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Last active June 30, 2022 19:51
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Python and pip fails

pip can break anytime, even dependencies of your dependencies can break if they were not pinned correctly (by their maintainers, not you).

Upgraded to pip 20? Too bad!

cannot import name SourceDistribution

You are now unable to install anythnig, nor to downgrade or upgrade pip itself (to 20.0.1 or 19).

Failing during a deployment (again): Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse("termcolor==1.1.0")


pip fails if a dependency of your dependencies didn't pin its dependencies well enough

error: 'egg_base' must be a directory name

this problem seem to be caused by having a from future import unicode_literals in

LOL. Fixed by better pinning dependencies (of dependencies).

Comparison to Quicklisp

Quicklisp: no issues so far (5 years+) :D

And I build binaries of my software, so deployments don't even need to download stuff.

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