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Last active April 25, 2016 12:14
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Witcher 3 Gwent Card Checklist (1.12)

This is a page helps you collecting all the Gwent cards.


Specific locations and characters to purchase cards at:

White Orchard

  • White Orchard: Innkeeperess or Trader outside the Inn (After Prologue)


  • Crossroads: Innkeeper, Inn at the Crossroads
  • Crow’s Perch Trader: front door, Crow’s Perch
  • Crow’s Perch Quartermaster: third door, Crow’s Perch
  • Midcopse: Trader, Midcopse
  • Claywich: Trader, Claywich (Rescue Required)


  • Kingfisher Inn (Hierarch Square): Olivier (innkeeper),
  • Passiflora (St. Gregory's Bridge): Marquise Serenity (innkeeper)
  • Golden Sturgeon (Fish Market): Innkeeper
  • Seven Cats Inn: Trader
  • Cunny of the Goose: Innkeeper


  • The Alchemy Inn: Stjepan (innkeeper) [Oxenfurt]


  • New port Inn: Innkeeper Kaer Trolde Harbour [Skellige]
  • Urialla, An Skellig (NE) : Innkeeper [An Skellig, Skellige]
  • Arinbjorn: Innkeeper [Ard Skellig, Skellige]
  • Svorlag, Spikeroog (NW): Innkeeper [Spikeroog, Skellige]
  • Harviken, Faroe (SE): Innkeeper [Faroe, Skellige]


Specific quests that reward you with Gwent cards:

  • 'Scholar' in Prologue (1)
  • 'Nilfgaardian Nobleman' at Palace of Vizima (1)
  • Gwent: Playing Innkeeps (3)
  • Gwent: Velen Players (4+1)
  • Gwent: Big City Players (4+1)
  • Gwent: Old Pals (3)
  • Gwent: Playing Thaler (1)
  • Gwent: Skellige Style (5+1)
  • High Stakes (4)
  • A Matter of Life and Death (3)
  • A Dangerous Game (3)
  • Shock Therapy (1)
  • Following the Thread (1)


Northern Realms (40 cards, 280 or 330 crowns, 22 initial)

  • Ballista (1 of 2)
  • Ballista (2 of 2) - Random
  • Blue Stripes Commando (1 of 3) (old: Crow's Perch)
  • Blue Stripes Commando (2 of 3) (old: Midcopse)
  • Blue Stripes Commando (3 of 3) - White Orchard
  • Catapult (1 of 2) - White Orchard
  • Catapult (2 of 2) - Passiflora
  • Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter (1 of 3) - White Orchard
  • Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter (2 of 3) - Claywich*
  • Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter (3 of 3) - Midcopse
  • Dethmold
  • Dun Banner Medic
  • Esterad Thyssen^ - QUEST "Gwent: Big City Players", Dijkstra
  • Foltest, King of Temeria
  • Foltest, Lord Commander of the North - White Orchard (Buy or Beat the Innkeeperess)
  • Foltest, the Siegemaster^ - 'Nilfgaardian Nobleman' at Palace of Vizima
  • Foltest, the Steel-Forged^ - QUEST "High Stakes"
  • John Natalis^ - QUEST "A Dangerous Game"
  • Kaedweni Siege Expert (1 of 3)
  • Kaedweni Siege Expert (2 of 3)
  • Kaedweni Siege Expert (3 of 3)
  • Keira Metz
  • Philippa Eilhart - random
  • Poor Fucking Infantry (1 of 3)
  • Poor Fucking Infantry (2 of 3)
  • Poor Fucking Infantry (3 of 3) - Lindenvale
  • Prince Stennis
  • Redanian Foot Soldier (1 of 2) - A
  • Redanian Foot Soldier (2 of 2) - B
  • Sabrina Glevissig
  • Sheldon Skaggs
  • Siege Tower
  • Siegfried of Denesle
  • Sigismund Dijkstra^ - QUEST "Gwent: Velen Players", Bloody Baron or his office
  • Si´le de Tansarville
  • Thaler - Arinbjorn
  • Trebuchet (1 of 2) - A
  • Trebuchet (2 of 2) - B
  • Vernon Roche^ - QUEST "Gwent: Velen Players", Hadko the Card Prodigy
  • Ves
  • Yarpen Zigrin

