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Created July 17, 2019 21:01
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Contract Creation for Padres vs Marlins (Steven vs. Vin) July 17, 2019
const jeton = require('jeton-lib')
const PrivateKey = jeton.PrivateKey
const PublicKey = jeton.PublicKey
const Signature = jeton.Signature
const OutputScript = jeton.escrow.OutputScript
const Transaction = jeton.Transaction
// Create the output script
var refpk = new PublicKey("029ba4d2d14a5c24e4b7b6aa953ecf24b599e2f5e944412a9d60e5878f0f6a06cd")
var stevenpk = new PublicKey("03e34df7c516e3a122ef72f9db4cbcd2302ac7c9ec5b1f52cd5f77740654958f31")
var vinpk = new PublicKey("03ef3b289d0c08ab016153975cc028871982a621f35ab548e348ce275bb2b21eca")
var outputScriptData = {
refereePubKey: refpk,
parties: [
{message: 'padreswin', pubKey: stevenpk},
{message: 'marlinswin', pubKey: vinpk}
outScript = new OutputScript(outputScriptData)
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vinarmani commented Jul 17, 2019

At the end of the game, the referee runs this code where "message" is either "padreswin" or "marlinswin" depending on the outcome:

var refPriv = new PrivateKey("PRIVATE_KEY_IN_WIF_FORMAT")
var refereeSig = Signature.signCDS(message, refPriv)

Referee then broadcasts that message

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vinarmani commented Jul 17, 2019

The winner will do the following, inputing the referee's broadcasted signature string and chosen address to send the winnings to:

Just realized this will need to be done as two separate transactions for now. so run the code for each of the utxos

// UTXOS to be spent by winner
var utxo1 = new Transaction.UnspentOutput({ 
    vout: 0,
    satoshis: 6700000,
    scriptPubKey: 'a9144a21989c05afedbedffc20e89f0ac5c13071cb2987' 

var utxo2 = new Transaction.UnspentOutput({ 
    vout: 0,
    satoshis: 6700000,
    scriptPubKey: 'a9144a21989c05afedbedffc20e89f0ac5c13071cb2987' 
// Make Transaction from escrow UTXO
sighash = (Signature.SIGHASH_ALL | Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID)

// Satoshi's to spend minus 750 for miner fee (just to be safe)
var amountToSpend = utxo1.satoshis - 750

var spendTx = new Transaction()
.from(utxo1) // then another transaction for utxo2

var refereeSig = Signature.fromString(REFEREE_SIGNATURE_STRING)

var winnerPriv = new PrivateKey("PRIVATE_KEY_IN_WIF_FORMAT")

spendTx.signEscrow(0, winnerPriv , WINNING_MESSAGE, refereeSig, outScript.toScript(), sighash)


Then broadcast the resulting transaction to claim the winnings

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