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Last active May 30, 2020 18:58
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#' @rdname prediction
#' @export
prediction.fixest <-
data = find_data(model, parent.frame()),
at = NULL,
type = "response",
vcov = stats::vcov(model),
calculate_se = FALSE,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
# extract predicted values
data <- data
if (missing(data) || is.null(data)) {
pred <- predict(model, type = type) # eps not a valid argument.
#pred <- predict(model, type = type, ...)
pred <- prediction:::make_data_frame(fitted = pred, se.fitted = rep(NA_real_, length(pred)))
} else {
# setup data
datalist <- build_datalist(data, at = at, = TRUE)
at_specification <- attr(datalist, "at_specification")
# calculate predictions
#tmp <- predict(model, newdata = datalist, type = type, ...) # eps not a valid argument warning
tmp <- predict(model, newdata = datalist, type = type)
# cbind back together
pred <- prediction:::make_data_frame(datalist, fitted = tmp, se.fitted = rep(NA_real_, nrow(datalist)))
# handle case where SEs are *not* calculated
if (length(at)) {
vc <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(at_specification))
} else {
vc <- NA_real_
# output
class = c("prediction", "data.frame"),
at = if (is.null(at)) at else at_specification,
type = type,
call = if ("call" %in% names(model)) model[["call"]] else NULL,
model_class = class(model),
row.names = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
vcov = vc,
jacobian = J,
weighted = FALSE)
find_terms_in_model.fixest <- function(model, ...) {
# terms.fixest()[['dataClasses']] is undefined, so we detect classes from raw data
dat <- margins::find_data(dat)
rhs <- unique(all.vars(formula(model)[-1]))
dat <- dat[, rhs]
classes <- sapply(dat, function(x) class(x)[1])
out <- list('fnames' = names(classes)[classes %in% c('character', 'factor')],
'lnames' = names(classes)[classes %in% c('logical')],
'nnames' = names(classes)[classes %in% c('numeric', 'integer')])
# fixed effect variables are factors
if ('fixef_vars' %in% names(model)) {
out$fnames <- unique(c(model$fixef_vars, out$names))
out$lnames <- base::setdiff(out$lnames, model$fixef_vars)
out$nnames <- base::setdiff(out$nnames, model$fixef_vars)
margins.fixest <-
data = find_data(model, parent.frame()),
variables = NULL,
at = NULL,
type = c("response", "link"),
vcov = stats::vcov(model),
vce = "none",
iterations = 50L, # if vce == "bootstrap" or "simulation"
unit_ses = FALSE,
eps = 1e-7,
...) {
if ((vce != 'none') | unit_ses) {
warning('`margins` cannot calculate the variance of `fixest` estimates. No standard error will be produced.')
out <- margins:::margins.default(model,
data = data,
variables = variables,
at = at,
type = type,
vcov = vcov,
vce = 'none',
iterations = iterations,
unit_ses = FALSE,
eps = eps,
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