Nilfgaard (41 Cards, 450 crowns)

  • Albrich (1 of 2) - Crow's Perch Trader
  • Albrich (2 of 2) - Crow's Perch Trader
  • Assire var Anahid
  • Black Infantry Archer (1 of 2) - Claywich*
  • Black Infantry Archer (2 of 2) - Lindenvale
  • Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach
  • Cynthia - Crow's Perch Quartermaster
  • Emhyr var Emreis Emperor of Nilfgaard - Crossroads
  • Emhyr var Emreis His Imperial Majesty
  • Emhyr var Emreis the Relentless^ - QUEST "High Stakes"
  • Emhyr var Emreis the White Flame^ - QUEST "Gwent: Skellige Style", Reward
  • Etolian Auxiliary Archers (Archer Support) (1 of 2) - Midcopse/Lindenvale
  • Etolian Auxiliary Archers (Archer Support) (2 of 2) - Claywich*
  • Fringilla Vigo^ - QUEST "A Dangerous Game"
  • Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion
  • Impera Brigade Guard (1 of 4) - Crow's Perch
  • Impera Brigade Guard (2 of 4) - Crossroads
  • Impera Brigade Guard (3 of 4) - Seven Cats Inn
  • Impera Brigade Guard (4 of 4) - Cunny of the Goose
  • Letho of Gulet^ - QUEST "Gwent: Velen Players", Boatbuilder in Oreton
  • Menno Coehoorn^ - QUEST "Gwent: Playing Innkeeps", Crossroads
  • Morteisen - Midcopse
  • Morvran Voorhis^ - QUEST "Gwent: Big City Players", Passiflora
  • Nausicaa Cavalry Rider (1 of 3) - Crow's Perch Quartermaster
  • Nausicaa Cavalry Rider (2 of 3) - Crossroads
  • Nausicaa Cavalry Rider (3 of 3) - Crow's Perch Trader
  • Puttkammer - Claywich*
  • Rainfarn - Midcopse/Lindenvale
  • Renuald aep Matsen
  • Rotten Mangonel
  • Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen
  • Siege Engineer (Combet Engineer) - Crossroads
  • Siege Technician (Siege Support) - Golden Sturgeon
  • Stefan Skellen
  • Sweers - Claywich*
  • Tibor Eggebracht^ - QUEST "Gwent: Playing Innkeeps", Kingfisher Inn
  • Vanhemar
  • Vattier de Rideaux
  • Vreemde
  • Young Emissary (1 of 2) - Cunny of the Goose
  • Young Emissary (2 of 2) - Seven Cats Inn
  • Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion - Crow's Perch Trader

Monsters (44 cards, 290 crowns)

