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Last active July 15, 2024 15:01
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React native caveats

Common Typing Error (Android)

Android component usually has strict typing limition - if type mismatch, Android will crash while iOS won't

example: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean on <ScrollView> & <RefreshControl>

reason: some props in <RefreshControl> require a Boolean, but you are giving Number to those props so it won't convert and throw type error.

Modal / BottomSheet / React-Navigation Modal presentation


Open an Modal On/Off in short duration will "freeze" the App - and no way to resolve it as the app stop to respond if this occur (RN hide the error):

Warning: Attempt to present <UIViewController: [hash1]> on <UIViewController: [hash2]> which is already presenting (null)


Core reason:

  1. You attempt to open any <Modal>-alike consecutively (pushing multiple Modal presentation Screen in react-navigation is another story and most of the time this is fine, except the case listed below)
  2. The iOS implmentation in RN <Modal> will lead to a conflict of a UIViewController Rule, "A view controller can present only one view controller" (as "only the views from one view controller are visible at a time" [doc], although "You can present any (kind of) view controller from any other (kind of) view controller")
  3. And that will trigger the warning above and lead the app into a lock condition 😇

Some possible point of failure:

  • You have a screen using Modal presentation of react-navigation, you have opened the <Modal> in that screen and then called navigation.push() to open another screen also using Modal presentation, and in that screen you called navigation.goBack() => dismiss failure, lock
  • You attempt to close the <Modal> in a screen using Modal presentation then call the navigation.push() in almost the same Tick => open another Modal but in navigation level meanwhile not truly dismiss the previous => lock


  • Avoid using native Dialog/BottomSheet/Modal in any Modal presentation Screen (BottomSheet and Dialog involved as many of them using <Modal> to avoid complex setup). when needed, using the pure JS implmentation of them.
  • unmount the Modal (=full dismiss) before making any navigation call (tricky)

TextInput & IME

event order: onChange > onChangeText > onSubmitEditiing > onEndEditing

noted: using value={state} will break IME input process as onChangeText =/= (on)compositionend which will fire on every key press.

Lottie / Google Map


Turn out they are heavy views which will have a chance of dropping some render() during their lifecycle (e.g. mount/re-mount).


try to switch the mounted Player animation file via props instead of mount/unmount different HoC contain Lottie Player

Google Map

Using Lite View (Static Map)

Improve default prettier by eslint preset

To use new default ternaries formatting in 3.1

yarn add -D prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier

config file (.prettierrc.js):

module.exports = {
  arrowParens: 'always',
  bracketSameLine: true,
  bracketSpacing: true,
  singleQuote: true,
  trailingComma: 'all',
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