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Forked from ocornut/imgui_node_graph_test.cpp
Created May 29, 2017 03:24
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Node graph editor basic demo for ImGui
// Creating a node graph editor for ImGui
// Quick demo, not production code! This is more of a demo of how to use ImGui to create custom stuff.
// Better version by @daniel_collin here
// See
// v0.02
// Animated gif:
// NB: You can use math functions/operators on ImVec2 if you #define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS and #include "imgui_internal.h"
// Here we only declare simple +/- operators so others don't leak into the demo code.
static inline ImVec2 operator+(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x+rhs.x, lhs.y+rhs.y); }
static inline ImVec2 operator-(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x-rhs.x, lhs.y-rhs.y); }
// Really dumb data structure provided for the example.
// Note that we storing links are INDICES (not ID) to make example code shorter, obviously a bad idea for any general purpose code.
static void ShowExampleAppCustomNodeGraph(bool* opened)
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(700,600), ImGuiSetCond_FirstUseEver);
if (!ImGui::Begin("Example: Custom Node Graph", opened))
// Dummy
struct Node
int ID;
char Name[32];
ImVec2 Pos, Size;
float Value;
ImVec4 Color;
int InputsCount, OutputsCount;
Node(int id, const char* name, const ImVec2& pos, float value, const ImVec4& color, int inputs_count, int outputs_count) { ID = id; strncpy(Name, name, 31); Name[31] = 0; Pos = pos; Value = value; Color = color; InputsCount = inputs_count; OutputsCount = outputs_count; }
ImVec2 GetInputSlotPos(int slot_no) const { return ImVec2(Pos.x, Pos.y + Size.y * ((float)slot_no+1) / ((float)InputsCount+1)); }
ImVec2 GetOutputSlotPos(int slot_no) const { return ImVec2(Pos.x + Size.x, Pos.y + Size.y * ((float)slot_no+1) / ((float)OutputsCount+1)); }
struct NodeLink
int InputIdx, InputSlot, OutputIdx, OutputSlot;
NodeLink(int input_idx, int input_slot, int output_idx, int output_slot) { InputIdx = input_idx; InputSlot = input_slot; OutputIdx = output_idx; OutputSlot = output_slot; }
static ImVector<Node> nodes;
static ImVector<NodeLink> links;
static bool inited = false;
static ImVec2 scrolling = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
static bool show_grid = true;
static int node_selected = -1;
if (!inited)
nodes.push_back(Node(0, "MainTex", ImVec2(40,50), 0.5f, ImColor(255,100,100), 1, 1));
nodes.push_back(Node(1, "BumpMap", ImVec2(40,150), 0.42f, ImColor(200,100,200), 1, 1));
nodes.push_back(Node(2, "Combine", ImVec2(270,80), 1.0f, ImColor(0,200,100), 2, 2));
links.push_back(NodeLink(0, 0, 2, 0));
links.push_back(NodeLink(1, 0, 2, 1));
inited = true;
// Draw a list of nodes on the left side
bool open_context_menu = false;
int node_hovered_in_list = -1;
int node_hovered_in_scene = -1;
ImGui::BeginChild("node_list", ImVec2(100,0));
for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < nodes.Size; node_idx++)
Node* node = &nodes[node_idx];
if (ImGui::Selectable(node->Name, node->ID == node_selected))
node_selected = node->ID;
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
node_hovered_in_list = node->ID;
open_context_menu |= ImGui::IsMouseClicked(1);
const float NODE_SLOT_RADIUS = 4.0f;
const ImVec2 NODE_WINDOW_PADDING(8.0f, 8.0f);
// Create our child canvas
ImGui::Text("Hold middle mouse button to scroll (%.2f,%.2f)", scrolling.x, scrolling.y);
ImGui::Checkbox("Show grid", &show_grid);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2(1,1));
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, ImVec2(0,0));
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg, ImColor(60,60,70,200));
ImGui::BeginChild("scrolling_region", ImVec2(0,0), true, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove);
ImVec2 offset = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos() - scrolling;
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
// Display grid
if (show_grid)
ImU32 GRID_COLOR = ImColor(200,200,200,40);
float GRID_SZ = 64.0f;
ImVec2 win_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
ImVec2 canvas_sz = ImGui::GetWindowSize();
for (float x = fmodf(offset.x,GRID_SZ); x < canvas_sz.x; x += GRID_SZ)
draw_list->AddLine(ImVec2(x,0.0f)+win_pos, ImVec2(x,canvas_sz.y)+win_pos, GRID_COLOR);
