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Created September 18, 2012 08:45
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Save vinhnx/3742085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a WIP. I explain why later. I recreated the 10.6 Finder almost 2 years ago. At that time a lot of people recreated a bunch of elements from the Mac UI in CSS3. Like the dock or various kinds of aqua buttons, etc. I decided to make the Finder to l
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%input{:type => 'search', :results => '0'}
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@import "compass"
@mixin cocoa
display: block
background-color: #ededed
+box-shadow(rgba(#000, .1) 1px 1px, rgba(#000, .1) -1px -1px, rgba(#000, .1) 1px -1px, rgba(#000, .1) -1px 1px, rgba(#000, .8) 0 0 70px)
@mixin aqua
width: 12px
height: 12px
display: block
margin: 5px 4px 4px 4px
background: #000
position: relative
+background-image(radial-gradient(6px 18px, rgba(#fff, .7) 2px, rgba(#fff, 0) 5px), radial-gradient(6px -1px, #fff 1px, rgba(#fff, 0) 3px))
+box-shadow(rgba(#000, .9) 0 1px 4px inset, rgba(#fff, .5) 0 1px)
@mixin NSWindow
position: relative
display: block
border-bottom: solid 1px #686868
+background(linear-gradient(#e4e4e4, #b8b7b8))
+box-shadow(#f1f1f1 0 1px inset)
+border-radius(6px 6px 0 0)
@mixin NSToolbar
height: 31px
@mixin FinderDroplet
display: inline-block
position: relative
height: 20px
width: 38px
margin-top: 1px
border: 1px solid #767676
+background-image(linear-gradient(#e8e8e8, #bcbcbc))
+box-shadow(#f1f1f1 0px 1px inset, #cccccc 0px 1px)
@mixin FinderDropletView
width: 28px
border-left: 0px
border-right: 0px
+box-shadow(#e7e7e7 0px 1px inset, #e5e5e5 0px 2px inset, #bdbdbd 0px -1px inset, #bfbfbf 0px -2px inset, #a7a7a7 -1px 0px inset)
@mixin FinderDropletViewIcons
border-left: #4a4a4a 1px solid
border-right: #4a4a4a 1px solid
display: table
width: 100%
height: 100%
margin: 0px
padding: 50px
display: table-cell
vertical-align: middle
font-family: "Lucida Grande", sans-serif
font-size: 12px
user-select: none
+text-shadow(0px 1px 1px #fff)
+background(linear-gradient(top left, #33799d, #e8ebb4))
margin: 0
padding: 0
list-style-type: none
font-size: 13px
padding: 0 0 3px 15px
display: inline-block
width: 19px
height: 19px
position: relative
top: 4px
background: url('') no-repeat
@include cocoa
width: 770px
height: 435px
margin: 0 auto
content: ""
position: absolute
display: block
@include NSWindow
position: absolute
display: inline
left: 4px
@include aqua
background-color: #f24443
background-color: #f0aa5a
background-color: #88be72
position: absolute
top: -2px
left: 2px
font-weight: bold
font-size: 13px
+text-shadow(rgba(#000, .6) 0px -1px)
content: "x"
color: rgba(#ba1720, .5)
content: "-"
color: rgba(#a76322, .5)
left: 1px
content: "+"
color: rgba(#46902e, .5)
text-align: center
font-size: 13px
line-height: 23px
background: url('') no-repeat
@include NSToolbar
width: 278px
height: 17px
margin-right: 8px
@include FinderDroplet
width: 25px
margin-left: 8px
margin-right: 0
+border-radius(4px 0 0 4px)
color: #797979
content: "\25C4"
top: 1px
left: 9px
font-size: 13px
left: -4px
border-left: 0px solid #767676
+border-radius(0 4px 4px 0)
color: #a4a4a4
content: "\25C4"
top: 4px
left: 8px
font-size: 13px
+text-shadow(0px -1px -1px #fff)
@include FinderDropletView
font-size: 13px
color: #fcfcfc
margin-left: 69px
border-left: 1px solid #767676
+border-radius(4px 0 0 4px)
+background-image(linear-gradient(#767676, #9a9a9a))
