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Last active June 13, 2020 00:10
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Creating a HashiCorp Vault namespace with an admin ACL policy to grant full admin access to the individual namespace

These steps assume you are running at Vault v.0.11.0 or higher

Create new namespace:

Log into the root namespace via the Vault UI (root token)

Make sure you are in the root name space

Click on Access > Namespaces >create a namespace >

Create secrets engine and secret in the new namespace:

While still logged in the Vault UI as root, to switch to the newly created namespace

Click on the three dots next to your new namespace > switch to namespace

Click on Secrets > Enable new engine > KV > > and write a secret

Create a namespace-admin policy in the new namespace:

Click on Policies > Create ACL policy >

Name: super-admin (or whatever)

path "*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

Create user in the new namespace, associated with this new policy:

Switch to Vault cli

export VAULT_ADDR=http://yourVaultAddress:8200

export VAULT_TOKEN=<your root token>
export VAULT_NAMESPACE=<new namespace>

vault auth enable userpass
vault write auth/userpass/users/<username> password=<password> policies=<super-admin>

Validate this new user can perform any actions inside the new namespace:

Log out of the Vaut UI as root and back in via username option and the newly created username/password

Attempt to read secret created in previous step from KV

You should now be able to write secrets or create more secrets engines, et..

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