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Created February 12, 2012 04:45
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Implementation of BoyerMoore in Scala
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class Pattern(val pattern: String) {
val length = pattern.length
def shiftBy(badChar: Char, pos: Int): Int = {
scala.math.max(badCharShift(badChar, pos), goodSuffixShift(pos))
def badCharShift(badChar: Char, pos: Int): Int = {
val matches = for (i <- 0.until(pos) if (pattern(i) == badChar)) yield i
if (matches.isEmpty) pos else (pos - matches.max)
def goodSuffixShift(pos: Int): Int = {
val goodSuffix = pattern.slice(pos+1, length-1)
val matches = for (k <- 0.until(pos) if (pattern.slice(0, k).endsWith(goodSuffix))) yield k
val max = if (matches.isEmpty) 0 else matches.max
(length - max - 1)
class Search(val text: String) {
var pattern: Pattern = null
var matches: ArrayBuffer[Int] = null
def search(str: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
pattern = new Pattern(str)
matches = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
var shift = pattern.length - 1
while (shift < text.length) {
val (mismatchPos, mismatchChr) = checkText(shift)
if (mismatchPos == -1) {
matches += shift
shift += pattern.length
} else shift += pattern.shiftBy(mismatchChr, mismatchPos)
def checkText(shift: Int): Tuple2[Int, Char] = {
var k = 0
var pLen = pattern.length - 1
while ((pLen >= k) && (pattern.pattern(pLen - k) == text(shift - k))) k += 1
if (pLen < k) (-1, "f"(0)) else ((pLen-k), text(shift-k))
def printMatches(context: Int = 10): Unit = {
matches.foreach( pos => {
var matchBeg = pos - pattern.length + 1
var matchEnd = pos
matchBeg = scala.math.max(0, (matchBeg - context))
matchEnd = scala.math.min((text.length-1), (matchEnd + context))
var matchText = text.slice(matchBeg, matchEnd).replace(pattern.pattern, "\033[31;1m" + pattern.pattern + "\033[0m")
Console.printf("\033[33;1m%5d:\033[0m ...%s...\n", (pos-pattern.length+1), matchText)
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