+box-shadow(#676767 -1px 1px 4px -1px inset, #676767 0px 1px inset, #757575 0px 2px inset, #999999 0px -1px inset, #969696 0px -2px inset)
+text-shadow(0px 1px 1px #545454)
content: "\25AB \25AB"
top: -2px
left: 8px
content: "\25AB \25AB"
top: 4px
left: 8px
left: -3px
font-size: 15px
content: "\1D306"
left: 8px
left: -7px
top: 5px
left: 7px
width: 11px
height: 8px
border: 1px solid
border-top-color: #1b1b1b
border-bottom-color: #232323
@include FinderDropletViewIcons
+box-shadow(#fff 0px 1px)
content: ""
top: 6px
left: 11px
width: 3px
height: 9px
@include FinderDropletViewIcons
left: -11px
border-right: 1px solid #767676
+border-radius(0 4px 4px 0)
+box-shadow(#e7e7e7 0px 1px inset, #e5e5e5 0px 2px inset, #bdbdbd 0px -1px inset, #bfbfbf 0px -2px inset)
content: ""
top: 5px
left: 5px
width: 13px
height: 10px
@include FinderDropletViewIcons
content: ""
top: 6px
left: 7px
width: 9px
height: 8px
@include FinderDropletViewIcons
position: absolute
top: 6px
left: 9px
width: 5px
height: 6px
border: 1px solid
border-top-color: #1b1b1b
border-bottom-color: #232323
@include FinderDropletViewIcons
+box-shadow(#fff 0px 1px)
+background-image(linear-gradient(#6c6c6c, #868686))
content: ""
@include FinderDroplet
left: -9px
color: #4a4a4a
content: "\2699"
top: -4px
left: 7px
font-size: 22px
content: "\25B4"
top: 2px
right: 4px
font-size: 17px
+text-shadow(0px -1px -1px #fff)
left: -5px
color: #a1a1a1
content: ""
top: 5px
left: 12px
display: block
width: 10px
height: 7px
border: 2px solid
border-top-color: #9a9a9a
border-left-color: #a9a9a9
border-right-color: #a9a9a9
border-bottom-color: #a9a9a9
+box-shadow(#fff 0px 1px)
content: "\27A6"
top: -1px
left: 16px
font-size: 14px
+text-shadow(0px 1px 1px #fff, -1px -1px #e9e9e9, 1px 1px #e9e9e9)
width: 770px
height: 383px
width: 133px
height: 380px
background-color: #e7ebf0
+box-shadow(-1px 0 #b8b8b8 inset)
+border-radius(0 0 0 6px)
text-transform: uppercase
color: #707e8b
font-weight: bold
letter-spacing: 0px
line-height: 25px
padding: 5px
width: 637px
height: 380px
background-color: #fff
+border-radius(0 0 6px 0)
width: 90px
height: 90px
margin: 0px 20px 21px 25px
text-align: center
display: inline-block
width: 82px
color: #fff
+text-shadow(0 0)
width: 72px
height: 72px
top: 4px
left: 9px
background-color: #cccccc
background-color: #3875d7
width: 64px
height: 56px
margin: 18px 13px 4px
+background-image(linear-gradient(#b3d0e0, #7fafcc))
+border-radius(4px 4px 2px 2px)
+transform(perspective( 600px ) rotateX( -45deg ))
+box-shadow(rgba(#7fafcc, .5) 1px 1px, rgba(#7fafcc, .5) -1px -1px, rgba(#7fafcc, .5) 1px -1px, rgba(#7fafcc, .5) -1px 1px, rgba(#000, .8) 0 3px 3px)
width: 56px
height: 3px
top: -4px
left: 5px
+border-radius(100px 100px 0 0)
+background-image(linear-gradient(#a0c3d9, #77a9c9))
width: 21px
height: 7px
top: -11px
left: 8px
+background-image(linear-gradient(#b2c9da, #a0c3d9))
+border-radius(2px 2px 0 0)
/* sidebar icons */
background-position: -3px -4px
background-position: -3px -29px
background-position: -3px -53px
background-position: -3px -76px
background-position: -3px -100px
background-position: -3px -125px
background-position: -3px -148px
background-position: -3px -172px
background-position: -3px -195px
/* sidebar selection */
color: #f3ffff
+text-shadow(0px 1px 1px rgba(#000, .5))
+background(linear-gradient(#67b1df, #3489cc))
+box-shadow(#5aa5da 0 1px inset, #6fbae5 0 2px inset, #307cbc 0 -1px inset)
background: url('') no-repeat
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