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Created February 10, 2018 14:17
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pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
To create a campaign on, you must drop half of the goal and collect the rest by inviting your entourage to unblock your donation.
If successful, 100% of the funds are donated to the NGO.
If the objective of the campaign is not achieved, everyone is refunded.
Attention, important warning here!
This is a beta Version, it should not be used in a production environment
This code is inspired by many quality open source projects (,,, ...)
contract Campaign {
// the three possible states of Charitychain Campaign
enum Stages {
// the Contribution data structure
struct Contribution {
// the contribution sender
address sender;
// the value of the contribution
uint256 value;
// the time the contribution was created
uint256 created;
// the minimum amount of funds needed to be a success after expiry (in wei)
uint256 public fundingGoal;
// the maximum amount of funds that can be raised (in wei)
uint256 public fundingCap;
// the total amount raised by this campaign (in wei)
uint256 public amountRaised;
// the current campaign expiry (future block number)
uint256 public expiry;
// the time at which the campaign was created (in UNIX timestamp)
uint256 public created;
// the beneficiary of the funds raised, if the campaign is a success
address public beneficiary;
// the contributions data store, where all contributions are notated
Contribution[] public contributions;
// all contribution ID's of a specific sender
mapping(address => uint256[]) public contributionsBySender;
// maps the contribution ID to a bool (has the refund been claimed for this contribution
mapping(uint256 => bool) public refundsClaimed;
// the human readable name of the Campaign
string public name;
address public owner;
// check the campaign state
modifier atStage(Stages _expectedStage) {
// if the current state does not equal the expected one, throw
require(stage() == uint256(_expectedStage));
// if the contribution is valid, then carry on with state changing operations
modifier validContribution() {
// if the msg value is zero or amount raised plus the curent message value
// is greater than the funding cap, then throw error
require(msg.value != 0 && amountRaised + msg.value < fundingCap && amountRaised + msg.value > amountRaised);
// if the contribution is a valid refund, then carry on with state
modifier validRefund(uint256 _contributionID) {
Contribution memory refundContribution = contributions[_contributionID];
// the refund for this contribution is already claimed or the contribution sender is not the msg.sender
require(!refundsClaimed[_contributionID] && refundContribution.sender == msg.sender);
// only the beneficiary can use the method with this modifier
modifier onlybeneficiary() {
require(msg.sender == beneficiary);
// only the owner can use the method with this modifier
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
// Campaign events
event LogContributionMade (address _contributor);
event LogContributionRefunded(address _payoutDestination, uint256 _payoutAmount);
event LogBeneficiaryPayoutMade (address _payoutDestination, uint256 _amountRaised);
// the contract constructor
function Campaign(string _name, uint256 _expiry, address _beneficiary) payable public {
//set the owner
owner = msg.sender;
// set the campaign name
name = _name;
// set the campaign expiry
expiry = _expiry;
// set the funding goal in wei, the goal is 2* the first contribution
fundingGoal = this.balance*2;
// set the campaign funding cap in wei, arbitrarily set at 10x fundingGoal
fundingCap = fundingGoal*10;
// set the beneficiary address
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
// set the time the campaign was created
created = block.number;
// The creator must be the first contributor
// allow fallback function to be used to make contributions
function () public payable {
// get the current campaign stage
function stage() public constant returns (uint256) {
if (block.number < expiry && amountRaised < fundingCap) {
return uint256(Stages.CampaignInprogress);
} else if (block.number >= expiry && amountRaised < fundingGoal) {
return uint256(Stages.CampaignFailure);
} else if ((block.number >= expiry && amountRaised >= fundingGoal) || amountRaised >= fundingCap) {
return uint256(Stages.CampaignSuccess);
function contribute() public payable atStage(Stages.CampaignInprogress) validContribution() returns (uint256 contributionID) {
// increase contributions array length by 1
contributionID = contributions.length++;
// store contribution data in the contributions array
contributions[contributionID] = Contribution({
sender: msg.sender,
value: msg.value,
created: block.number
// add the contribution ID to that senders address
// increase the amount raised by the message value
amountRaised += msg.value;
// fire the contribution made event
// payout the current balance to the beneficiary
function payoutToBeneficiary() public atStage(Stages.CampaignSuccess) onlybeneficiary() {
uint256 payoutAmount = this.balance;
LogBeneficiaryPayoutMade(msg.sender, payoutAmount);
function withdrawRefundContribution(uint256 _contributionID) public atStage(Stages.CampaignFailure) validRefund(_contributionID){
refundsClaimed[_contributionID] = true;
// get the contribution for that contribution ID
Contribution memory refundContribution = contributions[_contributionID];
// send funds to the contributor
LogContributionRefunded(msg.sender, refundContribution.value);
//emergency mechanism, force expiry an allows everyone to claim their money depending on the stage of the campaign
function emergencyCampaignExpiry() onlyOwner {
expiry = 0;
// the total number of contributions made to this campaign
function totalContributions() public constant returns (uint256 amount) {
return uint256(contributions.length);
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