  • Arachas (1 of 3) - Arinbjorn
  • Arachas (2 of 3) - Urialla Village, An Skellig
  • Arachas (3 of 3) - Svorlag, Spikeroog
  • Arachas Behemoth
  • Botchling - New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde
  • Celaeno Harpy
  • Cockatrice
  • Crone Brewess
  • Crone Weavess^ - QUEST "Gwent: Velen Players", Old Sage
  • Crone Whispess - Arinbjorn
  • Draug^ - QUEST "Gwent: Skellige Style", Crach an Craite
  • Earth Elemental - New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde
  • Endrega
  • Eredin Bringer of Death^ - QUEST "Gwent: Velen Players", Reward
  • Eredin Commander of the Red Riders - Double the strength of all your Close combat units, location unknown
  • Eredin Destroyer of Worlds^ - QUEST: "High Stakes"
  • Eredin King of the Wild Hunt - Pick any weather card from your deck and play it instantly. (Old: New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde)
  • Fiend - Arinbjorn
  • Fire Elemental
  • Foglet - Svorlag, Spikeroog
  • Forktail
  • Frightener
  • Gargoyle
  • Ghoul (1 of 3) - Random
  • Ghoul (2 of 3) - Random
  • Ghoul (3 of 3) - Harviken, Faroe
  • Grave Hag
  • Griffin
  • Harpy - Harviken, Faroe
  • Ice Giant - Svorlag, Spikeroog
  • Imlerith
  • Kayran
  • Leshen^ - QUEST "Gwent: Skellige Style", Ermion
  • Nekker (1 of 3) - QUEST "Following the Thread", Hammonds✝ (Looting his corpse on Trottheim, Faroe)
  • Nekker (2 of 3) - Harviken, Faroe
  • Nekker (3 of 3) - Random
  • Plague Maiden
  • Vampire Bruxa✝ - QUEST "A Matter of Life and Death"
  • Vampire Ekimmara - Svorlag, Spikeroog
  • Vampire Fleder - Harviken, Faroe
  • Vampire Garkain
  • Vampire Katakan^ - QUEST "Gwent: Skellige Style", Lugos (Kaer Muire or Kaer Trolde)
  • Werewolf - Urialla Village, An Skellig
  • Wyvern

Scoia'tael (41 Cards, 350 crowns)

  • Barclay Els - Golden Sturgeon
  • Ciaran aep Easnillien
  • Dennis Cranmer
  • Dol Blathanna Archer - Passiflora
  • Dol Blathanna Scout (1 of 3) - Random
  • Dol Blathanna Scout (2 of 3) - Random
  • Dol Blathanna Scout (3 of 3) - Golden Sturgeon
  • Dwarven Skirmisher (1 of 3) - Random
  • Dwarven Skirmisher (2 of 3) - Random
  • Dwarven Skirmisher (3 of 3) - Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt
  • Eithné^ - QUEST "Gwent: Old Friends", Zoltan
  • Elven Skirmisher (1 of 3) - Random
  • Elven Skirmisher (2 of 3) - Random
  • Elven Skirmisher (3 of 3) - Urialla Village, An Skellig
  • Filavandrel aen Fidhail
  • Francesca Findabair, Daisy of The Valley - Cunny of the Goose
  • Francesca Findabair, Pureblood Elf
  • Francesca Findabair, Queen of Dol Blathanna^ - QUEST "High Stakes"
  • Francesca Findabair, the Beautiful^ - QUEST "Gwent: Big City Players", Reward
  • Havekar(Hav'caaren) Healer (1 of 3) - Random
  • Havekar(Hav'caaren) Healer (2 of 3) - Cunny of the Goose
  • Havekar(Hav'caaren) Healer (3 of 3) - Kingfisher Inn
  • Havekar(Hav'caaren) Smuggler (1 of 3) - Seven Cats Inn
  • Havekar(Hav'caaren) Smuggler (2 of 3) - Random
  • Havekar(Hav'caaren) Smuggler (3 of 3) - Kingfisher Inn
  • Ida Emean aep Sivney
  • Iorveth^ - QUEST "Shock Therapy"
  • Isengrim Faolitarna^ - QUEST "A Dangerous Game"
  • Mahakaman Defender (1 of 5) - Kingfisher Inn
  • Mahakaman Defender (2 of 5) - Golden Sturgeon
  • Mahakaman Defender (3 of 5) - Seven Cats Inn
  • Mahakaman Defender (4 of 5) - Alchemy Inn
  • Mahakaman Defender (5 of 5) - Passiflora
  • Milva✝ - QUEST "A Matter of Life and Death"
  • Riordain
  • Saesenthessis (Saskia)^ - QUEST "Gwent: Old Friends", Roche
  • Toruviel
  • Vrihedd Brigade Recruit (Vrihedd Cadet)
  • Vrihedd Brigade Veteran (1 of 2) - Alchemy Inn
  • Vrihedd Brigade Veteran (2 of 2) - Kingfisher
  • Yaevinn^ - QUEST "Gwent: Skellige Style", Sjusta the Tailor

