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Last active May 13, 2021 22:49
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Functions to calculate luminance of colors and contrast ratio of colors in SASS
// Calulates power with integer exponent
@function pow($number, $exponent) {
$value: 1;
@if $exponent > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $exponent {
$value: $value * $number;
} @else if $exponent < 0 {
@for $i from 1 through -$exponent {
$value: $value / $number;
@return $value;
// Calculates nth root with iteration
@function nth-root($value, $n) {
$precision: 1e-10;
$previous: 0;
$current: $value;
@while abs($current - $previous) > $precision {
$previous: $current;
$current: 1 / $n * (($n - 1) * $previous + ($value / pow($previous, $n - 1)));
@return $current;
// Calculates luminance of a color based on the WCAG2 standard
// Luminance calculation based on:
@function luminance($color) {
$R: red($color) / 255;
$G: green($color) / 255;
$B: blue($color) / 255;
@if $R <= 0.03928 {
$R: $R / 12.92;
} @else {
$R: nth-root(pow($R + 0.055 / 1.055, 24), 10);
@if $G <= 0.03928 {
$G: $G / 12.92;
} @else {
$G: nth-root(pow($G + 0.055 / 1.055, 24), 10);
@if $B <= 0.03928 {
$B: $B / 12.92;
} @else {
$B: nth-root(pow($B + 0.055 / 1.055, 24), 10);
@return $R * 0.2126 + $G * 0.7152 + $B * 0.0722;
// Calculates the contrast of two colors based on the WCAG2 standard
// Constrast calculation based on:
@function contrast($color1, $color2) {
@if luminance($color1) > luminance($color2) {
@return (luminance($color1) + 0.05) / (luminance($color2) + 0.05);
} @else {
@return (luminance($color2) + 0.05) / (luminance($color1) + 0.05);
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