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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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github interaction
module Main where
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Github.Issues
import Github.Repos
import Text.Printf
handleError :: String -> [String] -> Either Error a -> IO a
handleError action args (Left err) =
error (action ++ ": " ++ intercalate " : " args ++ " : " ++ show err)
handleError action args (Right a) = return a
listIssues :: String -> String -> IO ()
listIssues owner repo = do
issues <- handleError "listing issues" [owner,repo] =<< issuesForRepo owner repo [Open]
mapM_ display issues
where display i =
printf "#%d: %s [%s]\n" (issueNumber i) (issueTitle i)
(intercalate ", " $ map labelName $ issueLabels i)
listRepos :: String -> IO ()
listRepos owner = do
repos <- handleError "listing repos" [owner] =<< userRepos owner All
mapM_ display repos
where display r =
printf "%.20s [%d ★ ,%d ⚠ ]\n"
(repoName r) (maybe 0 id $ repoWatchers r) (maybe 0 id $ repoOpenIssues r)
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
owner:[] -> listRepos owner
owner:repo:[] -> listIssues owner repo
_ -> error "usage: gh <owner> [repo]"
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