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class LiveServices
# MSFT Live Services Application Information
LIVE_APP_ID = {'development' => 'XXX', 'staging' => 'XXX', 'production' => 'XXX'}
LIVE_SECRET = {'development' => 'SHH', 'staging' => 'SHH', 'production' => 'SHH'}
PRIVACY_URL = {'development' => '',
'staging' => '',
'production' => ''}
# return_url = Where the user is redirected to after authenticating on Live Services
# permissions = Comma-separated string that lists the areas that you want access
# to (e.g. Contacts.View,Contacts.Update)
def self.new_auth_url(return_url, permissions, privacy_policy_url = nil)
privacy_policy_url ||= PRIVACY_URL[RAILS_ENV]
app_verifier = get_app_verifier
params = [["ru", CGI.escape(return_url)],
["ps", CGI.escape(permissions)],
["pl", CGI.escape(privacy_policy_url)],
["app", CGI.escape(app_verifier)]]
auth_url = DELEGATE_PATH + "?" + params.collect {|x| x.join("=")}.join("&")
# This method signs the key using your secret, application id, and a timestamp
def self.get_app_verifier
signkey = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.digest("SIGNATURE" + LIVE_SECRET[RAILS_ENV])[0..15]
token = "appid=#{LIVE_APP_ID[RAILS_ENV]}&ts=#{}"
signed_token = CGI.escape(Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, signkey, token)))
app_verifier = token + "&sig=#{signed_token}"
return app_verifier
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