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Last active July 20, 2020 12:18
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A list of resources I gathered when researching for my post about validating consensus within Ethereum vs. in Bitcoin

Ethereum research

The following is a literal dump of resources I collected with associated comments when I was researching how exactly consensus gets built in Ethereum vs. in Bitcoin for this Medium article.

It is a very raw list that I felt could be useful for anyone else who read that article and who may also be researching this topic.


  1. Afri’s first attempt at explaining this

  2. Afri geth & parity comparison sync cheat sheet:

  3. Vitalik on state-tree pruning (not as relevant)

  4. Afri’s check website

  5. Very good ‘latest’ attempt at explaining full nodes vs. archival nodes

  6. An equally excellent attempt at addressing this entire issue

  7. Getting Deep Into Ethereum: How Data Is Stored In Ethereum?

  8. Breakdown of an Ethereum block

  9. Where is the state data stored?

  10. Getting Deep Into Geth: Why Syncing Ethereum Node Is Slow

  11. Ethereum design rationale

  12. Chain Reorganisation Depth Expectations

  13. On Ethereum proposal to charge state rent

  14. Deploying a Smart Contract the Hard Way

  15. Getting Deep Into Ethereum: How Data Is Stored In Ethereum?

  16. Transaction ordering inside each block

  17. Transaction & Receipts tries relationship

  18. Inside an Ethereum transaction (the incrementing nonce is what ensures transaction intra-block ordering for multiple transactions from same account)

  19. Another on transaction anatomy

  20. Ethereum anatomy of block (note only transactions explicitly stored. State (storage) and txn receipt data are stored elsewhere and hashed in)

  21. Ethereum block architecture

  22. Yellow paper for thorough details on block makeup, state & receipt tries

  23. Transaction receipts are derivable (they more contain contract execution data (like token transfers, but necessary for consensus? Can the receipt change on replay of just transactions?) &&

  24. Has a good diagram on how the state trie and hashed nodes are made up (storageRoot vs codeHash)

  25. Very good piece on the tries and merkle structures

  26. A question about the nature of the Storage trie

  27. Aha! It looks like storage is separate from code. The immutable code (logic) uses the storage array (trie) to store variable values and other types of data

  28. Some articles about storage and its costs &&

  29. Ohhh, 'warp’ in parity means that you warp to the current block by downloading and checking just block headers (like SPV) and then fully validate from there whereas 'no-warp’ means you start validating everything from the start. Also, parity warp == geth fast &&

  30. Get sync process, state tries are downloaded/crawled instead of derived??? [see point 33.] ethereum/go-ethereum#16218 (comment)

  31. Extremely good explanation of Patricia Trees and other data tries in Ethereum (read prior episodes as well)

  32. On syncing, transaction spam DoS attack that slows validation to a crawl between blocks 2.4 - .2.7 million

  33. With ‘fast sync’ you see this hang where there’s always 64/65 or 100 blocks left because after warp download of blocks & PoW header confirmation the node steps back 100 (or 64) blocks and starts validating the state come forward (has to download as well because it didn’t do the work of deriving from genesis). [see point 30.] If 64/65/100 takes this long, will a ‘full’ sync from genesis take proportionally longer?! &&

    looks like answer is "no" to that "proportionally longer" question

  34. On why “Merkle Patricia Trees” everywhere

  35. Transaction Trie vs Transaction Receipt Trie

  36. Deep dive on fast sync (note the “Weakness” section) ethereum/go-ethereum#1889

  37. A breakdown of how state works and how blockchain is constructed

  38. Why you can’t get progress from a state-trie download/sync during --fast sync ethereum/go-ethereum#16202 (comment)

  39. Difference with archival sync vs. normal full sync (why it’s slower) ethereum/go-ethereum#18984 (comment)

  40. An attempt to improve the disk i/o load from 39. above ethereum/go-ethereum#17814

  41. The way fast sync vs. full sync works (header, body, state vs. header + block) ethereum/go-ethereum#17814 (comment)

  42. Why all 3 tries are part of consensus

  43. Question posed by me about what “block download” means ethereum/go-ethereum#16218 (comment)

  44. Ethereum Block Architecture

  45. Where someone actually creates an archival node solely from a full node (no archive)

Helpful/Critical tweets

  • Root Tweet #1:

    • Branch 1a: Afri, full chain is 137GB… that’s it!
    • Branch 1b: Transaction hashing comparison to block PoW hashing is all you need
    • Branch 1c: Same as above in 1b
    • Branch 1d: Whats an archival node good for anyway?
  • Root Tweet #2:

    • Branch 1a: (Good!) comparison of nodes & state to git repository and git diffs
    • Branch 1b: A comment about state size and storage rent (I completely missed this point on first passes. Only got it after ‘storage rent’ article
    • Branch 2a: Afri shares some articles
  • Root Tweet #3: Afri worries about growing influence of Infura

  • Root Tweet #4: a commentary on how simple it is to sync an Ethereum state-pruned node

  • Root Branch #5: a critical take to potentially respond to

  • Root Branch #6: A complaint about poor pruning documentation that I can potentially respond to

  • Root Branch #7: Respond to Brad

  • Root Tweet #8: why does the blockchain size keep fluctuating?

  • Root Tweet #9: another why does the blockchain size keep fluctuating?

Tweets from latest BlockCypher thing:

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