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Last active June 27, 2019 11:22
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Run UI tests
# Prerequisites
# - Python 3
# - *nix OS
# - git must be available on the command line
# - Android SDK and Java 8 must be setup
# - Repository SSH fingerptint must be added to ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# - ANDROID_SDK_ROOT env variable must be set
# - An AVD with the name "uitest" must be pre-created
# - mongodb started and running on port 27017
import os
import shutil
uiTestRepository = ""
appToTestRepository = ""
def sourceDirectoryFromGitUrl(repositoryUrl):
return repositoryUrl[repositoryUrl.rfind('/') + 1:repositoryUrl.rfind('.git')]
uiTestDirectory = sourceDirectoryFromGitUrl(uiTestRepository)
appToTestDirectory = sourceDirectoryFromGitUrl(appToTestRepository)
def deleteDirectoryIfExists(directory):
def clone(repositoryUrl):
print('Clone {}'.format(repositoryUrl))
cmd = 'git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1 {}'.format(repositoryUrl)
status = os.system(cmd)
if(status != 0):
print('Could not clone {}'.format(repositoryUrl))
def buildAppToTest():
srcDir = appToTestDirectory
print('Build {}'.format(srcDir))
cmd = '{0}/gradlew -p {0} app:assembleQaDebug'.format(srcDir)
status = os.system(cmd)
if(status != 0):
print('Could not build {}'.format(srcDir))
def copyApkToTestDir():
srcPath = os.path.join(appToTestDirectory, 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'qa', 'debug', 'app-qa-debug.apk')
os.makedirs(name = os.path.join(uiTestDirectory, 'app'), exist_ok = True)
dstPath = os.path.join(uiTestDirectory, 'app', 'qaDebug.apk')
print('Copy {} to {}'.format(srcPath, dstPath))
shutil.copyfile(srcPath, dstPath)
def launchEmulator(avd):
print('Launch {}'.format(avd))
# The emulator command seems to have some issues with relative paths so we need to change the
# working directory to the sdk tools directory and then run the emulator command.
# We also need to add an '&' at the end after starting the emulator because otherwise
# the emulator command would never return.
cmd = 'cd $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools && ./emulator -avd {} &'.format(avd)
status = os.system(cmd)
if(status != 0):
print('Could not launch {}'.format(avd))
def runUiTests(testDir):
cmd = '{0}/gradlew -p {0} runDistribution -DtestFeed=simple -Dtags=@overdue1'.format(testDir)
status = os.system(cmd)
if(status != 0):
print('Could not run UI tests')
change simple.json paths of node and appium
# deleteDirectoryIfExists(uiTestDirectory)
# deleteDirectoryIfExists(appToTestDirectory)
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