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Last active April 1, 2023 14:49
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Shared Libraries for Jenkins Pipelines (build/reuse and control Docker images)
// In vars/allInOne.groovy (shared library that defines the generic pipeline)
def call(Map config) {
node {
def timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().format('YYYYMMdd-hhmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('Europe/Paris'))
def buildId = "${config.imageVersion}-${timeStamp}"
stage('Checkout') {
echo "Checking out the sources..."
checkout scm
stage('Build Image') {
// Enforce the shape of the repository and assume the Dockerfile is always under image/
sh 'docker build -t "${config.imageName}:${buildId}" image/'
stage('Project tests') {
def scriptFileContent = libraryResource( 'com/linagora/' )
sh scriptFileContent
stage('Security checks') {
echo "Checking security..."
securityInspection( "${config.imageName}", "${buildId}" )
stage('Software Governance') {
echo "Handling Software checks..."
softwareCheck( "${config.imageName}", "${buildId}" )
stage('Promotion') {
echo "Promoting the local image to a trusted repository..."
def scriptFileContent = libraryResource( 'com/linagora/' )
sh scriptFileContent
// In vars/allInOne.groovy (shared library that defines the generic pipeline, upgraded to support existing images)
def call(Map config) {
node {
def timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().format('YYYYMMdd-hhmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('Europe/Paris'))
def buildId = "${config.imageVersion}-${timeStamp}"
// Alway checkout the sources, as they may include tests
stage('Checkout') {
echo "Checking out the sources..."
checkout scm
if (config.existing == true) {
stage('Docker pull') {
def buildId = "${config.imageVersion}"
sh 'docker pull "${config.imageName}:${buildId}"'
if (config.existing != true) {
stage('Build Image') {
// Enforce the shape of the repository and assume it is always under image/
sh 'docker build -t "${config.imageName}:${buildId}" image/'
stage('Project tests') {
def scriptFileContent = libraryResource( 'com/linagora/' )
sh scriptFileContent
stage('Security checks') {
echo "Checking security..."
securityInspection( "${config.imageName}", "${buildId}" )
stage('Software Governance') {
echo "Handling Software checks..."
softwareCheck( "${config.imageName}", "${buildId}" )
stage('Promotion') {
echo "Promoting the local image to a trusted repository..."
def scriptFileContent = libraryResource( 'com/linagora/' )
sh scriptFileContent
// In vars/securityInspection.groovy (shared library for the security role)
def call(String imageName, String buildId) {
// We assume clair-scanner is available in the path
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'hostname -i').trim()
clair-scanner -c <CLAIR_SERVER_URL> --ip ${host} --t High ${imageName}:${buildId}
// If you use Dadgda instead of Clair, you simply run a Python script.
// The installation is a little bit different, but the pipeline step would remain simple.
// In vars/softwareCheck.groovy (shared library for the Software Governance role)
def call(String imageName, String buildId) {
def scriptFileContent = libraryResource( 'com/linagora/' )
sh scriptFileContent
sh 'echo "imageName: ${imageName}" >> /tmp/gov.results.txt'
sh 'echo "imageVersion: ${buildId}" >> /tmp/gov.results.txt'
sh 'curl --data-binary "@/tmp/gov.results.txt" -X POST...'
sh 'rm -rf /tmp/gov.results.txt'
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