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Last active September 1, 2019 10:45
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CStruct in haskell
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module CStruct where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
--import Foreign.Ptr
data Element =
| FWord8
| FInt16
| FWord16
| FInt32
| FWord32
| FInt64
| FWord64
| FFloat
| FDouble
| FArray Nat Element
| FStruct [(Symbol, Element)]
| FUnion [(Symbol, Element)]
data Access = Field Symbol | Index Nat
type family Size (t :: Element) where
Size ('FInt8) = 1
Size ('FWord8) = 1
Size ('FInt16) = 2
Size ('FWord16) = 2
Size ('FInt32) = 4
Size ('FWord32) = 4
Size ('FInt64) = 8
Size ('FWord64) = 8
Size ('FFloat) = 4
Size ('FDouble) = 8
Size ('FArray n el) = n * Size el
Size ('FStruct ls) = StructSize ls
Size ('FUnion ls) = UnionSize ls
type family StructSize (ls :: [(Symbol, Element)]) where
StructSize '[] = 0
StructSize ('(_,l) ': ls) = Size l + StructSize ls
type family UnionSize (ls :: [(Symbol, Element)]) where
UnionSize '[] = 0
UnionSize ('(_,l) ': ls) = If (Size l <=? UnionSize ls) (UnionSize ls) (Size l)
getSize :: forall el . KnownNat (Size el) => Integer
getSize = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Size el))
type family Offset (ofs :: Nat) (accessors :: [Access]) (t :: Element) where
Offset ofs '[] t = ofs
Offset ofs ('Field f:fs) ('FStruct dict) = StructOffset ofs f fs dict
Offset ofs ('Field f:fs) ('FUnion dict) = UnionOffset ofs f fs dict
Offset ofs ('Index i:fs) ('FArray n t) = ArrayOffset ofs i fs n t
type family StructOffset (ofs :: Nat) (field :: Symbol) (rs :: [Access]) (dict :: [(Symbol, Element)]) where
StructOffset ofs field rs '[] = TypeError ('Text "offset: field " ':<>: 'ShowType field ':<>: 'Text " not found in structure")
StructOffset ofs field rs ('(field, t) ': _) = Offset ofs rs t
StructOffset ofs field rs ('(_ , v) ': r) = StructOffset (ofs + Size v) field rs r
type family UnionOffset (ofs :: Nat) (field :: Symbol) (rs :: [Access]) (dict :: [(Symbol, Element)]) where
UnionOffset ofs field rs '[] = TypeError ('Text "offset: field " ':<>: 'ShowType field ':<>: 'Text " not found in union")
UnionOffset ofs field rs ('(field, t) ': _) = Offset ofs rs t
UnionOffset ofs field rs (_ : r) = UnionOffset ofs field rs r
type family ArrayOffset ofs (idx :: Nat) (rs :: [Access]) (n :: Nat) (t :: Element) where
ArrayOffset ofs idx rs n t =
If (n <=? idx)
(TypeError ('Text "out of bounds : index is " ':<>: 'ShowType idx ':<>: 'Text " but array of size " ':<>: 'ShowType n))
(Offset (ofs + (idx * Size t)) rs t)
getOffset :: forall el fields . (KnownNat (Offset 0 fields el)) => Integer
getOffset = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Offset 0 fields el))
type family Resolv (fields :: [Access]) (t :: Element) where
Resolv '[] t = t
Resolv ('Field f:fs) ('FStruct dict) = StructResolv f fs dict
Resolv ('Field f:fs) ('FUnion dict) = UnionResolv f fs dict
Resolv ('Index i:fs) ('FArray n t) = ArrayResolv i fs n t
type family StructResolv (field :: Symbol) (rs :: [Access]) (dict :: [(Symbol, Element)]) where
StructResolv field rs '[] = TypeError ('Text "resolv: field " ':<>: 'ShowType field ':<>: 'Text " not found in structure")
StructResolv field rs ('(field, t) ': _) = Resolv rs t
StructResolv field rs ('(_ , v) ': r) = StructResolv field rs r
type family UnionResolv (field :: Symbol) (rs :: [Access]) (dict :: [(Symbol, Element)]) where
UnionResolv field rs '[] = TypeError ('Text "resolv: field " ':<>: 'ShowType field ':<>: 'Text " not found in union")
UnionResolv field rs ('(field, t) ': _) = Resolv rs t
UnionResolv field rs (_ : r) = UnionResolv field rs r
type family ArrayResolv (idx :: Nat) (rs :: [Access]) (n :: Nat) (t :: Element) where
ArrayResolv idx rs n t =
If (n <=? idx)
(TypeError ('Text "out of bounds : index is " ':<>: 'ShowType idx ':<>: 'Text " but array of size " ':<>: 'ShowType n))
(Resolv rs t)
getResolv :: forall el fields e . (Resolv fields el ~ e) => Proxy (e :: Element) -> Int
getResolv = undefined
type family AssocType (t :: Element) where
AssocType ('FInt8) = Int8
AssocType ('FWord8) = Word8
AssocType ('FInt16) = Int16
AssocType ('FWord16) = Word16
AssocType ('FInt32) = Int32
AssocType ('FWord32) = Word32
AssocType ('FInt64) = Int64
AssocType ('FWord64) = Word64
AssocType ('FFloat) = Float
AssocType ('FDouble) = Double
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