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Created October 1, 2021 19:45
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Contribute in my open source project for Hacktoberfest 2021 event

Hacktoberfest 2021

@vincenzopalazzo Open Source Hacktoberfest 2021

This is the list of the project open for Hacktoberfest 2021, However, fill free to checkout my project on Github and write my an email if you want contribute to somethings else.


  • material-ui-swing: UI library used by Arizona State University to support NASA and UEA for Mars mission with JMars SW.
  • JRPCLightning: ⚡ Java framework for C-Lightning to work with the RPC interface, and also the library simplifies the work to develop custom plugins with Java, Kotlin, and all the languages that supports the Java dependencies ⚡
  • lite-bitcoin-rpc: Lite RPC wrapper for Bitcoin Core RPC 1.0
  • MyLocalTimes: 📱 🌎 MyLocalTimes mobile app is an simple app to consulting the local time of the world 🌍 📱
  • cpstl: Copy and Paste standard library (CPSTL) is a repository with a collection of data structure and algorithms in many different languages
  • clightning.dart: 🎯 Dart framework for C-Lightning to work with the RPC interface 🎯

Other ideas? or maybe you are interesting with ML, I have a trading bot project that it is not public yet, but you can fin the bot on telegram @TakeControlBot, send me an email if you want help here.

In addition, I have another project still with a draft idea, that work to help people to make an automation l4l and f4f on instagram, but there is no code here :-)

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