. Only do huffman compression.
-- @see LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(str, configs)
-- @see LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary, configs)
local function CompressDeflateInternal(str, dictionary, configs)
local WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter = CreateWriter()
Deflate(configs, WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter, str, dictionary)
local total_bitlen, result = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_OUTPUT)
local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
return result, padding_bitlen
--- Compress using the raw deflate format.
-- @param str [string] The data to be compressed.
-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
-- @return [string] The compressed data.
-- @return [integer] The number of bits padded at the end of output.
-- 0 <= bits < 8 <br>
-- This means the most significant "bits" of the last byte of the returned
-- compressed data are padding bits and they don't affect decompression.
-- You don't need to use this value unless you want to do some postprocessing
-- to the compressed data.
-- @see compression_configs
-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate
function LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(str, configs)
local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, false, nil, true, configs)
if not arg_valid then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(str, configs): "
..arg_err), 2)
return CompressDeflateInternal(str, nil, configs)
--- Compress using the raw deflate format with a preset dictionary.
-- @param str [string] The data to be compressed.
-- @param dictionary [table] The preset dictionary produced by
-- LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
-- @return [string] The compressed data.
-- @return [integer] The number of bits padded at the end of output.
-- 0 <= bits < 8 <br>
-- This means the most significant "bits" of the last byte of the returned
-- compressed data are padding bits and they don't affect decompression.
-- You don't need to use this value unless you want to do some postprocessing
-- to the compressed data.
-- @see compression_configs
-- @see LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict
function LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary, configs)
local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, true, dictionary
, true, configs)
if not arg_valid then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict"
.."(str, dictionary, configs): "
..arg_err), 2)
return CompressDeflateInternal(str, dictionary, configs)
local function time()
if os.epoch ~= nil then return math.floor(os.epoch("utc") / 1000)
-- ComputerCraft's os.time() gives in-game time, os.epoch gives POSIX time in ms
elseif os.time() < 30 then return 0 -- ComputerCraft 1.79 and below don't have os.epoch(), so no time.
else return os.time() end -- All other Luas.
local function byte(num, b) return band(rshift(num, b * 8), 0xFF) end
--- Compress using the gzip format.
-- @param str [string] the data to be compressed.
-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
-- @return [string] The compressed data with gzip headers.
-- @see compression_configs
-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressGzip
function LibDeflate:CompressGzip(str, configs)
local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, false, nil, true, configs)
if not arg_valid then
error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressGzip(str, configs): "
..arg_err), 2)
local res, err = CompressDeflateInternal(str, nil, configs)
if res == nil then return res, err end
local t = time()
local cf = 0
local crc = self:CRC32(str)
local len = string.len(str)
if configs ~= nil and configs.level ~= nil then
if configs.level == 0 then cf = 0x04
elseif configs.level == 9 then cf = 0x02 end
return string_char(0x1f, 0x8b, 8, 0, byte(t, 0), byte(t, 1), byte(t, 2),
byte(t, 3), cf, 0xFF) .. res .. string_char(byte(crc, 0), byte(crc, 1),
byte(crc, 2), byte(crc, 3), byte(len, 0), byte(len, 1), byte(len, 2), byte(len, 3))
-- Deflate defines a special huffman tree, which is unique once the bit length
-- of huffman code of all symbols are known.
-- @param bitlen_count Number of symbols with a specific bitlen
-- @param symbol_bitlen The bit length of a symbol
-- @param max_symbol The max symbol among all symbols,
-- which is (number of symbols - 1)
-- @param max_bitlen The max huffman bit length among all symbols.
-- @return The huffman code of all symbols.
local function GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(bitlen_counts, symbol_bitlens
, max_symbol, max_bitlen)
local huffman_code = 0
local next_codes = {}
local symbol_huffman_codes = {}
for bitlen = 1, max_bitlen do
huffman_code = (huffman_code+(bitlen_counts[bitlen-1] or 0))*2
next_codes[bitlen] = huffman_code
for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
local bitlen = symbol_bitlens[symbol]
if bitlen then
huffman_code = next_codes[bitlen]
next_codes[bitlen] = huffman_code + 1
-- Reverse the bits of huffman code,
-- because most signifant bits of huffman code
-- is stored first into the compressed data.
-- @see RFC1951 Page5 Section 3.1.1
if bitlen <= 9 then -- Have cached reverse for small bitlen.
symbol_huffman_codes[symbol] =
local reverse = 0
for _ = 1, bitlen do
reverse = reverse - reverse%2
+ (((reverse%2==1)
or (huffman_code % 2) == 1) and 1 or 0)
huffman_code = (huffman_code-huffman_code%2)/2
reverse = reverse*2
symbol_huffman_codes[symbol] = (reverse-reverse%2)/2
return symbol_huffman_codes
-- Get the stuffs needed to decode huffman codes
-- @see puff.c:construct(...)
-- @param huffman_bitlen The huffman bit length of the huffman codes.
-- @param max_symbol The maximum symbol
-- @param max_bitlen The min huffman bit length of all codes
-- @return zero or positive for success, negative for failure.
-- @return The count of each huffman bit length.
-- @return A table to convert huffman codes to deflate codes.
-- @return The minimum huffman bit length.
local function GetHuffmanForDecode(huffman_bitlens, max_symbol, max_bitlen)
local huffman_bitlen_counts = {}
local min_bitlen = max_bitlen
for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
local bitlen = huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
min_bitlen = (bitlen > 0 and bitlen < min_bitlen)
and bitlen or min_bitlen
huffman_bitlen_counts[bitlen] = (huffman_bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0)+1
if huffman_bitlen_counts[0] == max_symbol+1 then -- No Codes
return 0, huffman_bitlen_counts, {}, 0 -- Complete, but decode will fail
local left = 1
for len = 1, max_bitlen do
left = left * 2
left = left - (huffman_bitlen_counts[len] or 0)
if left < 0 then
return left -- Over-subscribed, return negative
-- Generate offsets info symbol table for each length for sorting
local offsets = {}
offsets[1] = 0
for len = 1, max_bitlen-1 do
offsets[len + 1] = offsets[len] + (huffman_bitlen_counts[len] or 0)
local huffman_symbols = {}
for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
local bitlen = huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
if bitlen ~= 0 then
local offset = offsets[bitlen]
huffman_symbols[offset] = symbol
offsets[bitlen] = offsets[bitlen] + 1
-- Return zero for complete set, positive for incomplete set.
return left, huffman_bitlen_counts, huffman_symbols, min_bitlen
-- Calculate the huffman code of fixed block
_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen = {}
for sym=0, 143 do
_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 8
for sym=144, 255 do
_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 9
for sym=256, 279 do
_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 7
for sym=280, 287 do
_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 8
_fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen = {}
for dist=0, 31 do
_fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen[dist] = 5
local status
status, _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen_count
, _fix_block_literal_huffman_to_deflate_code =
GetHuffmanForDecode(_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen, 287, 9)
assert(status == 0)
status, _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen_count,
_fix_block_dist_huffman_to_deflate_code =
GetHuffmanForDecode(_fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen, 31, 5)
assert(status == 0)
_fix_block_literal_huffman_code =
, _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen, 287, 9)
_fix_block_dist_huffman_code =
, _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen, 31, 5)
-- For test. Don't use the functions in this table for real application.
-- Stuffs in this table is subject to change.
LibDeflate.internals = {
LoadStringToTable = LoadStringToTable,
IsValidDictionary = IsValidDictionary,
IsEqualAdler32 = IsEqualAdler32,
return LibDeflate
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