Neutral (29 cards, 280 crowns)

  • Avallac'h (a.k.a Mysterious Elf)^ - QUEST "Gwent: Skellige Style", Gremita
  • Biting Frost (1 of 3)
  • Biting Frost (2 of 3)
  • Biting Frost (3 of 3) - Random
  • Cirilla Fiona Elen Rianno^ - QUEST "Gwent: Big City Players", Scoia’Tael Trader
  • Clear Weather (1 of 3)
  • Clear Weather (2 of 3) - Random
  • Clear Weather (3 of 3) - Random
  • Commander's Horn (1 of 3) - Crossroads
  • Commander's Horn (2 of 3) - Passiflora
  • Commander's Horn (3 of 3) - Alchemy Inn
  • Dandelion✝ - QUEST "A Matter of Life and Death"
  • Decoy (1 of 3) - White Orchard
  • Decoy (2 of 3) - Crow's Perch
  • Decoy (3 of 3) - Seven Cats
  • Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff
  • Geralt of Rivia^ - QUEST "Gwent: Playing Thaler", Thaler (His Wagon or Seven Cats Inn)
  • Impenetrable Fog (1 of 3)
  • Impenetrable Fog (2 of 3)
  • Impenetrable Fog (3 of 3) - Random
  • Scorch (1 of 3) - Cunny of the Goose
  • Scorch (2 of 3) - New Port Inn
  • Scorch (3 of 3) - Urialla Village
  • Torrential Rain (1 of 3)
  • Torrential Rain (2 of 3) - Random
  • Torrential Rain (3 of 3) - Random
  • Triss Merigold^ - QUEST "Gwent: Old Friends", Lambert (Nowehere Inn or Seven Cats Inn)
  • Vesemir^ - QUEST "Gwent: Big City Players", Vivaldi the Banker
  • Villentretenmerth
  • Yennefer of Vengerberg^ - QUEST "Gwent: Playing Innkeeps", The Alchemy Inn
  • Zoltan Chivay✝ - ACT "Prologue", Scholar at White Orchard or Hangman Tree



  • started a new game to verify the starting deck and updated the default checklist accordingly. I'm not sure if this varies between platform or patch version but the other guides are full of mistakes so here is my experience.
  • To break it down, there are certain "faction" cards in the game; 29 Neutral cards, 36 Northern Realms cards, 37 Nilfgaard cards, 37 Scoia'Tael cards, 40 Monster cards, and 16 Leader cards.
  • This totals to 195 Gwent cards. As mentioned though, 75 are duplicates, so you only need the standard 120.
  • Take Note when counting cards in the deck: Some cards have the same name but different pictures (e.g. Trebuchet) while others have the same picture and stack up (e.g. Blue Stripes Commando) note the x2 or x3 on the card


  • You start the game with 32 cards when you play the scholar. 6 Weather Cards, 4 Leader Cards and 22 Northern Realm Cards
  • You can buy 5 cards from the Inkeeperess and you win Zoltan card playing the scholar. Total 38 cards in White Orchard right at the start
  • Total collection cost: 1600 + 1000 = 2600


  • The following has been removed from starting cards and added to Random:
    • Ballista (2 of 2),
    • Clear Weather (2 of 3) and
    • Siege Tower
  • The following has been added to starting cards and removed from Quartermaster Crow's Perch: Blue Stripes Commando (2 of 3) & (3 of 3)
  • The following has been added to starting cards and removed from Midcopse Trader: Poor Fucking Infantry (2 of 3)
  • The guides mentions 3 "Poor Fucking Infantry" but people have found 4, not sure if it's a bug or needs to replace another card
  • It seems that the total number of cards is 195 (not 199) and the following cards do not exist:
    • Albrich (2 of 2),
    • Clear Weather (3 of 3),
    • Torrential Rain (3 of 3) and
    • Ballista (2 of 2)
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