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Last active February 7, 2021 20:40
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Simple 3-dot popup menu in the app bar in Flutter
// This gist is part of the repository.
// There, you'll find further information about this gist.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(PopupDemo());
class PopupDemo extends StatefulWidget {
_PopupDemoState createState() => _PopupDemoState();
/// Example enum.
enum Option {
/// Convert the [option] to "human-readable" string.
String str(Option option) {
switch (option) {
case Option.first:
return 'First!';
case Option.second:
return 'Second';
case Option.third:
return 'Third';
case Option.fourth:
return 'Fourth';
case Option.fifth:
return 'Fifth';
/// A simple stateful widget to demo how the popup menu button in the app bar
/// works.
class _PopupDemoState extends State<PopupDemo> {
/// The selected option in the state.
/// Initial value is null to make the example more interesting :)
Option? _option;
/// Handle the option selection.
/// In this example, we simply set the selected option to the state
/// to keep things simple.
/// We could also perform any asynchronous calls, push something to the
/// navigator stack, or add some more logic.
void _onOptionSelected(Option option) => setState(() => _option = option);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Popup Demo',
// Debug banner is especially annoying for this example,
// so we turn it off.
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Popup Demo'),
actions: [
// In this example, we use the Option enum, but the generic parameter
// could also be strings, integers, or any other type
// (custom class, etc...).
// The PopupMenuButton automatically uses the three-dots icon.
// On Android, the three dots are vertical,
// on iOS, the dots are horizontal.
// All this is managed by Flutter automatically.
// You can test this either with two simulators/emulators,
// physical devices, or just simply change the platform in the Flutter
// inspector.
// Called when the user taps on a popup menu item.
onSelected: _onOptionSelected,
// Called when the button is pressed to create the items to show in
// the popup menu.
itemBuilder: (context) {
// The popup menu item builder receives the build context
// and must return a list of PopupMenuEntries.
// We could build the items manually (probably most common in
// real apps), or use map().toList().
// The items are lazily constructed when the button is pressed.
return [
for (final option in Option.values)
child: Text(str(option)),
value: option,
// In this example, we just display the last selected option.
body: Center(
child: Text(
// The initial selected option is null, so we handle that case, too.
_option != null ? str(_option!) : 'None selected',
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,
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