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Created May 28, 2015 09:25
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Save vincenthz/afb3730791871d8b8565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
github utility for listing issues / repos
-- github util
-- Expect a file called ~/.github-cred with your oauth string in first line.
-- Otherwise all commands are run without credentials
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Github.Issues
import Github.Repos
import Github.Repos.Starring
import Github.Auth
import Text.Printf
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Hourglass
import System.Console.ANSI
type Cred = GithubAuth
printUTC utc = timePrint "YYYY-MM-DD H:MI" t
t = Elapsed $ Seconds $ floor $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds utc
setColor c = setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid c]
handleError :: String -> [String] -> Either Error a -> IO a
handleError action args (Left err) =
error (action ++ ": " ++ intercalate " : " args ++ " : " ++ show err)
handleError action args (Right a) = return a
listRepoIssues :: Maybe Cred -> String -> String -> IO ()
listRepoIssues cred owner repo = do
issues <- handleError "listing issues" [owner,repo] =<< issuesForRepo' cred owner repo [Open]
mapM_ display issues
where display i =
printf "#%d: %s [%s]\n" (issueNumber i) (issueTitle i)
(intercalate ", " $ map labelName $ issueLabels i)
listIssues :: Maybe Cred -> String -> IO ()
listIssues cred owner = do
repos <- handleError "listing repos" [owner] =<< userRepos' cred owner All
mapM_ display repos
where display r
| nbIssues == 0 = return ()
| otherwise = do
issues <- handleError "listing issue" [owner, repoName r] =<< issuesForRepo' cred owner (repoName r) [Open]
printf "[ %.30s ] %d issues\n" (repoName r) nbIssues
forM_ issues $ \issue -> do
setColor Red >> putStr (printf "#%.3d" (issueNumber issue))
putStr " "
setColor Blue >> putStr (printUTC $ fromGithubDate $ issueCreatedAt issue) >> setSGR []
putStr " "
setColor Yellow >> putStr (printf "%12s" (take 12 $ githubOwnerLogin $ issueUser issue)) >> setSGR []
putStr " : "
putStrLn (issueTitle issue)
nbIssues = maybe 0 id $ repoOpenIssues r
listRepos :: Maybe Cred -> String -> IO ()
listRepos cred owner = do
repos <- handleError "listing repos" [owner] =<< userRepos' cred owner All
mapM_ display repos
where display r =
printf "%s [%d ★ ,%d ⚠ ]\n"
(repoName r) (maybe 0 id $ repoWatchers r) (maybe 0 id $ repoOpenIssues r)
listStarred :: Maybe Cred -> String -> IO ()
listStarred cred user = do
starred <- handleError "starred repos" [user] =<< reposStarredBy cred user
mapM_ display starred
where display r =
let own = repoOwner r
url = maybe (error "no clone url") id $ repoCloneUrl r
name = repoName r
in printf "%s %s %s\n" (ownerToLogin own) name url
ownerToLogin u = githubOwnerLogin u
main = do
cred <- either (constException Nothing) Just <$> try readAuth
args <- getArgs
case args of
"starred":owner:[] -> listStarred cred owner
"list":owner:[] -> listRepos cred owner
"issues":owner:[] -> listIssues cred owner
"repo-issues":owner:repo:[] -> listRepoIssues cred owner repo
_ -> usage
usage = error $ intercalate "\n"
["usage: gh <cmd> [options]"
," starred <owner>"
," list <owner>"
," issues <owner>"
," repo-issues <owner> <repo>"
constException :: a -> SomeException -> a
constException a _ = a
toAuth = GithubOAuth . head
readAuth = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let dotFile = home </> ".github-cred"
toAuth . lines <$> readFile dotFile
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