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Error: makeRequest - url=https://page-buider/queues/ status=200
_id: 5aac0de33d8848b755f7ee7f,
type: 'page',
name: 'case',
title: 'Case Management',
queue: 'cases',
[ 'Cognito_Admin',
'Cognito_MedCodMgr' ],
[ { name: 'detailed-orders',
key: 'OrderId',
provides: 'order',
main: true,
preProcess: '(function(inOrder, _) {\n const order = _.cloneDeep(inOrder);\n const res = inOrder.Samples.reduce((obj, sample) => {\n sample.OrderChoices.forEach(orderChoice => {\n obj.FormattedSamples.push({\n SampleId: sample.SampleId,\n TestName: `${orderChoice.HostCode} - ${orderChoice.TestName}`,\n Status: orderChoice.OrderChoiceStatus,\n StatusName: orderChoice.OrderChoiceStatusName,\n CancelledReason: orderChoice.CancelledReason,\n });\n\n orderChoice.AOEs.forEach(AOE => {\n obj.FormattedAOEs.push({\n TestName: orderChoice.TestName,\n SampleId: sample.SampleId,\n HostCode: orderChoice.HostCode,\n AOE,\n });\n });\n });\n return obj;\n }, { FormattedSamples: [], FormattedAOEs: [] });\n\n order.FormattedSamples = res.FormattedSamples;\n order.FormattedAOEs = res.FormattedAOEs;\n return order;\n /* eslint-disable no-undef */\n})(data, _);\n',
postProcess: [Array],
fetchOnSave: true },
{ name: 'api-cases',
provides: 'case',
key: 'order.OrderId',
allowNullOrEmpty: true,
preProcess: '(function(inCase, _) {\n if (!inCase) {\n return;\n }\n\n const resCase = _.cloneDeep(inCase);\n\n const sortTerm = [n => new Date(n.ModifiedAt)];\n\n // sort case notes\n if (inCase.Notes && inCase.Notes.length) {\n const caseNotes = _.sortBy(inCase.Notes, sortTerm).reverse();\n resCase.Notes = caseNotes;\n }\n\n // sort subcases notes\n if (inCase.Children && inCase.Children.length) {\n inCase.Children.forEach((c, i) => {\n if (c.Notes && c.Notes.length) {\n const subcaseNotes = _.sortBy(c.Notes, sortTerm).reverse();\n resCase.Children[i].Notes = subcaseNotes;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return resCase;\n /* eslint-disable no-undef */\n})(data, _);\n',
postProcess: '(function(inCase, changedFields, originalData, _) {\n const data = _.merge({}, inCase, {\n _changedData: changedFields,\n _originalData: originalData,\n });\n return { data };\n /* eslint-disable no-undef */\n})(data, changedData, originalData, _);\n',
fetchOnSave: true },
{ name: 'api-sales-rep',
provides: 'salesReps',
key: 'order.Location.LocationId',
allowNullOrEmpty: true,
readonly: true },
{ name: 'api-location-alerts',
provides: 'locationAlerts',
key: 'order.Location.LocationKey',
allowNullOrEmpty: true,
readonly: true },
{ name: 'api-case-attachments',
provides: 'attachments',
readonly: true,
fetchOnSave: true,
preProcess: '(function(attachments, _) {\n attachments = attachments || [];\n\n const OrderAttachments = attachments.filter((att) => (\n att.metaInfo.OrderId && !att.metaInfo.SubCaseId && !att.metaInfo.NoteId\n ));\n\n const CaseAttachments = attachments.filter((att) => (\n att.metaInfo.OrderId && att.metaInfo.SubCaseId && !att.metaInfo.NoteId\n ));\n\n const NoteAttachments = attachments.filter((att) => (\n att.metaInfo.OrderId && att.metaInfo.SubCaseId && att.metaInfo.NoteId\n ));\n\n return {\n OrderAttachments,\n CaseAttachments,\n NoteAttachments,\n };\n /* eslint-disable no-undef */\n})(data, _);\n',
association: [Object] },
{ name: 'api-outgoing-faxes',
provides: 'faxHistory',
readonly: true,
association: [Object],
preProcess: '(function(data, _) {\n return data.rows;\n /* eslint-disable no-undef */\n})(data, _);\n' } ],
[ { field: 'case.Username',
type: 'hidden',
value: '${}',
label: ' Username' },
{ field: 'case.OrderId',
type: 'hidden',
value: '${order.OrderId}',
label: ' Order ID' },
{ field: 'order.Username',
type: 'hidden',
value: '${}',
label: ' Username' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.PatientId',
label: 'Patient ID',
missingInfo: true,
readonly: true,
metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.FirstName',
metadata: [Object],
missingInfo: true,
label: ' First Name',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.MiddleName',
label: 'Middle',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.LastName',
metadata: [Object],
missingInfo: true,
label: ' Last Name',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.Ssn',
label: 'SSN',
type: 'masked',
validFormat: '^\\d{3}-?\\d{2}-?\\d{4}$',
preFormat: 'value.replace(/[^0-9\\.]+/g, \'\')',
mask: '999-99-9999',
metadata: [Object] },
{ type: 'date',
label: 'DOB',
field: 'order.Patient.Dob',
missingInfo: true,
metadata: [Object] },
{ type: 'lookup',
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field: 'order.Patient.Sex',
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values: [Array],
metadata: [Object] },
{ type: 'lookup',
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label: 'Ethnicity',
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key: 'EthnicityId',
value: 'EthnicityName',
metadata: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.Patient.Address',
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label: ' Address',
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{ field: 'order.Patient.Address2',
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{ field: 'order.Patient.City',
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label: ' City',
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{ field: 'order.Patient.State',
