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Last active June 17, 2019 03:32
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class TabLink {
// assign this.tabElement to the tabElement DOM reference
this.tabElement = tabElement;
// Get the `data-tab` value from this.tabElement and store it here
this.tabData =;
// We need to find out if a user clicked 'all' cards or a specific category. Follow the instructions below to accomplish this task:
// <- Delete this comment block when you work on the if statement
// Check to see if this.tabData is equal to 'all'
if(this.tabData === 'all'){
// If `all` is true, select all cards regardless of their data attribute values = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
} else {
// else if `all` is false, only select the cards with matching this.tabData values = document.querySelectorAll(`div.card[data-tab="${this.tabData}"]`);
// <- Delete this comment block when you work on the if statement
// Map over the newly converted NodeList we just created in our if statement above. Convert each element into a new instance of the TabCard class. Pass in a card object to the TabCard class. = Array.from( => new TabCard(card));
// Add a click event that invokes this.selectTab
this.tabElement.addEventListener('click', this.selectTab);
selectTab = () =>{
// Select all elements with the .tab class on them
const tabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab");
console.log("Select Tab is working");
// Iterate through the NodeList removing the .active-tab class from each element
// tabs.forEach()
for(let tab of tabs){
// Select all of the elements with the .card class on them
const cards = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
// Iterate through the NodeList setting the display style each one to 'none'
// cards.forEach()
for(let card of cards){
card.setAttribute("display", "none");
// Add a class of ".active-tab" to this.tabElement
// Notice we are looping through the array and invoking selectCard() from the TabCard class. Just un-comment the code and study what is happening here. => card.selectCard());
class TabCard {
// Assign this.cardElement to the cardElement DOM reference
this.cardElement = cardElement;
// Update the style of this.cardElement to display = "flex"
this.cardElement.setAttribute("display", "flex");
console.log("Select Card method is working");
- Select all classes named ".tab" and assign that value to the tabs variable
- With your selection in place, now chain a .forEach() method onto the tabs variable to iterate over the DOM NodeList
- In your .forEach() method's callback function, return a new instance of TabLink and pass in each tab as a parameter
let tabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab");
tabs.forEach(tab => new TabLink(tab));
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