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Last active November 23, 2015 11:49
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  • Save vincevargadev/0235a170fdf159ad1e2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vincevargadev/0235a170fdf159ad1e2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The curand random generator works well, even if we don't copy data back and forth between the host and the device.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <curand.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
* This gist tests if the random number generator works as I expect it to,
* even if I don't have an array on host and don't copy random numbers back and forth..
* PROBLEM: In one of my codes I have to use a large (but known) number of
* random numbers on the device in my threads. From the results of my program I suspect
* that my generator doesn't generate random numbers and the random numbers in the
* array are accessed before the numbers have been generated, and I might use zeros
* instead of random number in my calculation.
* */
/** sh
* nvcc -o randomGeneratorOnDevice.out -lcuda -lcurand && \
* randomGeneratorOnDevice.out > \
* randomGeneratorOnDevice.log
__global__ void saveRandomNumbers(
float *randomNumbers,
int I,
float *results
) {
int i = threadIdx.x;
results[I*LENGTH+i] = randomNumbers[i];
int main (void) {
const int LENGTH = 5;
int i;
// Get seed for random number generator
struct timeval timeValueStructure;
gettimeofday(&timeValueStructure, NULL);
int seed = (int) timeValueStructure.tv_usec;
printf("seed: %d\n", seed);
// Create random generator (boilerplate-ish)
curandGenerator_t gen;
curandCreateGenerator(&gen, CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A);
curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(gen, seed);
// array to generate random numbers to (only on device)
float *deviceRandomNumbers;
cudaMalloc((void **)&deviceRandomNumbers, LENGTH * sizeof(float));
// result array on device
float *deviceResults;
cudaMalloc((void **)&deviceResults, RESULTS_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
// result array on host
float *hostResults;
hostResults = (float *) malloc(RESULTS_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
// fill the results array with random numbers
// generate LENGTH long random number arrays LENGTH times
// and save random numbers on device
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++){
curandGenerateUniform(gen, deviceRandomNumbers, LENGTH);
saveRandomNumbers<<<1, LENGTH>>>(deviceRandomNumbers, i, LENGTH, deviceResults);
// copy results back and display it
cudaMemcpy(hostResults, deviceResults, RESULTS_LENGTH * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (i = 0; i < RESULTS_LENGTH; i++) {
printf("%f\t", hostResults[i]);
if (i%LENGTH == (LENGTH-1)){printf("\n");}
* RESULT: The random generator works well, even if we don't copy data back and forth
* between the host and the device.
* */
// free memory
return 0;
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