metadata: [Object],
missingInfo: true,
label: ' State',
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{ field: 'order.Patient',
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set: 'order.Patient' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.Country',
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label: ' Country',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.Phone1',
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preFormat: 'value.replace(/[^0-9\\.]+/g, \'\')',
mask: '(999) 999-9999',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Phone 1' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.Phone2',
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validFormat: '^\\(?\\d{3}\\)?\\s?\\d{3}-?\\d{4}$',
preFormat: 'value.replace(/[^0-9\\.]+/g, \'\')',
mask: '(999) 999-9999',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Phone 2' },
{ field: 'order.Patient.EmailAddress',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Email Address',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.OrderId',
readonly: true,
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Order ID',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.ConcatenatedSamples',
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label: 'Accession Number / Specimen ID',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Location',
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metadata: [Object],
label: ' Location' },
{ field: 'order.Location.Phone',
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validFormat: '^\\(?\\d{3}\\)?\\s?\\d{3}-?\\d{4}$',
preFormat: 'value.replace(/[^0-9\\.]+/g, \'\')',
mask: '(999) 999-9999',
metadata: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.Location.LocationFax',
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preFormat: 'value.replace(/[^0-9\\.]+/g, \'\')',
mask: '(999) 999-9999',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Location Fax' },
{ field: 'order.Provider',
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source: 'api-providers',
params: [Object],
key: 'ProviderKey',
value: 'Name',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Provider' },
{ field: 'salesRep.SalesRepFirstName',
readonly: true,
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Sales Rep First Name',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'salesRep.SalesRepLastName',
readonly: true,
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Sales Rep Last Name',
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{ field: 'salesRep.SalesRepPhone',
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metadata: [Object],
validFormat: '^\\(?\\d{3}\\)?\\s?\\d{3}-?\\d{4}$',
preFormat: 'value.replace(/[^0-9\\.]+/g, \'\')',
mask: '(999) 999-9999',
label: ' Sales Rep Phone',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'salesRep.SalesRepEmail',
readonly: true,
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Sales Rep Email',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'locationAlert.CommentText',
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source: false,
label: 'Alerts',
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headerStyle: [Object],
style: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.OrderDate',
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readonly: true,
metadata: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.CollectionDateTime',
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readonly: true,
metadata: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.ReceivedDateTime',
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readonly: true,
metadata: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.ReceivedDateTimeFormatted',
label: 'Received Date',
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type: 'date',
readonly: true,
expr: 'data.order.ReceivedDateTime' },
{ field: 'order.OrderDateFormatted',
label: 'Order Date',
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type: 'date',
readonly: true,
expr: 'data.order.OrderDate' },
{ field: 'order.CollectionDateTimeFormatted',
label: 'Collection Date',
transient: true,
type: 'date',
readonly: true,
expr: 'data.order.CollectionDateTime' },
{ field: 'order.NextFollowUp',
type: 'date',
readonly: true,
expr: '_.get(_.sortBy(, (c) => new Date(c.FollowUp)), \'0.FollowUp\')',
label: ' Next Follow Up' },
{ field: 'order.AssessionerFirstName',
label: 'Accessioner First Name',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.AssessionerLastName',
label: 'Accessioner Last Name',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.FormattedSample.SampleId',
label: 'Specimen ID',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
source: false },
{ field: 'order.FormattedSample.TestName',
label: 'Order Choice',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
source: false },
{ field: 'order.FormattedSample.StatusName',
label: 'Test Status',
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readonly: true,
source: false },
{ field: 'order.FormattedSample.CancelledReason',
label: 'Reason',
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readonly: true,
source: false },
{ field: 'order.FormattedAOE.TestName',
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style: [Object],
readonly: true },
{ field: 'order.FormattedAOE.AOE.AskOnEnterQuestionText',
