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Created December 26, 2015 16:01
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module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import System.Process
import Data.Function
import Data.Word
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Numeric
import qualified Data.Map as M
data R = R
{ ty :: String
, addr :: Word64
, sym :: String
, size :: Word64
parse _ table [] = table -- ignore last symbol. don't know the size
parse prev table (l:ls) =
case words l of
[addrS,ty,sym] ->
let addr = fst $ head $ readHex addrS
in case prev of
Nothing ->
parse (Just (ty, addr, sym)) table ls
Just (prevTy,startAddr,prevSym) ->
let nTable = M.insert prevSym (R ty startAddr prevSym (addr - startAddr)) table
in parse (Just (ty, addr, sym)) nTable ls
[ty,sym] -> parse prev table ls
_ -> parse prev table ls
run :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
run file nb = do
nmContent <- parse Nothing M.empty . lines <$> readProcess "nm" ["-n", file] ""
let biggest = take nb $ reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` size) $ map snd $ M.toList nmContent
forM_ biggest $ \r -> do
putStrLn (sym r ++ ": " ++ show (size r))
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
file:nb:_ -> run file (read nb)
[file] -> run file 20
[] -> error "cmd <exe-file> [nb-items]"
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