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Created June 1, 2023 15:03
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import NextAuth, { AuthOptions, SessionOptions } from "next-auth";
import { type TokenSet } from "next-auth/core/types";
import KeycloakProvider from "next-auth/providers/keycloak";
import { OIDC_CLIENT_ID, OIDC_SERVER_URL } from "../../../config/keycloak";
interface Session extends SessionOptions {
accessToken: string
error?: "RefreshAccessTokenError"
interface JWT {
accessToken: string
expiresAt: number
refreshToken: string
error?: "RefreshAccessTokenError"
interface Account {
access_token: string
expires_in: number
refresh_token: string
export const authOptions: AuthOptions = {
callbacks: {
// @ts-ignore
async jwt({ token, account }: { token: JWT, account: Account }): Promise<JWT> {
if (account) {
// Save the access token and refresh token in the JWT on the initial login
return {
accessToken: account.access_token,
expiresAt: Math.floor( / 1000 + account.expires_in),
refreshToken: account.refresh_token,
} else if ( < token.expiresAt * 1000) {
// If the access token has not expired yet, return it
return token;
} else {
// If the access token has expired, try to refresh it
try {
// todo use .well-known
const response = await fetch(`${OIDC_SERVER_URL}/protocol/openid-connect/token`, {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
body: new URLSearchParams({
client_id: OIDC_CLIENT_ID,
grant_type: "refresh_token",
refresh_token: token.refreshToken,
method: "POST",
const tokens: TokenSet = await response.json();
if (!response.ok) throw tokens;
return {
...token, // Keep the previous token properties
// @ts-ignore
accessToken: tokens.access_token,
// @ts-ignore
expiresAt: Math.floor( / 1000 + tokens.expires_at),
// Fall back to old refresh token, but note that
// many providers may only allow using a refresh token once.
refreshToken: tokens.refresh_token ?? token.refreshToken,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error refreshing access token", error);
// The error property will be used client-side to handle the refresh token error
return {
error: "RefreshAccessTokenError" as const
// @ts-ignore
async session({ session, token }: { session: Session, token: JWT }): Promise<Session> {
// Save the access token in the Session for API calls
if (token) {
session.accessToken = token.accessToken;
session.error = token.error;
return session;
providers: [
id: 'keycloak',
authorization: {
params: {
access_type: "offline",
prompt: "consent",
protection: "pkce",
// @ts-ignore
clientSecret: null,
client: {
token_endpoint_auth_method: "none"
export default NextAuth(authOptions);
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