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style: [Object],
readonly: true },
{ field: 'order.FormattedAOE.AOE.AskOnEnterQuestionAnswer',
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value: 'AskOnEnterQuestionAnswer',
mapTypes: [Array] },
{ field: 'order.ICDCode.IcdDef',
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display: 'IcdDesc',
set: 'order.ICDCodes.${row}.IcdDef' },
{ field: 'order.ICDCode.IcdDef.IcdDesc',
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source: false },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.FirstName',
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{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.MiddleName',
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metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.LastName',
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metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.Dob',
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type: 'date',
metadata: [Object] },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.Phone',
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mask: '(999) 999-9999',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Phone' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.EmailAddress',
metadata: [Object],
label: ' Email Address',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.EffectiveDate',
label: 'Effective From',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'date' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.ExpirationDate',
label: 'Effective To',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'date' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.InsurancePlan.PlanId',
label: 'Insurance Code',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PayerAddress.PayerAddress1',
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metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PayerAddress.PayerAddress2',
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metadata: [Object],
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{ field: 'order.Insurances.PayerAddress.PayerAddressState',
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metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PayerAddress.PayerAddressZip',
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set: '${fieldPrefix}PayerAddress' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PayerAddress.PayerAddressCountry',
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metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.GroupId',
label: 'Group Number',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.PolicyId',
label: 'Policy Number',
metadata: [Object],
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.Picker',
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fullWidth: true,
set: [Object] },
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metadata: [Object],
resetValue: '${fieldPrefix}PayerAddress' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.InsurancePlan.PlanId',
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value: 'PlanId',
set: '${fieldPrefix}PatientInsurance.InsurancePlan',
resetValue: '${fieldPrefix}PayerAddress' },
{ field: 'order.Insurances.PatientInsurance.PlanNameOverride',
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source: 'api-payer-addresses',
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{ field: 'order.Insurances.PayerAddress',
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resetValue: '${fieldPrefix}PayerAddress' },
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key: 'sAMAccountName',
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label: ' Assigned To' },
{ field: 'case.Children.FollowUp',
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label: ' Resolution',
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{ field: 'case.Children.MetaInfo.MissingFields',
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label: ' Created By',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'case.Children.Notes.CreatedAt',
readonly: true,
type: 'date',
label: ' Created At' },
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readonly: true,
label: ' Modified By',
type: 'string' },
{ field: 'case.Children.Notes.ModifiedAt',
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type: 'date',
label: ' Modified At' },
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label: ' Text',
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set: '${fieldPrefix}MetaInfo.MissingFields.${row}',
label: ' Field' },
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set: '${fieldPrefix}MetaInfo.SMIRFs.${row}' },
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label: ' Description' },
{ field: 'case.Children.MetaInfo.SMIRF.Urgent',
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label: ' Urgent' },
{ field: 'faxHistory.faxNumber',
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source: false,
label: 'Fax Number' },
{ field: 'faxHistory.status',
type: 'text',
source: false,
label: 'Status' },
{ field: 'faxHistory.username',
type: 'text',
source: false,
label: 'Username' },
{ field: 'faxHistory.createdAt',
type: 'datetime',
readonly: true,
title: 'Created At',
label: false,
source: false } ],
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