for (float y = fmodf(offset.y,GRID_SZ); y < canvas_sz.y; y += GRID_SZ)
draw_list->AddLine(ImVec2(0.0f,y)+win_pos, ImVec2(canvas_sz.x,y)+win_pos, GRID_COLOR);
// Display links
draw_list->ChannelsSetCurrent(0); // Background
for (int link_idx = 0; link_idx < links.Size; link_idx++)
NodeLink* link = &links[link_idx];
Node* node_inp = &nodes[link->InputIdx];
Node* node_out = &nodes[link->OutputIdx];
ImVec2 p1 = offset + node_inp->GetOutputSlotPos(link->InputSlot);
ImVec2 p2 = offset + node_out->GetInputSlotPos(link->OutputSlot);
draw_list->AddBezierCurve(p1, p1+ImVec2(+50,0), p2+ImVec2(-50,0), p2, ImColor(200,200,100), 3.0f);
// Display nodes
for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < nodes.Size; node_idx++)
Node* node = &nodes[node_idx];
ImVec2 node_rect_min = offset + node->Pos;
// Display node contents first
draw_list->ChannelsSetCurrent(1); // Foreground
bool old_any_active = ImGui::IsAnyItemActive();
ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos(node_rect_min + NODE_WINDOW_PADDING);
ImGui::BeginGroup(); // Lock horizontal position
ImGui::Text("%s", node->Name);
ImGui::SliderFloat("##value", &node->Value, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Alpha %.2f");
ImGui::ColorEdit3("##color", &node->Color.x);
// Save the size of what we have emitted and whether any of the widgets are being used
bool node_widgets_active = (!old_any_active && ImGui::IsAnyItemActive());
node->Size = ImGui::GetItemRectSize() + NODE_WINDOW_PADDING + NODE_WINDOW_PADDING;
ImVec2 node_rect_max = node_rect_min + node->Size;
// Display node box
draw_list->ChannelsSetCurrent(0); // Background
ImGui::InvisibleButton("node", node->Size);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
node_hovered_in_scene = node->ID;
open_context_menu |= ImGui::IsMouseClicked(1);
bool node_moving_active = ImGui::IsItemActive();
if (node_widgets_active || node_moving_active)
node_selected = node->ID;
if (node_moving_active && ImGui::IsMouseDragging(0))
node->Pos = node->Pos + ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta;
ImU32 node_bg_color = (node_hovered_in_list == node->ID || node_hovered_in_scene == node->ID || (node_hovered_in_list == -1 && node_selected == node->ID)) ? ImColor(75,75,75) : ImColor(60,60,60);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(node_rect_min, node_rect_max, node_bg_color, 4.0f);
draw_list->AddRect(node_rect_min, node_rect_max, ImColor(100,100,100), 4.0f);
for (int slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < node->InputsCount; slot_idx++)
draw_list->AddCircleFilled(offset + node->GetInputSlotPos(slot_idx), NODE_SLOT_RADIUS, ImColor(150,150,150,150));
for (int slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < node->OutputsCount; slot_idx++)
draw_list->AddCircleFilled(offset + node->GetOutputSlotPos(slot_idx), NODE_SLOT_RADIUS, ImColor(150,150,150,150));
// Open context menu
if (!ImGui::IsAnyItemHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringWindow() && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(1))
node_selected = node_hovered_in_list = node_hovered_in_scene = -1;
open_context_menu = true;
if (open_context_menu)
if (node_hovered_in_list != -1)
node_selected = node_hovered_in_list;
if (node_hovered_in_scene != -1)
node_selected = node_hovered_in_scene;
// Draw context menu
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, ImVec2(8,8));
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("context_menu"))
Node* node = node_selected != -1 ? &nodes[node_selected] : NULL;
ImVec2 scene_pos = ImGui::GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() - offset;
if (node)
ImGui::Text("Node '%s'", node->Name);
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Rename..", NULL, false, false)) {}
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Delete", NULL, false, false)) {}
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Copy", NULL, false, false)) {}
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Add")) { nodes.push_back(Node(nodes.Size, "New node", scene_pos, 0.5f, ImColor(100,100,200), 2, 2)); }
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Paste", NULL, false, false)) {}
// Scrolling
if (ImGui::IsWindowHovered() && !ImGui::IsAnyItemActive() && ImGui::IsMouseDragging(2, 0.0f))
scrolling = scrolling - ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta;
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