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Created September 1, 2023 22:42
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A python script to migrate obsidian notes to logseq, including tasks and daily notes, use at your own risk.
from datetime import datetime
import re
import os
import shutil
# migrate obsidian note to logseq
# input: - [ ] Rename `dev-triage-china` to `cn-triage` 📅 2023-09-01
# output:
# - TODO aa
# SCHEDULED: <2023-08-30 Wed>
def migrate_task(obsidian_task: str):
t = parse_obsidian_task(obsidian_task)
logseq_task = format_logseq(t['task'], scheduled_time=t.get('scheduled_date'), status=t['status'])
return logseq_task
def format_logseq(task: str, scheduled_time: str | None = None, status: str | None = None):
if status == None:
status = 'TODO'
status = status.upper()
if status not in ['TODO', 'DOING', 'DONE']:
raise ValueError(f'invalid status {status}')
task_line = f"- {status} {task}"
if scheduled_time == None:
return task_line + "\n"
scheduled_time = datetime.strptime(scheduled_time, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %a')
return task_line + f"\n SCHEDULED: <{scheduled_time}>\n"
def parse_obsidian_task(s: str) -> dict:
match ="-\s*\[(?P<status>[\w\s\/])\]\s*(?P<task>[^:]*)(?:\s*:date:\s*(?P<scheduled_date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}))?(?:\s*:white_check_mark:\s*(?P<completed_date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}))?", s)
if match:
status ='status')
task ='task')
scheduled_date ='scheduled_date')
completed_date ='completed_date')
ret = {
'task': task.rstrip(),
if status == 'x':
ret['status'] = 'DONE'
ret['status'] = 'TODO'
if scheduled_date:
ret['scheduled_date'] = scheduled_date
if completed_date:
ret['completed_date'] = completed_date
return ret
def traverse_files(folder_path, callback=None):
for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
if callback is None:
target_journal_folder = '/Users/vincenthuang/Notes/journals'
target_page_foler = '/Users/vincenthuang/Notes/pages'
# copy all the files with "Daily" in the path and end up with .md
def migrate_file(obsidian_file_path: str):
if '/Daily/' in obsidian_file_path and obsidian_file_path.endswith('.md'):
target_file_name = os.path.basename(obsidian_file_path).replace('-', '_')
append_or_copy(target_journal_folder, obsidian_file_path, target_file_name)
elif obsidian_file_path.endswith('.md'):
append_or_copy(target_page_foler, obsidian_file_path, os.path.basename(obsidian_file_path))
def append_or_copy(folder_path: str, filepath: str, target_file_name: str):
target_file = os.path.join(folder_path, target_file_name)
if os.path.exists(target_file):
mtime = os.path.getmtime(target_file)
# if the file is modified today, skip it
if datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime).date() ==
with open(filepath, 'r') as obsidian_file:
with open(target_file, 'a') as target_file:
data =
shutil.copy(filepath, folder_path)
def clean_up(filepath: str):
match ='\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}.*md$', filepath)
if match == None:
# delete file
if __name__ == '__main__':
traverse_files('./program/note/Vincent Notes', callback=migrate_file)
with open('', 'a') as file:
with open('/Users/vincenthuang/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/Vincent Notes/', 'r') as obsidian_file:
for line in obsidian_file:
logseq_task = migrate_task(line)
traverse_files(target_journal_folder, callback=clean_up)
def test_format_logseq_basic():
assert format_logseq('aa') == '- TODO aa\n'
def test_format_logseq_with_status():
assert format_logseq('aa', status='DONE') == '- DONE aa\n'
def test_format_logseq_with_due_date():
assert format_logseq('aa', status='DONE', scheduled_time='2023-08-30') == '- DONE aa\n SCHEDULED: <2023-08-30 Wed>\n'
def test_parse_obsidian_scheduled_and_completed_task():
s = "- [x] Airwallex webhook configuration :date: 2023-08-28 :white_check_mark: 2023-08-29"
t = parse_obsidian_task(s)
assert t['status'] == 'DONE'
assert t['task'] == 'Airwallex webhook configuration'
assert t['scheduled_date'] == '2023-08-28'
assert t['completed_date'] == '2023-08-29'
def test_parse_obsidian_scheduled_task():
s = "- [x] Airwallex webhook configuration :date: 2023-08-28"
t = parse_obsidian_task(s)
assert t['status'] == 'DONE'
assert t['task'] == 'Airwallex webhook configuration'
assert t.get('scheduled_date') == '2023-08-28'
assert t.get('completed_date') == None
def test_parse_obsidian_completed_task():
s = "- [x] Airwallex webhook configuration :white_check_mark: 2023-08-29"
t = parse_obsidian_task(s)
assert t['status'] == 'DONE'
assert t['task'] == 'Airwallex webhook configuration'
assert t.get('scheduled_date') == None
assert t.get('completed_date') == '2023-08-29'
def test_parse_obsidian_task():
s = "- [x] Airwallex webhook configuration"
t = parse_obsidian_task(s)
assert t['status'] == 'DONE'
assert t['task'] == 'Airwallex webhook configuration'
assert t.get('scheduled_date') == None
assert t.get('completed_date') == None
def test_parse_obsidian_todo_task():
s = "- [ ] Airwallex webhook configuration"
t = parse_obsidian_task(s)
assert t['status'] == 'TODO'
assert t['task'] == 'Airwallex webhook configuration'
assert t.get('scheduled_date') == None
assert t.get('completed_date') == None
def test_parse_obsidian_in_progress_task():
s = "- [/] Airwallex webhook configuration"
t = parse_obsidian_task(s)
assert t['status'] == 'TODO'
assert t['task'] == 'Airwallex webhook configuration'
assert t.get('scheduled_date') == None
assert t.get('completed_date') == None
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