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Last active August 21, 2018 23:53
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parsing math expression
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CalHomework
/// <summary>
/// Everything according to my blog:
/// </summary>
class ExpresssionParser
Dictionary<char, int> OperatorsPrecedence = new Dictionary<char, int>()
{'+', 1},
{'-', 1},
{'*', 2},
{'/', 2},
private Stack<int> valueStack = new Stack<int>();
private Stack<char> operatorStack = new Stack<char>();
private string content;
private int ptr = 0;
public int Parse(string _content)
content = _content;
return Parse();
private bool isDigit(char ch)
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9';
private bool isOp(char ch)
return ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/';
private string readToken()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!isDigit(content[ptr]))
throw new ParseException();
char ch;
while (ptr < content.Length && isDigit(ch = content[ptr]))
return sb.ToString();
private void reduce()
var a = valueStack.Pop();
var b = valueStack.Pop();
var _op = operatorStack.Pop();
valueStack.Push(reduce(a, b, _op));
private char readOperator()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!isOp(content[ptr]))
throw new ParseException();
return content[ptr++];
private int reduce(int a, int b, char op)
case '+':
return a + b;
case '-':
return a - b;
case '*':
return a * b;
case '/':
return a / b;
throw new ParseException();
private bool isFinished()
return ptr < content.Length;
private int Parse()
// init
while (isFinished())
var op = readOperator();
if (operatorStack.Count == 0)
bool isReduced = false;
while (operatorStack.Count > 0)
var opTop = operatorStack.Peek();
if (OperatorsPrecedence[op] > OperatorsPrecedence[opTop])
isReduced = false;
} else
isReduced = true;
if (isReduced)
// reduce until finished
while (valueStack.Count > 1)
return valueStack.Peek();
class ParseException : Exception
import Data.Char
data Token = Num Int
| T_Plus | T_Sub
| T_Mul | T_Div
deriving (Show)
getPrecedence:: Token -> Int
getPrecedence T_Plus = 1
getPrecedence T_Sub = 1
getPrecedence T_Mul = 2
getPrecedence T_Div = 2
evalOp :: Token -> Int -> Int -> Int
evalOp T_Plus a b = a + b
evalOp T_Sub a b = a - b
evalOp T_Mul a b = a * b
evalOp T_Div a b = a `div` b
tokenizer:: String -> [Token]
tokenizer expr = reverse (_tokenizer expr [] [])
_tokenizer:: String -> String -> [Token] -> [Token]
_tokenizer "" [] previous = previous
_tokenizer "" buf previous = ((Num $ read $ reverse buf):previous)
_tokenizer (ch:expr) buf previous =
if (Data.Char.isDigit ch) then
_tokenizer expr (ch:buf) previous
case buf of
[] ->
case ch of
'+' -> _tokenizer expr [] (T_Plus:previous)
'-' -> _tokenizer expr [] (T_Sub:previous)
'*' -> _tokenizer expr [] (T_Mul:previous)
'/' -> _tokenizer expr [] (T_Div:previous)
_ -> _tokenizer (ch:expr) [] ((Num $ read $ reverse buf):previous)
eval :: [Token] -> Int
eval ((Num value):tokens) = _eval tokens [value] []
_eval :: [Token] -> [Int] -> [Token] -> Int
_eval [] [value] _ = value
_eval (op:(Num num):tokens) numStack [] =
_eval tokens (num:numStack) [op]
_eval (op:(Num num):tokens) numStack (topOp:opStack) =
if (getPrecedence op) > (getPrecedence topOp) then
_eval tokens (num:numStack) (op:topOp:opStack)
case numStack of
(num1:num2:stack) ->
_eval (op:(Num num):tokens) ((evalOp topOp num1 num2):stack) opStack
_eval [] (num1:num2:numStack) (topOp:opStack) =
_eval [] ((evalOp topOp num1 num2):numStack) opStack
type token = Num of int
| T_Plus | T_Sub
| T_Mul | T_Div
let showToken tok =
match tok with
Num(num) -> "num"
| T_Plus -> "T_Plus"
| T_Sub -> "T_Sub"
| T_Mul -> "T_Mul"
| T_Div -> "T_Div"
let getPrecedence tok =
match tok with
T_Plus -> 1
| T_Sub -> 1
| T_Mul -> 2
| T_Div -> 2
let isDigit ch =
let ascii_code = Char.code ch in
let ascii_0 = Char.code '0' in
let ascii_9 = Char.code '9' in
ascii_code >= ascii_0 && ascii_code <= ascii_9
let rec _tokenizer input buffer readToken =
let str_length = String.length input in
let buffer_length = String.length buffer in
if str_length = 0 then
if buffer_length = 0 then
(Num (Pervasives.int_of_string buffer))::readToken
let first_char = String.get input 0 in
let tail = String.sub input 1 (str_length - 1) in
if isDigit first_char then
_tokenizer tail (buffer ^ (String.make 1 first_char)) readToken
if buffer_length = 0 then
match first_char with
'+' -> _tokenizer tail "" (T_Plus::readToken)
| '-' -> _tokenizer tail "" (T_Sub::readToken)
| '*' -> _tokenizer tail "" (T_Mul::readToken)
| '/' -> _tokenizer tail "" (T_Div::readToken)
_tokenizer input "" ((Num (Pervasives.int_of_string buffer))::readToken)
let tokenizer input = List.rev (_tokenizer input "" [])
let evalOp op a b =
match op with
T_Plus -> a + b
| T_Sub -> a - b
| T_Mul -> a * b
| T_Div -> a / b
| _ -> 0
let rec _eval tokens numStack opStack =
match tokens with
[] ->
(match numStack with
[value] -> value
| num1::num2::ns ->
let topOp = List.hd opStack in
let result = evalOp topOp num1 num2 in
_eval [] (result::ns) ( opStack))
| op::(Num num)::tks ->
if (List.length opStack) = 0 then
_eval tks (num::numStack) [op]
let topOp = List.hd opStack in
let opTl = opStack in
if (getPrecedence op) > (getPrecedence topOp) then (* shift *)
_eval tks (num::numStack) (op::opStack)
else (* reduce *)
(match numStack with
num1::num2::ft ->
_eval tokens ((evalOp topOp num1 num2)::ft) (opTl)
| (Num num)::tks ->
_eval tks (num::numStack) opStack
let eval tokens = _eval tokens [] []
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使用 parsec 来实现解析数学表达式,更能体现函数式的抽象能力和优雅所在。

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