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Last active June 12, 2018 12:53
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Karger's MinCut Algo in java.Input : Adjacency list. delimiter used in the program : "\t" . Hard coded input : 200 rows ( 200 vertices).you can change it if you want. In main and construct method. The algorithm repeats 199 times. You can change that also if you want.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
* Karger's algorithm to compute the minimum cut of a connected graph.
* Takes as input an undirected connected graph and computes a cut
* with the fewest number of crossing edges. We need to repeat the
* algorithm n(n-1)*(ln n) / 2 times to guarantee success.
* The probability of not finding the minimum cut is 1/n.
public class MinCuts {
* Method that calculates the minimum cut by randomly choosing an edge,
* contracting the vertices making that edge, removing all the self loops
* until there are two vertices left in the graph.
* This is an efficient approach invented by MIT professor David Karger in 1993.
static String str[] = new String[200];
public static int minCut(HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjList,
ArrayList<Integer> vertices)
// Initialize the new label that would be applied to contracted edges to begin
// with n+1 (just make sure that labels don't repeat and so they conflict)
int label = adjList.size() + 1;
// Need to loop over the graph until there are only 2 vertices remained.
while (vertices.size() > 2)
// Build an edge matrix (m x 2) corresponding to the edge graph
// This is updated at each iteration in order to synchronize it with the new graph changes.
int noOfEdges = getNoOfEdges(adjList, vertices);
int[][] edges = buildEdges(noOfEdges, adjList, vertices);
//Randomly choose an edge
Random rand = new Random();
// Randomly choose an edge numbered from 0 to no of edges - 1.
int no = rand.nextInt(edges.length);
// Let vertex1 be the first end of the randomly chosen edge
int vertex1 = edges[no][0];
// Let vertex2 be the second end of the randomly chosen edge
int vertex2 = edges[no][1];
// Let valuesV1 be the array of values corresponding to vertex1
ArrayList<Integer> valuesV1 = adjList.get(vertex1);
// Let valuesV2 be the array of values corresponding to vertex2
ArrayList<Integer> valuesV2 = adjList.get(vertex2);
// Add all values from vertex2 to vertex1
for(int i = 0; i < valuesV2.size(); i++)
// Remove vertex2 from the array of vertices
// Remove vertex2 from the adjacency list
// Give a new label to vertex1 and change all the labels of
// of vertex1 or vertex2 to the new label
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
ArrayList<Integer> values = adjList.get(vertices.get(i));
for(int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++)
if(values.get(j) == vertex1)
values.set(j, label);
if(values.get(j) == vertex2)
values.set(j, label);
} // for
} // for
// Change the label of the key node vertex1 in the adjList
ArrayList<Integer> values = adjList.get(vertex1);
adjList.put(label, values);
// Change the label of vertex1 in the vertices ArrayList
int index = vertices.indexOf(vertex1);
vertices.set(index, label);
// Remove self loops by looping over the element of the new label
// and by deleting all edges outgoing to its own label.
int position = 0;
int length = adjList.get(label).size();
while (position < length)
if(adjList.get(label).get(position) == label)
// Need to decrease length, since we removed an edge
} // if
} // while
// Increase the label by 1 so its uniqueness is preserved
} // while
// The minimum cut no is the number of edges between the two vertices left.
return adjList.get(vertices.get(0)).size();
} //minCut
// Method to read the data necessary to construct a graph (more precisely, its adj list.
public static void construct(HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjList,
ArrayList<Integer> vertices) throws IOException
// Read a line of text from the file
int l = 0;
while (++l <= 200)
// Split the line of text into a vector of Strings
// The regex is the tab between ints
String[] vector = str[l-1].split("\t");
// Keep track of the key values
int key = Integer.parseInt(vector[0]);
// Convert the vector of values for the edges to integers
ArrayList<Integer> edges = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i < vector.length - 1; i++)
if(Integer.parseInt(vector[i+1]) != key)
// map he key to its edges
adjList.put(key, edges);
// Read a new line of text
} // while
} // try
} // finally
// Main method that constructs n - 1 graphs and performs the min cut algorithm
public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOException
for(int k=0;k<200;k++)
str[k]=new String();
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
// Read a line of text from the file
int l=0;
while (++l <= 200)
// Split the line of text into a vector of Strings
// The regex is the tab between ints
// Keep track of the key values
// Convert the vector of values for the edges to integers
} // while
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjList = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>();
ArrayList<Integer> vertices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Construct the initial graph
construct(adjList, vertices);
// Initialize the absolute minimum to be n*n, where n = no of nodes in the graph.
int absoluteMinimum = adjList.size() * adjList.size();
// Loop over the graph (n*(n-1)/2) times in order to find the absolute minimum cuts.
// I will actually call it n - 1 times, still works.
for(int i = 0; i <= adjList.size() - 1; i++)
int minFound = minCut(adjList, vertices);
// Print the minFound at each call - totally optional, just for fun
System.out.println("Min found on call " + i + " is: " + minFound);
// Compare the minimum cuts number found on the current call
// with the overall minimum cuts number in order to find an absolute
if(minFound < absoluteMinimum)
absoluteMinimum = minFound;
// Clear the current values held in adjacency list and vertices array
// Construct a new identical graph to perform the minCut algo again
construct(adjList, vertices);
} // for
// Print the absolute minimum found
System.out.println("\n MINIMAL CUT FOUND IS \n" + absoluteMinimum);
} // main
// Used for debugging - prints a string representation if an ArrayList of Integers
public static String print(ArrayList<Integer> vector)
String toPrint = "";
for(int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++)
toPrint += vector.get(i) + " ";
toPrint += "\n";
return toPrint;
} // print
// This method takes the number of edges of a graph, its adjacency list
// and its vertices and returns a mx2 matrix representing the edges of a graph
public static int[][] buildEdges(int noOfEdges, HashMap<Integer,
ArrayList<Integer>> adjList, ArrayList<Integer> vertices)
int k = 0;
int[][] edges = new int[noOfEdges][2];
for(int i= 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
ArrayList<Integer> vector = adjList.get(vertices.get(i));
for(int j= 0; j< vector.size(); j++)
edges[k][0] = vertices.get(i);
edges[k][1] = vector.get(j);
} // for
} // for
return edges;
} // buildEdges
// Given the adjList and the vertices of a graph, this method returns the number of edges
public static int getNoOfEdges(HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjList, ArrayList<Integer> vertices)
int noOfEdges = 0;
for(int i= 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
ArrayList<Integer> vector = adjList.get(vertices.get(i));
noOfEdges += vector.size();
} // for
return noOfEdges;
} // buildEdges
} // MinCuts
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