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Last active December 19, 2022 09:05
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def run input
$edges = { |h,k| h[k] = 999 }
$nodes = {}
input.split("\n").each do |line|
name, flow, *children = line.scan /[A-Z]{2}|\d+/
$nodes[name] = flow.to_i
children.each { |child| $edges[name][child] = 1 }
$nodes.keys.each { |node| $edges[node][node] = 0 }
# build all-pairs shortest distance between all nodes (floyd-warshall)
$nodes.keys.product($nodes.keys, $nodes.keys).each { |k, i, j|
$edges[i][j] = [$edges[i][j], $edges[i][k] + $edges[k][j]].min
$nodes.reject! { |_, flow| flow == 0 } # ignore tunnels with no valves
# use highest value valves to calculate best case estimates
$nodes = $nodes.entries.sort_by(&:last).reverse.to_h
# prune edges and add 1 to costs to account for turning valve time
$edges.each { |node, h|! { |k, v| k != node && ($nodes.include?(k) || k == 'AA') }
h.transform_values! &:succ
puts "one agent with 30m can release #{search [['AA', 30]]} pressure"
puts "two agents with 26m can release #{search [['AA', 26]] * 2} pressure"
$best = 0
$cache = {}
# DFS search args: agent positions + remaining time, opened valves,
# and released pressure from those opened valves over the whole time period.
# returns the pressure that can be released from that state onwards
def search(pos, opened = [], start_pressure = 0)
$cache[[pos, opened]] ||= (
remaining = $nodes.keys - opened
# try to estimate our best possible pressure from visiting all remaining
# valves, using the current minimum edge length emanating from each
times = &:last
valid_nodes = + remaining
estimate = remaining.sum { |child|
idx = times.index times.max
times[idx] -= $edges[child].values_at(*valid_nodes).min
$nodes[child] * [times[idx], 0].max
# and terminate this subtree if we cannot outperform our best
return -9999 if start_pressure + estimate <= $best
# try moving either agent
moves = pos.permutation.flat_map { |_pos|
node, time = _pos.first { |dest|
_time = time - $edges[node][dest]
_pos = _pos.clone
_pos[0] = [dest, _time]
[$nodes[dest] * _time, dest, _pos, _time]
.select { |move| move.last > 0 }
.sort_by! {|move| -move.last } # favoring moves that save the most time
.map { |new_pressure, dest, _pos|
new_pressure + search(
_pos.sort, (opened + [dest]).sort, start_pressure + new_pressure)
(moves.max || 0).tap { |best_move|
$best = [$best, start_pressure + best_move].max
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